Rosey Reporting🚨
Study: Metal bowls have MORE dangerous bacteria⚠️ than plastic! 🤯
Pet food and water bowls can transmit bacteria, according research, and while 67% of owners use metal bowls, only about 1/3 of people wash the bowl after a meal, and some only dry wipe, which is how the bacteria party gets started 🤢. And that slippery film in the water bowl after 24 hours? That’s a brew of bacteria🦠 that can be transferred from your dog to you and your family.
The amount of moisture in the food also matters. Wet food (compared to dry) was associated with higher bacteria - and higher humidity levels are likely to create perfect conditions for bacterial growth, especially after coming in contact with dog saliva left in the bowl.
In our new book, The Forever Dog LIFE, we lay out the pro’s and con’s of different types of bowls. Here’s a glimpse of what you need to know:
Plastic🥣: Chemicals in plastic absorb through the skin and inhibit the synthesis of melanin, which can cause Plastic Dish Nasal Dermatitis that leaves your pet’s nose & lips, pink and irritated.
Ceramic:🫖 Hartpury scientists found the most harmful bacterial species (salmonella, E.coli and MRSA) were most frequently found in ceramic bowls because of people continuing to use them after fine cracks in the glaze become visible.
Stainless steel🥄: cheaper quality bowls have been involved in recalls due to heavy metal contamination. Be sure to buy high-quality bowls (18-gauge or 304 steel) from a trusted source.
Glass🥛: Durable, kitchen-friendly glass bowls made from 100% borosilicate glass (Pyrex) make great food and water bowls on the floor.
🧼No matter which type of bowl you use, the best thing you can do to protect you and your dog’s health is to wash your bowl after every meal with hot water and soap. In addition, at least once a week, run your bowls through the hot cycle in your dishwasher. You can also coat the bowl with hydrogen peroxide, wait five minutes, then wipe with a clean sponge and rinse.
For more info on bowls, checkout The Forever Dog LIFE book where in part one titled The Forever Kitchen and the section labelled “Food & Water Bowls", we cover how to choose the best chemical-free bowls🌱 that won’t leach contaminants⚠️ over time. - ForeverDogLife.com