About designer victims created by intensive human interference
So what’s the reason for intensive selective breeding/ genetic tampering with farmed animals? It’s about breeding defects into their genes so their exploiters can make MORE PROFIT. Did you REALLY imagine that hyper-production of breastmilk, eggs, wool, flesh, etc is ‘just coincidental’? Did you think ‘nature’ was responsible?
And then to add insult to injury, humans use the deliberate defects bred into the bodies of their victims as excuses to keep using and slaughtering them while trying to make out they're doing them a kindness!
'Cows produce too much milk', 'Sheep produce too much wool;
'Hens produce a vast numbers of eggs even if they’re not fertilised;
'Chickens and turkeys grow to be so massive so quickly that their bones can’t support their weight and so on.
Many suggest that the use of their victims has to continue simply because they already exist. There are collective shrugs and apathy. ‘We may as well carry on’, goes the popular myth, ‘What else can we do?’
Consider for example, cats and dogs with flat (brachycephalic) faces and the hundreds of inherited life-threatening genetic disorders that are common in ‘pedigree’ breeds. What happens to the victims? Do we just shrug and say, ‘We may as well carry on’, ‘What else can we do?’
We do not.
We have no doubt whatsoever that to deliberately allow genetic disorders to blight the lives of more innocents is deeply immoral. Those who think of themselves as 'animal lovers' work to stop allowing affected breeds to reproduce, to stop perpetuating defects down further generations.
There’s a striking contrast between this viewpoint and the reality of animal agriculture, where ongoing efforts to further exaggerate profitable defects are part and parcel of the industry. Isn’t that blatant speciesism?
So, like a cracked record, I'll repeat that the world won’t go vegan overnight. As consumer demand for death and misery declines, fewer individuals will be bred for human use and consumption - that's supply and demand 101. Many breeds will become extinct in a vegan world and this is often mocked as if that were a bad thing.
However, when we talk of extinction for the grotesque ‘designer victims’ of our species; of the hyper-laying hens whose bodies are broken after a year, the milk producing cows whose udders drag along the ground, the chickens whose legs break under their weight at six weeks of age, and so on, how can that possibly be bad? Such extinction, allowing these defenceless innocents to escape the obscene torment of bodies we have designed and created to serve our interests at the catastrophic expense of their own, would be the only really decent thing we have ever done for them.
Be decent. Stop refusing to be vegan.
About the image by Human Cruelties - this is an infant chicken who can barely stand due to the grotesquely swollen body of the designer victim that our species created. They are close to slaughter age at 6 weeks old. Look at the hopeless and bewildered eyes of this infant whose entire existence has been a misery.