Libby didn’t like that I had moved the camera (a mere 6” from it previous location, so I had a better view) and decided it was a problem she needed to rectify. 😂
What’s that doing there?? 👀
We use cameras in and around the barn to monitor the animals when cannot be with them in person. Sometimes we move them around to get better views of different areas, depending on the situation. We also use Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) to protect our residents in a predator-friendly manner. LGDs have a track record of being “order nerds” which means that they like things the way they like them, and don’t always adapt to changes very easily or without protest. I’m a little slow sometimes, I’ll admit, and don’t always read the nonverbal signs accurately the first (our second, or third…) time, but 4(!) different cameras and several years later, I think I finally figured out what Liberty (aka Libby) has been trying to tell me: she doesn’t like it when I move the cameras around on her side of the barn/paddock! Since I cannot add a video and a photo at the same time to a post, I’ll add a picture in the comments of this camera and how I finally kept her from carting it off and destroying it—all in an attempt to do her job and protect her precious charges here at The Refuge at Lyric Farm. Mind you, this attempt at removal came after I moved the camera a mere 6 inches from its previous location. Nothing gets past Libby! 🧐😂#DetailsMatter #LGD #ordernerd #onthejob #livestockguardiandog #whosagooddog
Llama Stuart enjoys one of the fresh wreaths that was donated to our residents. 🌲
We’re so appreciative of the donation!
Llama Stuart enjoys one of the fresh wreaths that were donated to our residents. We’re so appreciative of the donations we receive!
Night sky over the farm last night. Can you spot the constellation Orion? He’s in both photos.
Thanks for the Christmas tree donation! It made a great snack!
Yummy treat!
We received a donation of a Christmas tree and some wreaths last week. The animals LOVE them! Thank you so much!!
Had a great time at the We Are Uniquely Uxbridge Day on the town common today! Thanks to everyone who came by!