Western Michigan Brittany Specialties
And Supported Entries at the Kalamazoo Fairgrounds
May 26 – May 30, 2022
We have changed our date and location for our specialty shows this year. I’m sorry to post this so late, but due to health issues I’m running behind. Our 1st specialty will be held on Thursday, May 26th in conjunction with Battle Creek Kennel Club. Ron Auten will be judging Sweeps and Cindy C. Lane will be judging the regular classes. On Sunday, May 29th we will be holding our 2nd specialty in conjunction with the Grand Rapid Kennel Club. Sandra Schmidt will be judging sweeps and Fred Hyer will be judging he regular classes. We have beautiful trophies donated by Wayne and Joan Warners and Renegade Kennels. The remaining shows will be supported entries with BOB, BOW & BOS donated by Renegade Kennels. Entry Fees EACH EVENT: SEE PAGE 72. Entries Close at Superintendent's Office at 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Mail Entries with Fees To: MB-F, Inc., Superintendent, P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420. Make Checks or Money Orders Payable To: MB-F, Inc. Canadian/Foreign Exhibitors must make fees payable in U.S. Funds. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check. The premium list for each event can be found @ infodog.com.
We will have a hospitality area set up and plans are underway for a couple of dinners after our shows. (Details to follow.) If you have questions, you can contact me on Facebook. I’m hoping to see lots of old friends as I was on the original cluster committee many years ago and this venue was where WMBC had its first specialty shows!