TRiN's Tropical Fish

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TRiN's Tropical Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish

New live animals that just came off of their 2 week quarantine June week 4! Top Quality Male...

New live animals that just came off of their 2 week quarantine June week 4!

Random Top Quality Male Guppy
Dwarf Teacup Red Platy
Synodontis Eupterus
Kuhli Loach
Amano Shrimp
Black Belt Cichlid
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Peacock Gudgeon Gob
King Dojo Loach
Kribensis Cichlid FRY - We also have ADULT PAIRS
Leopard Sailfin Pleco
Albino Bushynose/Bristlenose Pleco
Albino Chocolate Pleco
Rainbow dShark
American Flagfish Killifish
Bumble Bee Platy
Riot Platy
Silver Tip Tetra
Assorted Color Dwarf Shrimp

Current Top Sellers: Emerald Eye Rasbora, Opaline Gourami, Red Teacup Platy, Blue Iron Topaz JUVE Pair.

Presidents Day SALE! 15% off all orders. Promo Code: PRES15 Sale ends 2/

Presidents Day SALE! 15% off all orders. Promo Code: PRES15

Sale ends 2/19

Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts AuctionSunday,  September 22 , 2019Auction Starts At 11:00am withregistration starting at...

Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts Auction

Sunday, September 22 , 2019
Auction Starts At 11:00am with
registration starting at 10:00am
Ends when all bags sold, which in the past has been between 3-5 pm, hard to predict end.

Courtyard Columbus West
2350 Westbelt Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43228

Rules and more info:

Some of the fish that will be available

Black ruby barb

Rosy Loach ( Petruichthys sp. "Rosy”)
Clown loach
Yoyo Loach
SEWELLIA LINEOLATA (reticulated hillstream loach)
SEWELLIA SEW01 (spotted hillstream loach)
Dwarf Zebra Hovering Loach (Micronemacheilus cruciatus).
Dwarf Chain Loach / Sidthimunki Botia.
Vietnamese Red Tail Banded Loach (Schistura carbonaria)

Corydoras CW49
Corydoras nattereri
Corydoiras sterbi
Corydoras Elisae
Corydoras elegans (Elegant Cory)
longfin panda Cories
black cories (Corydoras schultzei)
Orange Laser Cories (CW010)
Pygmy cories (Great for nano tanks)
Corydoras duplicareus.
Hyapncistrus L-401 aka “ ROYAL KING ALENQUER PLECO”.

CATFISH, OTHER (Groups unless stated otherwise)
Centromochlus reticulatus ( Reticuilated Driftwood Catfish )
Centromochlus perugiae
Tatia gyrina
3x Synodontis lucipinnis, unsexed 3"
Synodontis Nigrita Gold Catfish (Upside down catfish)
Albino Marbled Hoplo Catfish

Pearl Danio (Brachydanio albolineatus)
“Black Tiger Dario”. Dario sp. Myanmar
Japaneese Ricefish (Pearl Medaka Ricefish) Oryzias latipes
Daisy's Rice Fish..
Tinwini Gold Ring Danio. Brachydanio tinwini
Celestial Pearl Danios (Danio margaritatus or Celestichthys margaritatus)
exclamation point rasboaras (Boraras urophthalmoides)
Glowlight Rasbora aka Lambchop Rasbora (TRIGONOSTIGMA HENGELI)

blue dream shrimp
shrimp likely but not confirmed: cherries, black rose/black, and yellow fires , bloody mary, orange sakura

Aphyosemion australe "orange"
Aphyosemion australe “Chocolate”
Groups of Norman’s Lampeye Killi (Aplocheilichthys normani)
Aphyosemion Australe Lyretail Killifish

Betta rubra
wild caught Fire & Ice Licorice Gourami (Parosphromenus sp. 'Batu Pahat') (small group)

Xiphophorus. montezumae "Capuchin". (montezuma swordtail)
pair of Lima sp Tiger.
fancy guppies
Xiphophorus. variatus (pair)
"Nezy swords" Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl
silver mollies
Lima sp "Tiger" -- 1 pair
Girardinichthys multiradiatus "San Miguel Spring" Maravatio, Mexico, Kees de Jong (2002) ESU Girm2
Skiffia francesae.
Skiffia multipunctata "Lago De Camecuaro Michoacan"
Xiphophorus alvarezi

Apistogramma pandro (group)
Nannacara anomala (2 groups)
Apistogramma Sp. Alto Tapiche ,, (2 lots: (1) A bag of six unsexed juvenilles F1 (2) A young pair WILD )
group of 6 wild caught Apistogramma regani
Bolivian Rams juveniles (3 bags)
Apistogramma Norberti Juveniles (2 Bags)
Apistogramma Panduro adults(1 or 2 Bags)
Apistogramma Cacatuoides orange flash adults (1 bag)
Apistogramma Rositae adults(1 pair)
Black Panoy Angels, breeding size
Ghost angels , breeding size
hobbyist bred angels, quarter size (some smaller)
Checkerboard cichilds (Dicrossus filamentosus)
Apistogramma personata f1
Pair Apistogramma Macmasteri Red Shoulder
Pair Apistogramma Hongsloi I
Apistogramma Agassizii Double Red Pair
groups of triple red Apistogramma Cacatuoides.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red Dwarf Cichlid Pair

Neolamprologus multifasciatus (shell dweller)
Neolamprologus brevis "sunspot" + some shells
Lamprologus occelatus "Gold" + shells
Neolamprologus similis + shells
Someone mentioned they are bringing Malawi cichilds, don't have list yet.

Elassoma Evergladei Adults (1 bag)
Peacock Gudgeons juveniles (3 bags)
platinum halfbeak. Dermogenys pusilla
Many bags of pleco caves.

About 40 assorted potted plants, mostly anubias and crypts.
Other members will be bringing plants too.. we have a large variety of aquarium plants at the auction.

PLECOS -- groups unless otherwise noted, see post for details
2 Groups of L397 plecos (5-6 per group)_ . one or two L397 pleco, single specimens
Group Hypancistrus sp L345
Young pair, Ancistrus L393 "Cheese Creek"
Group of 6 Hypancistrus L201
Ancistrus sp L181 (group and at least one pair)
Ancistrus spL032 (one lot: 2 pairs . another lot: 1 pair)
Pekoltia L377 (one lot: 2 pairs)
group Ancistrus sp "RIO PARAGUAY"
Hypancistrus L411
Hypancistrus L260 "Queen Arabesque Pleco"
Ancistrus sp "midnight"
There will be Hemiancistrus subviridis , L200, the Green Phantom pleco ( a group and a couple of individuals..)
Hypancistrus zebra (L046) -- lot 1: group of 4 ; lot 2: single individual.
Hypancistrus L411 "Monte Dourado Plecos"
Peckoltia compta (L134, Leopard Frog Pleco)
pair of Peckoltia Zwerg.
Anicstrus L032 plecos (2 lots: 2 pair and 1 pair)
Hypancistrus vandragti (L280) aka Micracanthicus vandragti
Ancistrus "Rio Tocantins"
6 juvenille Ancistrus L180
1 pair Ancistrus L180
7 juvenille Hypancistrus L270
2 pair Hypancistrus L270

Melanotaenia "Running River"
Melanotaenia trifasciata - Goyder River. Should be two groups at the auction.
Melanotaenia praecox "Pagai"
Melanotaenia sp “Kali Semen”
Millenium Red rainbows (Glosolepis pseduoincisus) -- should be two groups
Melanotaenia spec. “Miskin Creek”
Pseudomugil gertrudae "Burster Creek"
Parkinson's Rainbowfish ( Melanotaenia parkinsoni )
Chilatherina alleni "Wapoga", at least one bag of 6
Melanotaenia picta 2 bags of 6-8 fish
Melanotaenia maccullochi "Skull Creek"
Group of Pseudomugil luminatus
group of Melanotaenia sp "Wallace Road" .
Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru II

Copella eigenmanni
black skirt tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
Nannostomus mortenthaleri - red arc pencilfish
group of Ulrey's Broken Line Tetra (Hemigrammus ulreyi)
diamond tetras
Panda Tetra (Aphyocharax paraguayensis) .
Green Fire Tetra (Aphyocharax rathbuni)
Super Blue Emperor Kerri Tetras

LABOR DAY SALE20% Off your entire orderPromo code:

20% Off your entire order
Promo code: 20off

Assassin snails at work in their new home!

Assassin snails at work in their new home!

Happy 4th of July! Get 15% off your entire order plus all orders over $100 get a $15 store credit, use promo code - 15of...

Happy 4th of July!

Get 15% off your entire order plus all orders over $100 get a $15 store credit, use promo code - 15off

Lots of new fish in stock here are a few available

Anostomus Cigar Fish
Rainbow Wolf Fish
African Knife Fish
Rainbow Goby
True Alligator Gar
German Gold Ram
Banjo Catfish
Bandit Chiclid
Blonde African Dwarf Frog
Dwarf Zebra Hovering Loach
Sterbai Corydoras
Pea Puffer
Bolivian Ram Cichlid
Panda Loach
Clown Pleco
Panda Cory
Blue Nebula Burst Guppy Pair
Blue Eye Bristlenose Pleco
Purple Kerri Emperor Tetra
Jardini Arowana

New Bichir making friends with his new tankmates!

New Bichir making friends with his new tankmates!

His name is now Shredder.

His name is now Shredder.

The tanks are full get 15% off your order plus free shipping on orders over $120 THIS WEEKEND ONLY!Promo code: 15offwww....

The tanks are full get 15% off your order plus free shipping on orders over $120 THIS WEEKEND ONLY!
Promo code: 15off

Lots of favorites back in stock

Kuhli Loaches - finally back large size!
Piranha - small fry
Cherry Red Shrimp - deep red very nice
Blue Shrimp - deep blue color
Amano Shrimp - nice size
Ember Tetra
Wild Red Terrors - incredible color for the size
Peacock Gudgeon Goby
Orange Laser Cory Catfish
Bumblebee Goby
Clown Loach
Panda Loach
Freshwater Flounder
Dwarf Red-tailed Redeye Puffer
Endlicheri Bichir
Electric Catfish
Blue Dolphin Catfish
Jardini Arowana

Happy Easter!We have some cool fish in stock right now, free shipping on orders over $100 promo code FREE100www.trinsfis...

Happy Easter!

We have some cool fish in stock right now, free shipping on orders over $100 promo code FREE100

Celestial Pearl Danios
Longfin Panda Cory Cats
Dwarf Emerald Rasbora
Peacock Gudgeons
Sajica Cichlid
Pea Puffers
Orange Laser Cory Cats
Clown Loaches
Danio Kyathit
Fundulopanchax gardneri "Gold" Killifish
Lancer Catfish
Aphyosemion pyrophore 'Komono RPC 82' Killifish
Nannostomus Eques Pencilfsh
L240 Galaxy Vampire Pleco
Male/Female Motoro Stingray Pups
Blue Banded Bushfish
Zebra Acara (Ivanacara adoketa)
Sumo Loach
Grade A Imported Thai Red Dragon Flowerhorn
Blonde African Dwarf Frog
Chili Rasboras
Ember Tetras
Marbled Hoplo Catfish

Bigger fish available for pick up
12" Vulture Catfish
12" Brycon

Lots of big easy to keep plants in stock as well

New stuff added to the website www.trinsfish.comMantilla x Black Diamond Stingray PupsGolden Dwarf Barb8" Jardini Arowan...

New stuff added to the website

Mantilla x Black Diamond Stingray Pups
Golden Dwarf Barb
8" Jardini Arowana
Synodontis Pardalis
Synodontis Orientalis
Vampire Shrimp
12" Polypterus Endlicheri Endlicheri
8" Polypterus Retropinnis
8" Polypterus Ornatipinnis Bichir
8" Polypterus Palmas Polli Bichir
9" Polypterus Delhezi Bichir
8" Polypterus Weeksii Bichir
5" Synodontis Ornatipinnis
Black Kuhli Loach
Bullseye Gulf Puffer
5" Polypterus Mokelembembe
African Tiger S**t
Striped Kuhli
Exodon Paradoxus Bucktooth Piranha Tetra
Tetraodon Mbu Puffer
Banjo Catfish
Rummynose Tetra
Oryzias Woworae Daisy's Ricefish
Hastatus Dwarf Corydoras
Male Neon Blue Stiphodon Goby
4" Albino Bichir Polypterus Senegalus
Dwarf Red-tailed Redeye Puffer
Blue Banded Bushfish
Blue Nebula Burst Guppy
Horseface Loach
Synodontis Schoutedeni Catfish
True Siamese Algae Eater
Royal Pleco
Synodontis Brichardi
5" Rainbow Wolf Fish
Synodontis Granulosus
6" Tigrinus Catfish
Schoutedeni Puffer
Blue Dolphin Catfish
Rosey Loaches

Plants have been restocked on the website www.trinsfish.comMost of the swords are oversized, red vals are huge, giant ha...

Plants have been restocked on the website
Most of the swords are oversized, red vals are huge, giant hair grass clumps are over 20" tall, crypts look good.

We also have added some
Albino Dwarf Frogs
Pseudomugil Paskai Red Neon Rainbow
Rainbow Dace
Dwarf Zebra Hovering Loach
Striped Kuhli Loach
Panda Loach
Dwarf Gourami
Large Pearl Gourami
Tiger Barbs
ZigZag Eels
Celestial Pearl Danio – These are Huge
Oryzias Woworae Daisy's Ricefish
Pair Platinum Mosaic Dumbo Ear Guppy
Sajica Cichlid



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