Mom asked me to post this in hopes all your prayers will work. My auntie April has not been well and it is breaking moms heart. I really love April, and do what I can to get a rise out of her, but the last week or so, no matter what I do, it isn’t working, so I just lay next to her and lick her face. Mom says she needs meds to help her get better, and I know she is doing all she can for her. She feeds her with a syringe right now until she feels good enough to eat on her own. I did see her eat some bread today and drink, so that is good. Please pray for her to get better. Mom knows that at her age and with declining health, it is a bit tougher to fight this. Please say an extra prayer for her and hug ALL your fur kids tonight.
Thanks for listening,
Connal. (Casey’s son).