We received the cutest video from the clinic today with two of our sweet girls.
Both girls were rescued out of shelters where their time had run out and both needed medical intervention.
Madeline is doing very well since her surgery to remove her eye. She has a little buddy now who we named CiCi.
CiCi is one of our more difficult cases as she was born with a severe deformity. Her knee caps are completely turned inward which causes her legs to cross over. She also has a collapsed vertebrae due to trauma. We had a specialist appointment at MOVEH where she was thoroughly examined and new x-rays were taken. There isn’t anything we can do about her back legs. Surgery was not an option as it would not be successful. With the collapse vertebrae it could be OK or later down the road it might cause neurological problems. She is in good spirits and is not suffering. She’s quite a sweet and happy little kitten. The doctor said to give her the best time of her life for however long it might be.
We will be looking into getting her a wheelchair.
She is loved by so many people and we will do whatever is in the best interest of CiCi’s well-being.
We are so grateful to the staff at East Mountain Animal Hospital for taking such good care of the girls.
We received the cutest video from our wonderful foster parents Cat and Dylan. Since being in their care Bug has blossomed so much. She’s a very sweet girl who is starting to realize she doesn’t have to be afraid anymore.
We now call her Love Bug 🥰❤️
Making a difference one step at a time ❤️
We are excited to share the fantastic news that Daisy and Aurora, a.k.a. Daphne have officially been adopted!
Daisy and Aurora had some health issues with a severe case of coccidia. We are so thankful to Jackie and Justin for their excellent care and devotion to the girls.
The girls are so loved and cherished, and are living their best lives ❤️❤️
Little Stevie is doing great! He had a thorough vet examination, his ears were scoped and everything looks good.
We are going to bring him to the Chiropractor to see if anything’s out of alignment in regard to his head tilt.
Stevie is such a loving, playful, and very sweet kitten.
He loves playing with his crinkle ball and rolling in the catnip ❤️
If you’re interested in fostering Stevie, please send us an email at
[email protected]
Barney l
We have a newcomer to welcome into the AARF family!
Meet Barney, who is approximately 8 years old and an easy 14 pounds. He could lose a little bit of weight, but who’s counting when you’re house hunting! He may have a mix of something else, but we’re not quite sure. In any case, his chocolate brown colouring is just gorgeous.
Sadly, Barney came to us from an owner abandonment situation. He’s a really sweet, resilient boy who lived with cats and a large female dog. Barney needs a new happy family!
Let’s give Barney his best life!! He’s looking for a foster home or a foster-to-adopt home; a place where someone is home more often than not (work from home or retirees?!)
Apartment living would not be ideal as Barney wants to be around his hoomans; he has barked when left alone in the past. Some patient exposure training may overcome that. He is energetic and he loves to go on walks. As you would expect from a dog named Barney, he is affectionate and loves to cuddle! Won’t you say you love him too?!!
Bonus, Barney is crate trained, he actually loves his crate! A fully fenced-in yard is also a requirement as Barney would really enjoy a backyard to roll in the grass and romp around in. He’s still got lots of life and love left!
We are still getting to know Barney and would love to get him settled into a Barney-loving home situation. We offer our guidance along the way to make this happen and all expenses are paid during the foster period.
If you are interested in making a difference in Barney’s life, please send us an email at
[email protected]
Please feel free to share this post on your personal page or with anyone you think might be perfect to foster Barney!
More fun with balls at K9 Fun Zone!!
Leash free fun at K9 Fun Zone!!
Ball pit fun at K9 Fun Zone!!
Remember that big ball Nascar won at the Dog Days of Summer we thought you would enjoy this video of who’s really having a ball 😊🐈❤️