Looking for a safe, healthy chew treat for your pet? We have a variety of safe, healthy chew treats . Cow Ears, Bully Sticks, Beef Jerky, and pork puffs. Do not give Rawhide! Just PM me for more information !
The American Kennel Club says: "Rawhide chews are made from the leather industry’s leftovers. Most hides are taken directly from the kill floors at slaughterhouses and placed into high-salt brines, which helps slow their decay. Most rawhide chews are manufactured in China, and it can take weeks to months before these brined hides actually make it to the tanneries for their final manufacture. Once the hide arrives at a tannery, it is soaked and treated with lime to help separate the fat from the skin, the hair is removed by chemical and physical efforts, and the hide is rinsed again. Unfortunately, the salt brines cannot prevent decay, no matter how long they delay it. It is best to fully rinse a rawhide in water prior to giving it to your dog."
Another reminder as we get closer to the holidays. Do NOT feed dogs rawhide