Let’s talk ear standing. Breeds who naturally have standing ears come up between the ages of 12weeks and 6mos.
After majority of teething, and cartilage development have occurred.
Some working dog breeders, with the intention of breeding functional working dogs will opt to crop and or dock in order to avoid hematomas, infections and or other possible injuries while in the field.
I do not believe in cropping or docking for show purposes.
As an example, I would like to showcase my imported male English Bull Terrier.
At 8 weeks, 12 weeks and now at 15weeks.
Taping can be a tool, however it can hinder the growth process of the cartilage and prove even more issues.
If they flop, let them.
You can not scream breed standards when the animal is physically unable to alter these things with growth.
Bad and Boujie Bulldogs.