' Bobi ' Tantava Pet Sanctuary

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  • ' Bobi ' Tantava Pet Sanctuary

' Bobi ' Tantava Pet Sanctuary Please if you wish to help me to take care of the animals my PayPal is : [email protected]

Omleta chilling out !

Omleta chilling out !

Dulcie taking a break ! Long enough to take a photo !

Dulcie taking a break ! Long enough to take a photo !

Levente is in love ! Again ! Ala is forgotten, Flicka is Levente's soul mate !

Levente is in love ! Again ! Ala is forgotten, Flicka is Levente's soul mate !

Lira taking a break !

Lira taking a break !

"You talkin' to me ?"Luke doing his De Niro act !

"You talkin' to me ?"
Luke doing his De Niro act !

Another hot day ! Even if the lime tree provides lots of shade some extra cooling devices must be added ! two tubs fille...

Another hot day ! Even if the lime tree provides lots of shade some extra cooling devices must be added ! two tubs filled with water and plenty of bowls also filled with nice, cool water from the well !

PS The water bowls were ignored, the water from the tubs was a huge success !😆

Bosco feeling happy with the renovated paddock ! PS It also helped a good meal to make his day !

Bosco feeling happy with the renovated paddock !
PS It also helped a good meal to make his day !

Levente is in love with Ala! Looks like the feeling is not mutual !And there is also strong competition !

Levente is in love with Ala!
Looks like the feeling is not mutual !
And there is also strong competition !

Albush and Omleta sharing a joke !

Albush and Omleta sharing a joke !

Practice makes perfect ! Lavender with friend Miaunel going for a walk ! 😁

Practice makes perfect ! Lavender with friend Miaunel going for a walk ! 😁

Ala, taking five after digging the hole ! It ain't easy to dig in such hot weather ! She thinks that a treat might be in...

Ala, taking five after digging the hole ! It ain't easy to dig in such hot weather ! She thinks that a treat might be in order !😉

What ever it may be, the cat did it !

What ever it may be, the cat did it !

I don't know if Mr. Big is amused, annoyed or going to throw a temper tantrum !PS Did not find out, he got distracted an...

I don't know if Mr. Big is amused, annoyed or going to throw a temper tantrum !

PS Did not find out, he got distracted and ran away !😁

All governments, including Romania, must now ensure that children are protected from witnessing any violence inflicted o...

All governments, including Romania, must now ensure that children are protected from witnessing any violence inflicted on an animal.

United Nations yesterday published a new Human Rights document which gives authoritative guidance about how governments must act to be in compliance with the legally binding' UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

All governments are now under a 'strict obligation' to ensure that homeless animal populations are protected from any societal violence.

The Committee on the Rights of the Child of the UN stated children have the right to be free from violence, including exposure to violence against animals.


Something very special is happening this week !
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has recognised how children can be 'harmfully affected' by seeing violence inflicted on homeless animals.
This will now be included in the 'legally binding ' UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, making a 'strict obligation' on all countries to prevent societal violence againast animals.
Laws must be changed..Authorities must comply !



Inga and Molly : ''Paws off, he's mine'' !!!Both have left for Germany for a better life in their own families.

Inga and Molly : ''Paws off, he's mine'' !!!
Both have left for Germany for a better life in their own families.

Molly, feeling too pooped to pop !Molly has been adopted.

Molly, feeling too pooped to pop !
Molly has been adopted.


Best workout !

In loving memory of Pia !

In loving memory of Pia !

Free sterilizations!!!

Free sterilizations!!!

Free sterilisations!!!

Free sterilisations!!!

Free sterilizations!!!!

Free sterilizations!!!!


ASOCIATII si P.F. CARE AJUTA ANIMALELE STRAZII (accidentate, bolnave, abandonate, otravite, schingiuite)
Update 13 din 10 febr 2022

La sfarsitul acestei liste, ai si lista cu campaniile gratuite de sterilizare.

Daca gasesti un animal ranit (caine, pisica, bivol, cal, magar..etc) ajuta.l! Nu intoarce capul. Cum poti ajuta:
1. Il poti duce tu la veterinar si apoi strangi bani pe facebook, pt ca tu esti atunci acolo.
2. Apeleaza la asociatiile de mai jos
3. Suna la 112 daca asisti la accident, maltratare, violenta.
4. Posteaza pe facebook pt ajutor.
5. Preia animale in foster (provizoriu) sau adopta

Deasemenea, te incurajez sa donezi spre aceste asociatii care salveaza animale.

Din cauza ca sunt infinit de multe animale in nevoie si prea putine asociatii, fiecare asociatie poate ajuta in limita posibilitatilor din momentul respectiv.


Si daca mai stii alte asociatii, te rog spune.mi sa le contactez si sa le trec in lista.
Multumesc pentru implicarea ta, impreuna reusim!

♦️PRIETENII LUI AZUR, Alba Iulia, 0725935090, https://www.facebook.com/prieteniiluiAzor/

♦️DOGS & CATS Abrud si imprejurimi, 0742671702, https://www.facebook.com/Asocia%C8%9Bia-DogsCats-Abrud-1065561423555411/

♦️ALBA'S HAVEN MARIJKE KLEINVDSTAAY, 0031620398116, https://www.facebook.com/marijke.kleinvdstaay

♦️ANIMED Arad +40 766 581 545, https://www.facebook.com/animedarad/

♦️FIRST HOPE ANIMAL RESCUE, Arad si restul tarii, https://www.facebook.com/First-Hope-Animal-Rescue-931729586991141/

♦️ASOCIATIA 4PEZI, Arad, https://www.facebook.com/adoptiide4pezi.arad/

♦️APAM ANIMALS SANCTUARY, Arad, 0746878505, https://www.facebook.com/APAMSanctuary/

♦️EVER MORE DOGS RESCUE, Arad, Turda, Brasov https://www.facebook.com/evermoredogrescue/

♦️APAI Ineu, Arad, caini si pisici +40 742 786 093, https://www.facebook.com/asociatiapentruprotectiaanimalelorineu/

♦️Asociatia Eduxanima, Pitesti si judetul AG, https://www.facebook.com/Eduxanima/
Tel 0756309390

♦️AULIM SMEURA, Jud Arges si judete invecinate, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ad%C4%83postul-De-C%C3%A2ini-Smeura-Aulimro/203711706462682

♦️ANIMA, Campulung Muscel, +40 749 832 310, https://www.facebook.com/asociatia.anima/

♦️LABUTE CU NOROC Mioveni ,+40 747 072 672, https://www.facebook.com/labutenoroc/

♦️PAW PRINTS 2 FREEDOM, Curtea Arges, https://www.facebook.com/pawprints2freedom/

♦️LIVE4PETS, Bucuresti, Clinceni, Onesti, Tg Ocna, Giurgiu tel 0745653385, https://www.facebook.com/Life4Pets-Onesti-102307571511643/, tel 0745653385

♦️SADIES STRAY DOG RESCUE Bacau, https://www.facebook.com/sadiesstraydogrescue/

♦️ANIMAL SHIELD, Asociatie Oradea, +40 752 299 491, https://www.facebook.com/Animal-Shields-Oradea-1600055140279244/

♦️HAPPY DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS Oradea, 0771110730, https://www.facebook.com/Asociatia-Happy-Dogs-And-Other-Animals-Oradea-831429000237421/

♦️INNOCENTE, Bihor judet, +40 757 659 348, https://www.facebook.com/Asociatia-Innocente-464981794059093/

♦️PIPO ANIMALS, tot judetul BN si din alte judete daca se asigura transportul 0263236776, https://www.facebook.com/pipoanimals/

♦️1 DOG AT A TIME RESCUE UK, Bistrita si imprejurimi, 0741290005, https://www.facebook.com/1DogAtATimeRescueUK/

♦️TRIO VET, Botosani, +40 755 596 845, https://www.facebook.com/triovetbt

♦️WE CARE ABOUT STRAY CATS Botosani, Dorohoi https://www.facebook.com/WCASBT/

♦️PHOENIX DOGS, Braila, +40 741 130 332, https://www.facebook.com/StelutaPhoenix/

♦️HOMELESS ANIMAL LOVER, Bucuresti, https://www.facebook.com/myendlessloveforpaws/, 0786898896

♦️A DOUA SANSA, Bucuresti si Ilfov, 0769681129, https://www.facebook.com/adouasansa/

♦️LIVE4PETS, Bucuresti, Clinceni, Onesti, Tg Ocna, Giurgiu tel 0745653385, https://www.facebook.com/Life4Pets-Onesti-102307571511643/, tel 0745653385

♦️PHROSA'S SANCTUARY, Bucuresti, Ilfov, Buzau, Dambovita, Prahova, +40 724 512 367, https://www.facebook.com/PHROSA.SSANCTUARY/

♦️CENTER OF HOPE, 0749236837, Bucuresti, Ilfov, https://www.facebook.com/doctoridenasucurireci/

♦️ARI PAWS, Giurgiu, Bucuresti, toata tara, 0761662735, https://www.facebook.com/AriPawsAnimalRescue/

♦️HOPE, Bucuresti, https://www.facebook.com/Hope.Animal.Protection.Organization/

♦️BABYCAT CARE, Bucuresti preia doar pui pisica, si din tara daca se plateste benzina, https://www.facebook.com/babycatcare/

♦️PISICI SALVATE PENTRU ADOPTIE, Bucuresti, +40 721 699 702 https://www.facebook.com/CiuciuleacElena5/

♦️CENTRUL DE REABILITARE, (VISUL LUANEI), Animale salbatice, Bucuresti, Centrul de Reabilitare: 0748 395 859 (L-D 10:00 – 18:00), http://visulluanei.org/ sau https://www.facebook.com/allforLuana/

♦️CLINICA GREEN VETCARE (Visul Luanei), Bucuresti: 031 426 3411 / 0752 876 893 (L-D 11:00 – 18:00), http://visulluanei.org/ sau https://www.facebook.com/allforLuana/

♦️ADANIMAL RESCUE, Bucuresti caini, pisici, pasari, rozatoare, pui raniti, mame cu pui, https://www.facebook.com/Adaanimalrescue/

♦️SACHE FOUNDATION,iIlfov si Dambovita, +40 742 929 006, https://www.facebook.com/SacheFoundation/

♦️PICKYS ARK prindere si transport, Bucuresti si 150 km imprejur, 0742204402 https://www.facebook.com/Pickys-Ark-101162105149046/

♦️RED PANDA, Bucuresti si imprejurimi, https://www.facebook.com/RedPanda.Romania/

♦️SAVE CAT BUCHAREST, pisici 0734363426 Bucuresti si Ilfov https://www.facebook.com/Save-Cat-Bucharest-101563198752602/

♦️NOMAD VET ASSOCIATION, Bucuresti, Ilfov, pot ajuta medical, nu pot prelua https://www.facebook.com/nomadvetassociation/

♦️ANIMAL RESORT DOMNESTI Bucuresti-Ilfov 0763215215, https://www.facebook.com/animalresortdomnesti/

♦️VOLUNTEER HEARTS & HOMES ADOPTION BOOKS Bucuresti, Ilfov, Cornetu, https://www.facebook.com/VHHadopt/

♦️O ALTA VIATA Otopeni, Ilfov, https://www.facebook.com/Asociatia-de-protectie-a-animalelor-O-ALT%C4%82-VIA%C8%9A%C4%82-966016013494077/

♦️PISICI PENTRU ADOPTIE, Bucuresti, poate ajuta la prindere, are cusca capcana https://www.facebook.com/Pisiciptadoptie/

♦️PROTECTIA ANIMALELOR CORBEANCA PET, Corbeanca si imprejurimi, Ilfov, https://www.facebook.com/corbeancapet/

♦️RIGA SI BERLIN, Bucuresti, Ilfov, doar pisici, inclusiv cazuri de epilepsie, 0722588032, https://www.facebook.com/rigasiberlin/

♦️CARE FOR DOGS, Jud Brasov, https://www.facebook.com/carefordogsro/, tel +40 743 077 303

♦️CATKEEN, doar pisici, jud. Brasov https://www.facebook.com/Catkeen.bv/, 0770188681 (whatsapp)

♦️ANIMAL NEED US, Brasov, https://www.facebook.com/animalsneedus/

♦️MILIOANE DE PRIETENI, Jud Brasov, +4 0731 334 782, +4 0731 334 795, https://www.facebook.com/asociatia.milioanedeprieteni/

♦️SOS ARMS ANIMAL RESCUE MISSION SHEILA, Jud Brasov, https://www.facebook.com/SOS.AnimalRescueMissionSheila/

♦️HAPPY TAILS, Jud Brasov, https://www.facebook.com/happytails.brasov/

♦️EVER MORE DOGS RESCUE, Arad, Turda, Brasov https://www.facebook.com/evermoredogrescue/

♦️PHROSA'S SANCTUARY, Bucuresti, Ilfov, Buzau, Dambovita, Prahova, +40 724 512 367, https://www.facebook.com/PHROSA.SSANCTUARY/

♦️SASHA VET, Ramnicu Sarat, +40 764 742 913, https://www.facebook.com/sashavetcare/

♦️UN SUFLET, O SANSA, judet Buzau +40 751 207 089, https://www.facebook.com/Asociatia-Un-Suflet-O-Sansa-1561814507376721/

♦️ADOPTII CATEI BUZAU, Buzau, https://www.facebook.com/Adoptii-catei-Buzau-1039290762767774/

♦️PAW PRINTS 2 FREEDOM, Calarasi, https://www.facebook.com/pawprints2freedom/

♦️ALATURI DE TINE, Calarasi 0761693693

♦️PROPET, Caras severin, Mehedinti, Timis, +40 764 188 188, https://www.facebook.com/asociatia.propet/

♦️MISHU STOIK, Caras Severin, Baile Herculane/Mehadia, 0764188188, https://www.facebook.com/mishu.stoik

♦️OZY HOUSE Consranta judet https://www.facebook.com/OzyHouseAssociation/

♦️NEGRI'S PLACE Jud. Constanta caini si pisici, +40 773 306 475, https://www.facebook.com/NegrisPlace/

♦️ARCA LUI NOE, Asociatie, Cluj si imprejurimi, caini si pisici, https://www.facebook.com/arcaluinoecluj/, +40 746 021 044

♦️RAY ANIMAL Rescue, Asociatie, Cluj si imprejurimi, caini si pisici, https://www.facebook.com/AsociatiaRAY/

♦️TAC MEDICINA VETERINARA SOCIALA, Cluj Napoca, 0733 06 31 06, https://www.facebook.com/socialTAC/

♦️ASIPA PROTECTIA ANIMALELOR, Cluj Napoca, https://www.facebook.com/asipa.cluj/

♦️NUCA Cluj, https://www.facebook.com/asociatianuca/

♦️EVER MORE DOGS RESCUE, Arad, Turda, Brasov https://www.facebook.com/evermoredogrescue/

♦️GAGA CAT RESCUE Cluj +40 743 672 310, https://www.facebook.com/GaGacatrescue/

♦️CASUTA HAM HAM, Floresti jud Cluj, preia sugari si pui pisica si caine, 0732701087, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070473937126

♦️MARIUȚA, Asociatie, Dolj, +40 732 358 406, https://www.facebook.com/asociatia.mariuta/

♦️PHROSA'S SANCTUARY, Bucuresti, Ilfov, Buzau, Dambovita, Prahova, +40 724 512 367, https://www.facebook.com/PHROSA.SSANCTUARY/

♦️DADA, Dambovita, 0724.869.859, https://www.facebook.com/dadaanimals/

♦️SACHE FOUNDATION, Dambovita si Ilfov, +40 742 929 006, https://www.facebook.com/SacheFoundation/

♦️IMPREUNA SUNTEM MULTI, Dambovita, +40 764 570 590, https://www.facebook.com/Asociatia-Impreuna-Suntem-Multi-113578526966443/

♦️HELP LABUS, Asociatie, Galati, caini si pisici, au si spital, 0374054349, 0751024562, 0724.305.053 sau 0753.990.345 https://www.facebook.com/HelpLabus/, 0751024562

♦️ROLDA, Galati 0236/328340, 0748 903612 , https://www.facebook.com/roldaromania/

♦️SALVATI ANIMALELE GALATI, Jud Galati https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063468544026

♦️SALVATI UN SUFLET DE CATEL Tecuci, Focsani, +40 787 664 554, https://www.facebook.com/salvatiunsufletdecatel/

♦️K9 FRIENDS, Tg. Jiu si jud Gorj, 0727672650, https://www.facebook.com/K9FriendsRomania/

♦️TOGETHER FOR STRAY ANIMALS PROTECTION, Tg Jiu, 0720416254, https://www.facebook.com/luiza.nastase.37

♦️LOVE & PASSION FOR LIFE, Gourgiu, https://www.facebook.com/LoveandPassionforLife/, tel 0765233395

♦️LIVE4PETS, Bucuresti, Clinceni, Onesti, Tg Ocna, Giurgiu tel 0745653385, https://www.facebook.com/Life4Pets-Onesti-102307571511643/, tel 0745653385

♦️ARI PAWS, Giurgiu, Bucuresti.toata tara, 0761662735, https://www.facebook.com/AriPawsAnimalRescue/

♦️ASOCIATIA PATRU LABUTE SOLACE FOR STRAYS, Petrosani, caini, https://www.facebook.com/solaceforstrays/

♦️ASOCIATA BOBITZA'S ARK, Jud. HD, 0724379377, https://m.facebook.com/bobitzasark/

♦️VOCEA NECUVANTATOARELOR, Ialomita, 0753784000 https://www.facebook.com/voceaanimalelorialomita/

♦️ASOCIATIA COEUR D'ASHA, Pascani, https://www.facebook.com/sauverunchien/

♦️SAVE OUR PAWS, Iasi, https://www.facebook.com/asociatiasaveourpaws/

♦️CASA PISICEASCA, foster doar, https://www.facebook.com/casutapisiceasca/

♦️CAI, CALUTI, MAGARUSI SI 300 CATEI, Iasi https://www.facebook.com/CaiCaluti-si-Magarusi-si-300-catelusi-106001137927069/

♦️SUNTEM VOCEA LOR Sighetul Marmatiei 0747706673, https://www.facebook.com/suntemvocealor/

♦️SALVATI ANIMALELE, Baia Mare, https://www.facebook.com/salvatianimalele/

♦️FIGHT FOR ANIMAL BAIA MARE, in tot judetul, 0749718734, https://www.facebook.com/Fightforanimalsbaiamare/

♦️PROPET, Caras severin, Mehedinti, Timis, +40 764 188 188, https://www.facebook.com/asociatia.propet/

♦️ASOCIATIA DREPTURILE ANIMALELOR GEORGICA Mehedinti judet, +40 729 091 052, https://www.facebook.com/Asocia%C8%9Bia-drepturile-animalelor-georgica-340999613121318/

♦️SAVE&SMILE, Tg. Mures, https://www.facebook.com/AsociatiaSaveSmile/

♦️ADA SIGHISOARA, jud Mures, +40 775 126 643, https://www.facebook.com/ADA.Sighisoara/

♦️LIFE 4 CATS RESCUE, pisici, Targu Mures, https://www.facebook.com/Life4Cats-Rescue-1493521737568624/

♦️ANGEL LAND, Mures, https://m.facebook.com/AsociatiaAngel-Land-113692566739946/

♦️YOUTH Neamt, https://www.facebook.com/YouthForNeamt/

♦️INCA O SANSA, Neamt 0741545622 , https://www.facebook.com/AsociatiaClaudiaIncaoSansa/

♦️DANA GEAUCA, Caracal, 0766265672, pisici in special, https://www.facebook.com/dana.geauca.5

♦️ARCA LUI NOROCEL, Asociatie, Campina, Prahova, https://www.facebook.com/arcaluinorocel/

♦️PHROSA'S SANCTUARY, Bucuresti, Ilfov, Buzau, Dambovita, Prahova, +40 724 512 367, https://www.facebook.com/PHROSA.SSANCTUARY/

♦️PROTECTIA ANIMALELOR PLOIESTI, +40 749 128 877, Campina, https://www.facebook.com/animalele.au.suflet/

♦️ANIDORA, +40 775 603 846, https://www.facebook.com/asociatiaanidora/

♦️LITTLE MARY, doar pisici, Zalau, 0744272382, https://www.facebook.com/cristina.monica.5

♦️RESCUE CAT SOCIETY, Pisici, Satu Mare judet, +40 757 887 122, https://www.facebook.com/rescuedcatsociety/

♦️FREE LIFE, Satu Mare Judet, +40 724 003 443, https://www.facebook.com/asociatia.freelifesm/

♦️FOREVER HOME CAT RESCUE, Carei si Satu Mare oras, pisici, 0721448830, https://www.facebook.com/fureverhome.romania/

♦️ANIMAL LIFE Asociatie, Sibiu, caini si pisici, https://www.facebook.com/AnimalLifeSibiu/

♦️PRIETENII BERZELOR Asociatie, animale salbatice (pasari, caprioare) si animale domestice mari 0723327931, https://www.facebook.com/prieteniiberzelor/

♦️VALEXIANA- SALVAM CATEI jud Sibiu si in tara daca se plateste transportul, 0723379826, https://www.facebook.com/asociatiavalexiana/

♦️LIFE GOES ON, Sibiu, si animale mari, 0742943020, https://www.facebook.com/Life-goes-on-104536071704892/

♦️PAN SIBIU https://m.facebook.com/PAN.protectie.animale.natura/

♦️CASA LUI PATROCLE, Asociatie, Suceava, https://www.facebook.com/casaluipatrocle/

♦️FIONA SI PRIETENII, Adjud, https://www.facebook.com/Asociatia-Fiona-si-prietenii-723568837809624/, tel 0745149256

♦️MIRELA MIA, Focsani, salveaza pui caine (sugari), 0772219916, https://www.facebook.com/mirela.mia.545

♦️Nicoleta Ilie, focsani, vn 0744518269, https://www.facebook.com/nicoleta.ilie.376695

♦️PATROCLE Dragasani, caini si pisici, +40 762 278 814, https://www.facebook.com/Asocia%C8%9Bia-Patrocle-Dr%C4%83g%C4%83%C8%99ani-274541823074019/

♦️PROPET, Caras severin, Mehedinti, Timis, +40 764 188 188, https://www.facebook.com/asociatia.propet/

♦️MICAELA Timisoara, cazuri grave, 0727397154, https://www.facebook.com/mmpr.eu/

♦️ FREE AMELY, Lugoj, 0731973866, https://www.facebook.com/Free-Amely-289364121181598/

♦️PROTECTIA SI SALVAREA ANIMALELOR, Lugoj, 0733 891212, https://www.facebook.com/Protec%C8%9Bia-%C8%99i-Salvarea-Animalelor-Lugoj-1604766632883606/

♦️PET HOPE, Timisoara judet, 0723004769, http://pethope.ro/ro/contact.html

♦️SEPALE, Timisoara, pasari porumbei, 0724 898 390, https://www.facebook.com/acesepale/

♦️LUPTAND SALVAM O VIATA, Timis https://www.facebook.com/salvamsufletdecatel/

♦️PISICI CU LIPICI, Timis, 0767607432, https://www.facebook.com/opisicapentrufiecare/

♦️WALK FOR DOGS 2017, Tulcea, https://www.facebook.com/WFDRomania/

♦️ANIM ALL DELTA, Tulcea, 0748906556 se implica si in sterilizari de comunitati mari de animale, https://www.facebook.com/animalldeltatulcea/

♦️MELL ANIMAL RESCUE Husi, Vaslui, imprejurimi 0771354559, https://www.facebook.com/Mell-Animal-Rescue-104786491317127/

♦️PICKYS ARK prindere si transport, Bucuresti si 150 km imprejur, 0742204402 https://www.facebook.com/Pickys-Ark-101162105149046/

♦️FIRST HOPE ANIMAL RESCUE, Arad si restul tarii, https://www.facebook.com/First-Hope-Animal-Rescue-931729586991141/

♦️ARI PAWS, Giurgiu, Bucuresti, toata tara, 0761662735, https://www.facebook.com/AriPawsAnimalRescue/

♦️ANIMAL SOCIETY, toata tara unde au contacte, +40 374 950 605, https://www.facebook.com/animalsocietydfp/

♦️KOLA KARIOLA, Asociatie, oriunde in tara pt cazuri deosebit de grave catei, https://www.facebook.com/kolakariola/

♦️SAVE THE HORSES, Asociatie, toata tara, in special cai dar si vite, oi, porci, caini, pisici, sediul Prahova, +40 726 830 583, https://www.facebook.com/SavetheHorsesRomania/

♦️RRR ROTTWEILLERI RESCUE, Asociatia, preia doar caini rottweileri de pe strada sau adapost, toata tara, +40 727 906 575, https://www.facebook.com/rottweiler.rescue.team/

♦️REHABILITATION CENTER FOR ORPHAN BEAR, salveaza ursi, +40 743 656 576, https://www.facebook.com/orphanbearcubs/

♦️AMP LEABERTY BEAR SANCTUARY, +40 268 471 202, salveaza ursi https://www.facebook.com/Bear.Sanctuary/

♦️INITIATIVA DREPNEAUA NEAGRA ROMANIA, pasari (drepneaua neagra), +40 730 366 428, https://m.facebook.com/I.D.N.Romania.......

INFORMATII VITALE PT A AJUTA ANIMALELE (sterilizari, asociatii care ajuta, cabinete si farmacii veterinare, denunt politia animalelor, dsv) gasesti aici: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4152816551452605&id=100001729030940

Te rog distribuie aceste informatii ca sa ajunga la cat mai multi oameni!
Impreuna salvam animalele nevinovate!

Asociația ”Prietenii lui Azor” a fost înființată cu scopul de a salva în principal câinii abandonați din Ecarisajul din Alba Iulia, prin îngrijire suplimentară, promovarea adopțiilor și evitarea eutasanierii câinilor sănătoși.

‼️Thank you so much for your quick response and support to help my dogs‼️As many know, my yard is overflowing with the d...

‼️Thank you so much for your quick response and support to help my dogs‼️

As many know, my yard is overflowing with the dogs I have rescued and very few of these with online and up for adoption.
In cooperation with an animal transport company and the SAD association’s veterinarian, 19 dogs will be picked up from the sanctuary next Saturday and presented to the vet.
For the first time these dogs will be 'seen' and have the opportunity to be prepared for adoption and come online in the great hope that one or the other will find a loving family of their own.
All animals will be thoroughly examined and treated for internal and external parasites. A 4DX snap blood test from IDEXX (Mediterranean check) will be made for each dog and where necessary they will be revaccinated and treatment prescribed.
We are asking for financial help for this great enterprise and are looking for sponsors who are willing to pay part of or all of the cost of the examination of one dog.
Any sum, no matter how small, is very much needed and welcome.
We estimate that everything will cost about 665 euros in total (about 35 euros per dog)
Bank account:
Here are pictures of the 19 dogs that have won big and will soon be put up for adoption.
Thank you!




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