Sara's and Mike's and Lilliee's Page

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Sara's and Mike's and Lilliee's Page oh hi dere, we is Sara an Mike an Lilliee, we iz brofur an sissers ob diffwent mothers an dis is owr bwog, we is not runin a bisniss but jus a bwog, BOL!

this is not a business page we sell nothing and run no ads we do not have a whats app number nor do we want one


We hopes u hab a Mery Kwismiss, is bewy sowwy we dinn posty fur Kwismiss an new yeers, , we habbed teh werst kwismiss eber, ebil brofur saw a cuple ob chores wuz not dun an hims ran to Mommys room an wuz powndin on teh door an yellin at Mommy an Mommy did sum powndin too an hurtyd hers paw an den locked teh door so hims no gits in Mommys room an hers yellin dat if he dinnt stop hers wuz goin to calls teh police on hims, den Auntie called hims an warned hims dat hims wuz goin to git a wed fwag cuz Mommy wuz goin to teh police an put a wed fwag on hims. She made hims promis dat hims wuz nefer goin to do dat agin. Dey hab not bin woofin to each oter since Kwismiss an Mommy is on strike sinse Kwismiss. Hers moar depwessed den eber.
Mommy bowt a horsy gwider becawse hers wants to make a moobee bowt pawatwooperz is landin on a bwiege too far awaywif toy sojerz. But hers too depwessed to do anyfin but stay wif us an take naps.
Auntie wants Mommy to cooky din din fur ebil brofur, Mommy too depwessed to be angeryBut hers sez if ebil brofur makes any moar twuble agin hers isnt goin to woof to Auntie, only teh police or like hers woofs, call the Mawines on hims.
Hims habs twuble wif hims hart tho an coffing all the time an Auntie woofs hims habbed a hart atack an dat the dogter woofed so an is on 2 medicashuns to halp hims breef an habs free bwocks arownd hims hart too. Mommy woofs if hims dys she goin to stays home wif us an not goin to any fyoonewals. Hims too meen.
Tomowwow we goin to hab snowy, Mommy goin to go to teh store to git milk an chikin py anyway.
Dats all teh news we hab.
We wishes all ob u a Mewy Kwismiss an a Hapy New Yeer to ebwypawdy essep ebil bwofur, fomerly known as dad.

We sends u lubz! BOL!


I tryd to posty but is takin too long!


Hi dere effrypawdy, is me, MikeMike!

How is u? Is doin ok. Sam is chasin Lily arownd cuz hers is sendin feromones for effrypawdy an Sam got a wiff of dems an cant git Lily owt of hims hed! OMD!

Mom wus stickin all teh dishes in teh dishwasher teh oter day, but it all wen pair shaped. Since hers hart atack she not a weebl any moar, an falled down ofer teh dishwasher, brokeded a plate an cutded hers paw jus under hers pinky, an cutded sum nerfs, wus bleedin all ofer teh place an hers pink is haff numm!
She goin to be ok tho, teh oter uncle gotded sum sticky soochers an medickal sooper gloo an fixded it. But it dinnt halp hers depreshun and anxyity tho!
We gotded teh avenshur camra fur walkys wif me an a spwshul harnis fur it, Mom haf to trys it on me.

Mom got a big zookiny from one of teh unckles, so hers maded zookiny parmagiana an it wuz prety tasty! Mom woofs she no makin egplant parmagana cuzz hers rememmers egplant is like a baff sponge an sucks up all teh oils an anypawdy nommin dat is goin to git teh poopees! So mom sticks a fork in teh egplant an puts it in the make it hot box an cookys it dat way, dats how dey cooky egplant in Turkey an teh India.

Mom is gitin tired an is goin to sleepy now, k? Stay woofy me frends! Liffs long an prospers! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Hi effrypawdy, it's me Mike Mike!

I wants to pologize dat we haff not bin here for ofer a monf! Dat's a fery loooooooooon time! We r fery sory bowt dat.

We is all otay here. Sara tho haf bin soin like Mom an jus starin owt into spase in hers own fowts, tho sumtimes she bees nibblin on Moms tops or hers swet pants, she sleepy moar too cuz hers is fery owd, she goin to be 15 dis monf! OMD! Hers is owder den Mom!

Mom ordered a advenshur camra and a speshul harnis so we can makes videos of me walkys, but is too hot owtside, is goin to be in the nintys all week!

Mom cookyd fresh chimkin brest fur us an we all luffed to nom it so much dere wuz a wiot! A reel wiot! Toto atacked Sara! Violet dot atacked by Wilow! Wilow haffed bite marks on hers neck! Sara fowted off Toto and got no owchys, hers like teh Pai Mei in the moofee an haf marshal arts skils!

Auntie went cwazy oferreackin to wat hapened, but Violet bees ok, Wilow wus fery sory an lickyd all teh bite marks on Violet.

Gracie an Mom tryd to makes a fideo fur you tube but it was too big. So dey haf to make a smol fideo.

On teh anifersery for wen Mom almos wen ofer teh rainbo brisge, hers wus extreemly depresed, Auntie promised bad uncle Mom wus goin to do ALL teh chores in teh howse, an bad uncle is angry Mom not up to it, so dey wuz growlin at each oter an barkin an Mom sez she no woofin to him agin. Bad uncle is used to be called dad.

Mom cookyd chimkin fyz, but efen Gracie dinnt wanna nom, Sara nommed lots of it 3 bowls an took a nap after dat.

Dat bees all the newz, Mom woofs hers needs moar coffee, hers drinky up to 5 times a day!

We luffs u all, stay woofy effrypawdy, liffs long an prospers! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Hi dere effrypawdy! Is MikeMike! Hey!
How is u? Iz doin prety gud.
We is doin ok, essep Mom haff bin haffin episodes were hers bin feelin fery week an wen hers pushis teh shopin cart hers walkin leenin on one side like she bees a ship an water is gitin in an makes hers listy on teh side sumtimes. Uncle woofs hers mite haf to do cownterfloodings! OH NO!
Hers drinkin proteen shakes an nommin hers bee bitymins to get sum strenfs tho.
Mom cookys lunches fur us, but Sara bin nommin dems up an now teh troof hab to be towd!
Sara bees OBEESE! OMD! Cus hers dubble an triple dippin in teh fud! I finks we hab to o to teh planit fitnes!
Mom bowt us 2 radio controles cars hers wants to make a car chase moofee an is going to play Bullitt but we hab no razerback mustangs!
Hers did a lot ob lerns how to makes moofees bowt toy sojer batles an not hab to use hers own voyse, an teh pooter can haf teh soffwear so the Rushins can woof wif each oter in Rushin! Dat cuz Mom red tee Red Storm Rising book an wus reedin it agin in teh hospital wen hers haffed hers hart atack,
We is goin to haff a fideo fur u soon!
We is goin to be back soon wif moar news soon, tomorow Mom haf to by a porky loyn fur Auntie to cooky.
Missy is not doin dat gud but still alife hers not redy to gits hers wings, hers bees sizteen yeers owd!
We haf to go to sleepy now. Stay woofy effrypawdy! We luffs u all! Liffs long an prospers! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Strengfs an Honers!


Hi dere effrypawdy! Is MikeMike! Hey!

Is sory we haff not been on fur a long time. Mom haff bin halpin Dad in teh gartin. Dad ordered sum kits to makes raysed bed boxes an Auntie called Mom askin if hers comfable bildin dem up an so Mom woofed hers can do dat, hers bilded lots of model flyin fings an tanks an spaseships.
So it took Mom all week to bild dem! In teh mornin is sunny, den in teh affernoon, it gotded rainy an hers haffed to stop an go inside til it stoped rainin!
Den teh pikshurs wus confoosin too. Deres sum suports dat haffed to be put on, one pikshur woofed u haff to put dem in teh top hole, anofur woofed u haf to put dem in hole 2 den anofur dat Auntie fownd woofed u haf to put dem in hole 3!
But Mom got dem all put on. But dey bees saggin! Oh no! Dat wus cus dey comes in 2 peeses an det no bees teh sterdy steel ones but fin aloominim ones.
An finaly Dad startid puttin soyl in dem an dey dinnt hold teh soyl! Aunties pardner woofed dat Dad finaly reelises dey bees made of poopy an hims took dem part and froo dem owt. An hims bilded new ones made of fick an sterdy wood an dey is holdin dem up.
Den Aunties pardner wus on bacashun all week an hers likes to do lanskapins, so Mom wus halpin hers in teh yard an dere wus lots of stuffs to frow owt, dem boff wus sprised all of it got tookded away an det teh waist managers dinnt leef a sticky woofin dey wus frowin too much stuffs owt.
Mom maded tasty porky fur us to nom an wus FERY TASTY! We all cleened teh bowls too!
We wen on walky, but Moms legs bees week an hers is stumblin an bumblin like hers bees 80 yeers owd! So hers nommin Bee Bytimins an drinky proteen shakes.
We got 2 radio control cars cus Mom wants to make a fideo were is drifin a fast car like teh Too Fast Too Furyus moovee an makes it look like I bees drifin teh car. Mom is chargin dem up wif a you ess bee plug. An hes wants to make stop moshun animashin moofees. Hers can makes a video dat looky like teh Rushin nooz fideos, wif hers sojers runnin to teh batle wif hers tanks wif Rushin army moosic, but cant do batles yet cuz hes dunnos how to makes teh tanks shooty an essploshuns wen teh tanks blows up.
Den Mom wants yo git a go pro to put on mees harnis so u can see a MikeMike view of walky an use teh smarty fone to makes Moms eye view of me on walky.
But hers brokeded hed is tryin to makes new noms fur lunch cus we is boreded wif goldin rise! We no cleens teh bowls wen hers makes dat. An KatyKaty no likes dose noms any moar! OH NO!
Hers old ferapist wuz anoyd wen hers woofed wat hers makes fur us fur lunch cuz hers woofed dat we gits beter noms den most hoomins nom an giffed Mom stink eye. Mom got sad an angery at hers fur sumfin else too anyway, so is not goin to sees hers any moar an giffed hers a bad rating on teh google an hers manager wanned to woof on teh fone wif hers but Mom nefer called back, an hers not goin anyway cus she qwitted hers job an no haf inshuranse.
Dat is all teh woofs I haf ofer here. Is fery sory we haff bin away a long long time.
We luffs u all! Stay woofy effrypawdy, liffs long an prospers! Strengfs an Honers! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

With Rocket Dog's mischievous world of mayhem – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰

With Rocket Dog's mischievous world of mayhem – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰

With Mama Bear & Baby Bear – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰

With Mama Bear & Baby Bear – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰

With Beagle Freedom Project – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰

With Beagle Freedom Project – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰

With Piglet, the deaf blind pink puppy. – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰

With Piglet, the deaf blind pink puppy. – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! πŸŽ‰


Hi effrypawdy, is me, Mike Mike! How iz u? Iz doin prety gud essep Mom hafint bin takin me fur walkys effry day, an hers bin moar skeerded an depresed an sitin at worky shakin like Sara wen hers in teh midel of funderboomers!
So on Fryday Auntie halped hers woof hers resinnashun leter to worky an Mom emailed it to worky, den drofe to worky an giffed back hers pooter an pooter bsag an speshul chip to stick in it for worky an hers badge. Den hers drofeded home.
Hers stil depresed tho cuz hers bin dere almost 18 yeers an is ofer an hers all messded up! We is giffin hers ferapys an hers is iffin Logan ferapys too.
So Mom haff to find new worky now so hers can haf helf inshuranses.
Mom is not goin to teh ferapist any moar cuz teh ferapist no halpin Mom at all. Jus woofin an we giffs Mom beter ferapys too.
Maybe Moms paws goin to stop shakin an hers not goin to be skeerded any moar.
We sends u all teh luffs! Stay Woofy Effrypawdy! Liffs long an prospers! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Hi effrypawdy, is me, Mike! How is u? Is doin ok, Mom is doin better cus hers nommin a ofer teh cownter suplement wich is halpin beter den teh oter stuffs.
We went fur walkys today, dere bees no icy becawse we gits rainys an no snowys so Mom dinnt fall down. Auntie halped Mom wif teh taxes so dat bees dun.
We gots a notifickashun dat a restrickshun on owr pae got remoofed, but we dunnos wat teh restrickshun was, fasebutt isn't fery frendly at all! Nope, no way no how! Den dey woof owr lass posty wus gittin vyoos but if we giffs den forteen dolers we can gits lots moar! Not hapenin, no way no how!
Mom is lernin to makes fideos starrin us but we is goin to put dems on you tube an share links wif u. She is lernin teh My Talky Pet app.
Mom haffed s tire blowed owt, it dinnt expload on hers but the tire wus shredded! Mom wus woofin hers cud picks up teh peeses sn puts it on dem an calls it Kelogz shredded tire! So Mom an Dad wen to teh tire store an gotded teh speshul tire wif kevlar in it! OMD! Den Dad no woofin wif Mom agin!
Mom bees fery sleepy so is time fur bed. We luffs u all! Stay Woofy Me Frends! Liffs Long An Prospers! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Mom duznt use teh watsapp cuz hers wuz on teh skammer exposin boards dem skammers pretends to be orfopedic serjins an generals an woof dese storys dat dey haf to pays der comandin ofisers lots of moneys to goes on leef an dey try to get dere intendid ficktims to go on watsapp! So we no gos dere, nope, no way no how! Dat is not Teh Way. Dem woofs tall tales an sad storys to gits all ur moneys! Mom sees a lot of hoomins on teh Qwora were Mom argues wif people bowt teh war cuzdere is lots of disinfurmashuns an woofin bowt disinfurmashuns. deres a lot of people woofin bowt skamers dey bees woofin wif on line dat woof det bees surjin dogters an genreals all in teh Yemin. Mom woofs dey haf moar generals den teh Norf Korea haf! An hers trys to warn dem dat dere r no generals der cuz dere r no sojers dere essep Eyeranyan ones an no dogters from teh You Enn.
TEh UN sends no dogters anywear, dey worky wif dogters who bees local an liffs dere an dey no sends dogters dere to Yemin. But dere are hoomins wo mite haf big harts but teeeny bwains. So hers trys to halp.
Mom gotded a email from sumpawdy who woofed hers wants to giff Mom lots of moneys to bild a orfanage. Mom woofed back she bees supportin ofer a fowsand generals, an 345,778,921 orfopedick surjins an dere children goin wifowt food stuffs in posh bordin skools in teh You Kay! An dere governesses too! Mom woofs hers nefer herd of governesses sinse hers watched Teh King An Eye!
Et cetera et cetera et cetera! (woof dat wif teh Yool Briners aksent!)
Hims singin shal we danse, but I bees askin hims fur treets ferst!
Dad skeerded to try an groom me. Effry time him an Mom trys groomin me, I wrassles dem an dey loose, effey single time!
Mom woofed hims shud takes me to teh groomer. ot I is goin to frow paws at dem til dey giffs up, but I lets teh groomer groom me.

Mom gitin drowsy an wants to go a sleep, apfter hers got back from teh hospital hers can sleepy an sleepy an sleepy! I haf to makes hers git up an make an drinky coffey!
Gud nite effrypawdy, we luffs u all, liffs long an prosper! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Hi dere effrypawdy, is Mike! HEY!
How r u? Is doin ok. We is sory dat we wus not on an checkin in, Mom stil haf worky depreshuns an anxyity. Hers wus off today cus todays teh anifersery wen Granmom gotded hers wings. An she haf hers ferapy apointment too. So hers woofed bowt fobias today after woofin bowt hers worky cus hers haffed dis regalashun today. First hers showders wus shakin an hers arms, den it wented away, den a minit later hers paws wus shakin! Den wen it stoped, hers got fery sleepy! OH NO MOM! U HAF TO GO TO FERAPY! So I barky at Mom to make herselfs coffeys an drinky it. So she feelded beter.
Mom haf a bisnis card fur teh noorologist bowt how hers furgits stuffs all teh time.
Momwus woofin bowt fobias cus hers snooperfiser is Jewish an Mom woofed Hapy Hanukah insted of Mery Kwismis an wif teh war an efil fings goin on, is gud to suports Isreal by bein nise an doin frendship fryday speshuly to hers frendly nayberhud Jewish people an lets dem know not effrypawdy hates dem, an at least Mom bees frendly an try spredin teh smiles so dey bees almost frends. Mom losted hers worky from home, not hers snooperfisers doin dat but teh hyer up manger cus she dinnt git enuf worky dun but almost did but almost not gud enuf, so to makes us noms an feeds us wen Dad no home, she bees takin facashun time dose days. So insted of worky at home, she no worky but takin facashun days. Mom woofed dat to hers ferapist an hers ferapist woofs dat Moms worky makes hers depresed too!
Mom haffed a adfenshur a few weeks ago wen dere wuz stil snowy on teh grownd. Mom haffed to git owt of teh drifeway to go to worky but tween teh tire traks teh snowy wus hi an it messed up hers braky line an teh anty lock brakes too, so hers got a ABS lite on, den wen hers gotded to worky, teh red brakes lite went on! OH NO! Mom knows wat dat meens, hers loosin braky floowid, but Auntie fixded teh brakes alredy an wuz not leeky, but wen hers wuz at lunch, hers saw a yelow pudle by teh back weel, it lookyd like sumpawdy maded pe**ee dere! Mom tuched it wif hers paw an sniffy, nope, no smel like pe**ee, wuz braky floowid, So hers texted to Auntie n Dad, Hooston we haf a problem an explaind it to dem, Dad wanned a pikshur of how much is in teh boxle left so Mom sentded a pikshur. but she haf to do teh reentry an git bck home anyway.
Mom no wuz skeerded tho! Auntie woofed Mom wus fery brafe, cus hers wus woofin to Mon not to panick an hers dinnt panick an hers wusnt skeerded at all!
Dat cuz Mom haff soshul anxyitys, hers woofed wen hers inneracks wif furples or mekanikal fings, she knows jus were hers stands, but wif hoomins, hoomins r tricky! Like teh Mister Spock woofed bowt Romulans, Romulans bees krool, trecheruss an only dey knows wat dey finks bowt hoomins. Furples woof wat we meens an meens wat we woofs!
So Mom no skeerded, hers stayd in teh rite lane, wen a lil slower kwp a lot of spase from teh car in front of hers an kep looky fur sumfin safe to crash into if hers haf to crash. Hers no crashed tho, teh brakes workyd all teh way home.
Auntie wanned Mom to drife to hers howse, but teh street lites were not brite enuf, hers eyes not gud like wen hers wus a pupper an hers knows Teh Way an goin home, dis bees Teh Way.
So hers maded a landing ok.
Auntie an Dad fixded teh brakys on teh Badgermobile ay kay ay Apolo Firteen. Dat bees one of hers favorit moofees an Teh Rite Stuffs too. An teh ferapist woofed hers luffs to see teh Ed Haris in teh moofees, Mom woofed hims knows how to play a speshul malwfolent natzy an fery efil but hims knew how to play Jon Glen too. Hims a gud ackter.
So woofin bowt fobias agin, Mom wus leffted alone wif teh teevee waitin fur Granmom to git back from hers worky at 1 in teh mornin an got to watch a lot of stuffs dat hers shud not haf watched on teevee an dat giffed hers anxyity an den Gramom wus skeerin Mom woofin how hers wanned to leet teh famlee an go bees a mishunary an Mom haffed skeert fowts an efil fisshins of canibals tyin Gramom up an stickin hers in a cooky pot an hers not haffin a granade lawncher to blows up teh canibals, so det giffed Mom separashun anxyity like Sara dus. Den Gramom an efil Grandad wus fery late gitin home from Gramoms worky cuz dey wuz byin Krismos presents but Mom dinnt know an hers got a trawma from dat. So hers an Sara boff haff separashun anxyity so wen hers heers bowt terorists kinnapin people, hers gits extremely angery an wants to climb froo teh teevee wif hers trusty hatchit an play Vikings wif teh terorists like hers Ragnar Loffbroks wife! Cuz hers got a taste of hers Mom being missin an not knowin how to do a rescue operashun like teh Israyli comandos in teh nooz.
Mom wuz stil a pupper an I wuznt born yet so I cudnt keep Mom grownded.

OMD I rote a book!
Iz time to go to sleepy now, k? I luffs u all, we luffs u all! Stay Woofy Effrypawdy! Liffs long an prosper, mey teh forse be wif u or may teh forse serf u well if u bees a siff! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Deer Facebutt, Pleese stop sendin Mom to do lists, We alredy giffed hers one. worky sends her stuff all day an dad keeps tryin tho Mom innores dose. An no woof to us to go to instagram, we no goes dere in yeers an if it wus a howse it wud be ofergrown an full of skwatters skwattin all ofer it an maybe efen a ginormus poison spider gittin redy to try an trap us in hers web! I no wants to be teh spiders din din! Is makin me itchy!

No luffs fur u!



Hi dere effrypawdy, is Mike! Hey!
How r u all? We is doin ok ofer here. Mom did ofetime today an is tired Hers is heelin from teh trawma, hers paws not shakin fery much any moar an teh anxyity is not as bad as before. Mom fownd a new ferapist to halps her wif teh trawma from lass July. Hers new ferapist luffs teh moofee Toomstone cuz Mom wus woofin sumfin bowt hers worky to teh ferapist an woofed ah bes to diffa suh like teh Doc Holiday an teh ferapist picked it up rite away! Mom is owt of anty anxyity medisin tho, but hers goin to see a new prymary care dogter on toozday, hims wus grandads prymary care dogder fur a wile, Auntie issisted det Mom make a pointment wif hims.
Wuz nise lass week den we got snowy! Teh snowy all gone tho.
But Mom haffed a fery imbarisin insident!
Hers wuz takin me fur walkys an I saw a pile of snowy to run into an I draged Mom wif me, so hers went in too and fallded down!
Wat wuz werse wuz hers cudnt git up! So sum gud samaritan nayburs cot owt of dere cars an halped it Mom owt of teh snowy.
I FALLDED AN I CUDNT GIT UP!! Den dey called teh paramedicks on Mom but hers ok but dey wanned to takes Mom from teh hospital but she woofed dat hers almost home but dey giffed hers a kwick checkup an hers ok, no dwugz no dwunky no lite hedded hers just not bin takin care of herselfs apfter wat hapened cuz her wuz too depwesed,
We got back home tho, Dad wuz yellin at Mom becawse hims a narsissist den called Auntie an Mom essplained to Auntie wat hapened. Now Mom skeered to take me fur walkys!
Yup, Mom is a wuss! Hers haf to snap owt of it tho!
Is goin to sleepy now, k? We luffs u all! Stay Woofy Effrypawdy! Liffs Long An Prospers! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
We missed u too!


Hi effrypawdy,is MikeMike! Hey!
How r u? Is fery anoyed! Toto keeps tryin to ride me like I is hers horsy! She climbin on me back n ridin on me! I frows hers off an she climbs rite back on an rockin side to side! GRRRR!
We is fery sory we haf not bin on, Mom not takin dictashuns, hers depreshun gitin werse, hers lookin fur new worky, but cant finds it an is stuckded dere. Auntie woofs she haf to hangs on fur teh inshurinse.
We bees ok tho, all of us doggos. We is otay!
Dere bees a worky Mom finkin bowt applyin fur an dat bees at a Pet Hospiss is fery sad worky, but hers finks hers mite be needed dere an wud try to stay fur teh furples. We bees skeerded dat Mom goin to go off teh deep end if she goes to worky dere. Dey lookin fur sumpawdy to worky at teh same clinick we goes to fur checkups,
Mom applyd dere.
Did I woof to u lass week Mom falled down in teh snowy an cud not git up? Hers took me fur a walky an I charged into teh snowy an Mom tryd to folow me an falled don an cud not git up an gud samaritans helped hers up, an den wile walky an almost home, she fallded down agin! Dad wuz angery at Mom, Auntie wunnerin wy hers cant git up? Mom woofs hers needs a lyfe alert fingy so hers can pres teh button an woof I FALLDED AN I CANT GIT UP! Like on teh tee vee!
Den teh gud samaritins called teh paramedicks on Mom an dey wanned to giff hers a ride in teh amblanse but hers wus alredy at teh door to teh howse so dey giffed hers a qwick checkup an dey leftded hers at home sine she woofed she wuz ok.
Worky is werse, hers haffed a panick atack at worky an anofur 2 days before dat. Auntie finks dat witchys bees puttin kerses on Mom an deeminz bees atackin hers, but hers not woofin nasty woofs in latins or barfin or crawlin teh walls so Auntie bowt Mom sum suplemints fur anxyitys an depreshuns, an Mom changed ferapists, lookin fur sumpawdy to halps wif twawmas
Dad cookyd homestyle chikin an brown rise. Hims a gud cook an we ate it all up an efen cleened teh plates!
Mom not takin me fur walky efen tho teh wether is gud, here skeerded she goin to fall down an winds up in teh hospital! Not hapy, is not woofin to Mom today!
Stay Woofy Me Frends! Liffs long an prosper! I luffs u all! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Hi dere effrypawdy! Is Mike Mike agin! Fanks u effrypawdy fur ur wunnerful coments! We appreshiates dem an so dus Mom!
We haf too much snowy! Way too much! Not like teh Growndhog Day blizerd but too muchies!
At worky dis week dey haffed 2 snow days, but Mom haffed to goto teh offise on teh first one anyway because hers pooter haffed a dee en edd error an teh IT guys cud not fix it at all! Hims wuz on teh fone wif Mom fur a hower an den asked Mom to comes into teh offise. So hers did an it wus slipery! But hers maded it, Auntie wanned Mom to go to hers plase but Mom dinnt knows how long it wud take to fix it cuz worky IT cant fix it.
So Mom wentded to teh offise an reserfed a bacashun day next day. Den hers went to Aunties plase, an hers stayd ofernite an Auntie feeded Mom stoo an got hers pooter fixded in 5 minits!!
OMD! Aunties lil doggo Coco giffed Mom sum ferapys too.
Mom no sleepyd gud cus hers in a difrent bed tho.
Den on Fryday hers got anofur snowy day an workyd from home an teh IT peron called Mommy askin if hers in teh offise, Mom woofed she workin from home an homs dinnt know wat to woof, speshuly wen hers woofed it took Auntie fife minits, Mom woofed hims sowl got brokeded.
Mom afoiding today, cus hers haf PTSD from worky an dad. Unckle woofed to me hers wen fwack hapy wich is wat dey called people who got teh PYSD from teh war. Hers needs trawma ferapys cuz wen hers playd pacman in July dat wuz a big trawma den wen dad yeled at Mom teh oter day, hers started finkin of playin pacman agin, but hers promised us doggos hers wus not do dat an go to teh hospital agin.
Moms new snooperfiser is not hers snooperfiser, teh assistent snooperfiser who bees FERY nise speshuly apfter Mom woofed Happy Hanukah insted of Mery Kwismis efen tho Mom not Jewish fur teh groop pikshur. Mom woofed hers not a red lite person hers teh only snooperfiser she not skeered of. Auntie bees a yelow lite person.
Mom dinnt shufel teh car owt cus dere wus too much snowy so she no wen shopin.
Mom in teh markit fur a new ferapist.
Is goin to sleepy now, k? I luffs u all! Stay Woofy Me Frends! AHWOOF! ❀ πŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ•πŸΎπŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ




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