Monday, 1/22/24. With Folly, Pinot, Conner, Hazel, Winston, Buddy, Bodie, Frankie, Charley, Bono, and Anchor. Started the day out a little different by bringing out the OGs and the more sensitive dogs into the yard first: Pinot, Hazel, Frankie, Charley, Bono, and Anchor. I prefer to unload and enter the yard all as a group, but I leave flexibility and adjust when needed. My intention for this was to allow their own time to settle in before getting the rowdy boys out. I think they all appreciated it and enjoyed their privilege of being out first and having the space all to themselves. I put those 6 out in the large yard and worked with the rowdy boys in the smaller yard. Funny, never ceases to amaze me, whenever I separate the dogs like this I want them to go out and enjoy themselves, but those 6 just wanted to be in the small yard with the rest of us. I settled the rowdy boys: Conner, Winston, Folly, Bodie, and Buddy in. I controlled the energy, made sure I could influence them, and reinforced mutual engagements. I then took the opportunity to work with Folly off muzzle. I’m working on teaching him how to use his mouth appropriately, its lack of experiences and toys that teach a dog to use their mouth without inhibition. He did amazing and this is something we’ll continue to work on. This is what I also worked Conner through and look at him now! I recognize these boys’ needs to be explosive and I know I can’t suppress that. It’s all about balance, so once I got them reeled in and listening we all joined each other as one big pack. The boys were able to fully express themselves and their power, while they were also emotionally backed off more and listening better. This made the more sensitive dogs and my faithful OGs feel safer and like the environment was being controlled. Starting the day out this way really helped make it flow nicely. Everyone seemed a little more cohesive, which felt good for us all.