Hey from the backwoods. I am just checking in I have attempted to contact everybody on the wait list but after about the first 8 I just can’t right now it is to hard emotionally to explain to those who didn’t know. So I am going to just make this post as an update the kennels are doing good we are waiting for Mother Nature the boys have been restless the past few days so we will see what is up. We bred 2 females back in oct/nov and neither one took in hind sight the good Lord knew the road ahead of us and knew we didn’t need puppies on the ground at that time. Tom and I have always been transparent with our customers and that will not change. So I am updating here I have tried to answer all messenger messages text messages and voice mails if you have left one without a response I just didn’t get it so please reach out again I work all day so I will get back with ya. I know some of you have been waiting patiently a while and I greatly appreciate it but will completely understand if you want to look else where but we are here and in full operation hoping to have good news soon thank you for your patience 🐶🐾