Happy Sunday everybodyz. Start your morning with something you lovez.
Play with me Apple. Please play with me. Yay play timez... wooow crazy zoomiez.
My workz here is never done! I had to supervise mommy when she was feeding foster brother Bently! Thankfully mommy did a good job so I kissed her for a reward.
My foster siblings will be available through Animal Humane New Mexico after they grow bigger!
Lookiez what mommy brought home! This is called a foster sister and her name is Mercedes and I love her! She eats her food from a bottle just like I did when I was a baby! I have to be really gentle and slow with her and her brother and sister. Slow is super hard for me but I do my very best so I can spend time with the babies!
Animal Humane New Mexico let's us take care of the babies till they are big and strong and can find a forever home! Everyone should run and get fosters cuz they are super fun!
Can you believez I was a bottle baby?? Thank you Bottlez Momma Marie for being there for me I hope I wasn't too much of a stinker! :P ♡ And thank you for finding me my mommyz and daddyz!!
Happy Birfdayz to me!! I'm TWO!! Gotz a whole treatz just for me DooDooDooo
Turkey time/ PT!!! Getting ready for the new year! ☺️
Mommy sayz I will alwayz be a puppy, I am a big boy! I just likez my waterz from a straw sometimez, it'z like a bottle.
I gotz it! If I'm very quietz and lookz at mom I get treatz! Nailed it! Lookz like a long video butz I learned it in less than 4 min!
It waz PT day. I waz goofing off a little, it was a great day!
Lookz mez! Mommy sayz I have gotten much stronger and braver.
Myz favorite day, friday! I likez the bounce and the secret tunnel. The only way I doz it iz with the turkey that iz the magic.
Itz me and my foster brother River. He iz a funny looking puppy, but I amz a little different tooz. My foster sister Spring is somewhere, she did not wantz to be inz the Video.
Today is mommyz birthday! So I wanted to show herz thiz cool thing I can doz on my ownz. Mastered itz! Happyz birthday mommy!
Mommy and daddy took mez to the river to day with sister Apple! I runz and runz and runz. I tried swimmingz, but thatz too scary. Mommy said I can try swimmingz again when I havez a life vest thing.
Good Morningz world! Thiz iz my sissy Apple doings shake, TeeCeeBoo plotting a roll all overz the bed! Then mez telling themz itz play time, in my big boy voice!!
Happy Easterz FaceBark! I am feelingz much betterz today. Mom and dad sayz I have to takez it easy still, that wayz I keep getting betterz. ♥️
RAWWWR I amz gonna getz my bonez stuffy from dad. Mom and dad thinkz the bonez is theirz, I will show themz Rookosaurus Rex style.