Neela is a kitty we rescued from a hoarding case almost a year ago. The hoarding case had notes so horrible that we were disgusted even reading about it. Over 50 cats were buried in the backyard, and cats were in horrible condition and dead all over the house. We rescued many very sick cats from the house. Neela seemed to be healthy but terrified of being touched after what she survived. She was also scared of most other cats. With time, Neela has learned to love life, gained weight and does let us pet her some when she’s eating snacks.
Recently Neela came due for her vaccines so we got her in for a sedated exam to update those. Sadly while she was under, they realized she had some trauma to her mouth from the hoarding case that we never were able to get close enough to notice, especially since she always had a good appetite. Sadly, cats are very good at disguising their pain. 💔 She had incisors broken and fragmented and pus was coming out. We got her some antibiotics on board and scheduled her for a dental to remove her broken and infected teeth.
Between the initial sedated exam and the dental with extractions, we are looking at a ballpark of 1000 dollars all combined to get Neela in good shape. This is what Neela’s teeth look like, and this is what she looks like when she’s happy and relaxing at home. She deserves to live a pain-free life after all she’s been through. Please consider donating for Neela!! We are completely broke after our money being stolen. You can donate below, or at via PayPal on our website www.unitedpawsrescue.com/donate