Pure Ares, 1 year old son of Zeus and Nikita. Pure Gemma, 9 months old daughter of Kahu and Snow. Their mom is such a great trainer!
GREEN collar female puppy from Zeus and Vegas, at 6 weeks. Perfect hearing BAER +\+, vaccinated, dewormed, clean bill of health. Great temperament! Bloodlines: De La Cocha, Legado de Artemis, Verdes Pampas and others. She’s 9 weeks old now and ready for a new home.
#puredogo #puredogocalifornia #dogoargentinopuppies #dogoargentino
RED - 11 weeks old, daughter of Pure Kahu and Pure Snow White. Third generation Pure Dogo, granddaughter of Machete x Pure Princess Leia and Han Solo x Zorra, great granddaughter of our first Dogos Mambo and Ava. Bloodlines: De La Cocha, Verdes Pampas, Gone To The Dogos and others. AKC registered, vaccinated , dewormed, clean bill of health, BAER +\+ normal bilateral hearing. Very smart, playful, confident and affectionate. #puredogo #puredogoargentino #puredogosandiego
TAN - Confident, outgoing, adventurous, very smart and loving boy! 11 weeks old, son of Pure Kahu and Pure Snow White. Third generation Pure Dogo, granddaughter of Machete x Pure Princess Leia and Han Solo x Zorra, great granddaughter of our first Dogos Mambo and Ava. Bloodlines: De La Cocha, Verdes Pampas, Gone To The Dogos and others. AKC registered, vaccinated , dewormed, clean bill of health, BAER +\+ normal bilateral hearing.
Pure Sophia, 13 months old daughter of Machete and Snow.
Pure Kahu and Pure Snow White’s sons.