My mission is to educate dog owners then teach the dog! Stacie has been a dog lover her entire life. She has been surrounded by canines from the week she was born and chose to dedicate her life to caring and raising not only her own dogs but rescue dogs, street dogs, and also those that want to ensure their own canine family is properly cared for. Her rescue dogs have come from Mexico, Phuket, Chi
ang Mai, Northern Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta. Additionally in her limited spare time, Stacie is an advocate for humane treatment for all kinds of animals, elimination of puppy mills; dog fighting, homeless dogs, fear based dog training, the development of international animal abuse registries, elimination of the horrific dog meat trade and stronger penalties are legislated for animal cruelty. Stacie also supports natural and organic dog food and supplements. Stacie fostered five street dogs in Manzanillo, Mexico and is a volunteer who raises funds through K9 Aid International for various rescue organizations. And she has volunteered for Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue and Friends of Mexican Animal Welfare. that story continues. My goal is dedicated to making life easier for dogs and dog owners. Our work will provide a high level of service quality with regard to compassion, safety, reliability, comfort, thoroughness, fun and courtesy. I feel privileged that my clients entrust their dog to our care and show our appreciation through the services that we provide. I participate in ongoing education courses designed to enhance knowledge of professional dog care services and behavior. My philosophy is to respect and understand your dog, to make the commitment for time to play, to learn and stimulate your dog's mind. I only support and encourage positive, choice based training for your canine family. Certified Canine Behavior Coach ( positive and choice based training)
Certified in Animal First Aid
Canine Coaching Foundations Certificate
Canine Nutrition And Health Accredited Diploma
K9 Aid International Volunteer