Mom has taught me how to do my own laundry so I can keep my most favorite item (well, second to my tug toys) not smelling like a dog. I have had this blanket since I was a pup and still carry it around the house with me, make sure it is with me when I go to sleep, and sometimes even take it on sleepovers.
Long Distance Sit and Down
Mom saw the opportunity so she took time for a quick training session while on her lunch to work on long distance commands. Don't mind all the noise I make, I can't control myself when I'm working lol
Destruction Fun for My Dog
Told my mom to save her energy.....I'd "recycle" my old pool for her ;)
Long distance positions in dog training
Practicing my long distance sit and stand in a new area. Don't mind my loud mouth....I get really excited to do things and can't keep my mouth shut lol
Wookie sounds from a GSD lol
Is it that I can rrrroll my rrrrrs, or that I sound like I'm practicing for Chewbacca try outs?
Howling GSD in the car.....sharing his story with the world
Sometimes you just have to share with the world how sh*tty your day was :P
I was not told that I was going on a car the have surgery. I am not happy about this secret mom kept from me so I told everyone that would listen on the car ride home. Now they all know too!
Caleb is the new mailman
Just a new trick I've been working on....think mom needs to get a sturdier mailbox for me though lol
Caleb enjoying a little bite work training
A quick video of me enjoying a day of bite work training with mom.
Caleb is silly!
So, you say you want a German Shepherd? Are you sure?? ;P
Just a short video of me full of "piss n vinegar", as my Nana Janice Faino-Bowman would say. Funniest part is at the end when I can't stop spinning :D
Hope you all enjoy and laugh as much as mom does every time she sees the ending.