Healthy Dog Workshop podcast
Integrative veterinary oncologist Dr. Kendra Pope shares her views on cancer prevention and details of her new Pet Cancer Prevention course.
Healthy Dog Workshop podcast
Learn about custom formulations for raw and cooked foods from Lynn, co-founder of Paul's Custom Pet Food.
Healthy Dog Workshop podcast
A chat with Charly and Larry of Pawdega Learn about the use of synthetics in pet foods and more challenges faced by a holistically oriented pet wellness store.
Healthy Dog Workshop podcast
A chat with Jen and Zach of Viva Raw! Learn about raw ingredient sourcing, the new pet food label plan, and more challenges faced by a raw pet food company.
Chatting with Jen and Zach of Viva Raw! We'll be talking about sourcing, new pet food labels, and more at 2 PM at 3/21.
Healthy Dog Workshop podcast
Learn about the connections between behavior, training, food, and health with world-renowned author and trainer Suzanne Clothier!
Healthy Dog Workshop podcast
Explore the myths and truths about coconut oil with Charisa and Carmina of CocoTherapy.
Healthy Dog Workshop podcast
Learn about the revolutionary joint support product Jope from Dr. Christine.
We had a tech glitch, and some of you could not buy VIP tickets for the Expo! It's been corrected, we do still have 9 slots left. You still have a chance to get yours, but they won't last long!
Healthy Dog Expo podcast
Learn about the revolutionary anti-inflammatory actions of 1-TDC, for dental health and more with Olivier Morin
Healthy Dog Expo podcast
The latest on the DCM class action suit and more with Daniel Schulof