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家有1大(狗)4細(狗)...5狗1人成日都會一齊開心試食狗糧狗罐頭狗零食...(開心share XD)! 狗狗野食其實唔應該睇好唔好味同香唔香, 最重要其實係天然, 新鮮同健康!!!...所以樓主決定要同狗狗一齊自制+研發健康無防腐劑ge風乾狗零食! A dog owner with 5 dogs (all of them are KINGS) and loves trying dog food and share the yummy one with my dogs (Yes! Most of the dog food smell delicious but actually most of them taste l
ike rotten meat...The more I eat, the more I feel the importance of the freshness and healthiness of those dog food...! Thus, I decided to create the page to share my (and my dogs') selection on homemade healthy dehydrated treats - pamper your KING of dogs with just healthy and nature dog food!