Erinomaisesti sanottu. Sisukkaasta, yritteliäästä ja rohkeasta lapsesta kasvaa vastuuntuntoinen, luotettava ja taitava nuori ja aikuinen. Shetlanninponien metkut on omiaan kasvattamaan lapsen luonnetta turvallisesti, siten että voimat, vauhdit ja etäisyydet pysyvät turvallisina, vaikka niitä maastoutumisia sattuisi. Harmistuksen kyyneleet eivät haavoita ketään, vaan kasvattavat, opettavat huomaamaan, että lapsi pystyy selvittämään vaikean tilanteen, kunhan lasta kannustetaan jatkamaan luovuttamisen sijaan. Pienet aplodit meidän metkukkaille pikku poneille, kunpa jokainen pieni hevosihmisenalku saisi kasvaa pienen ponin opastuksessa.
‘Let your child have a bad ride.
I know you want to protect them from the hardships of this world.
I know you want to give them success and good experiences.
I know you don't want to see them get hurt. To see them fall. To see them fail.
But, hear me out, let your child have a bad ride.
Let them cry the tears of frustration.
Let them shake the sand out from the inside of their riding pants.
Let them face the fear building inside of them.
Let them step back on again.
Yes, let your child have a bad ride.
Let them hate the horse that challenges them.
Let them learn what fight and passion and ambition mean.
Let them realize that when they refuse to quit the horse will take the time to listen.
Grant them the joy of realizing that they are connecting with another living being.
Grant them the joy of realizing that they, although they are small, can be powerful.
Grant them the joy of seeing their hard work pay off, through the days of tears can come a love unspeakable.
Yes, let your child have a bad ride.
Afterall, life will grant us plenty of them.’
By Sarah Crouse