JH Sporthorses

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JH Sporthorses Specializing in riding, training, import and sales of high performance horses and ponies.


The more we travel to shows the more overwhelmed I am by the amount of money required to play our sport. My daughter thrives in the jumper ring so I need to make this work. I asked around and came up with a list of things I wish I knew/did 10 years ago, so I figured I would share…

Volunteer for everything and do a great job, it opens doors and creates relationships.

Don’t be afraid to ask people for advice - most would love to chat and share their experience, be ok if they are too busy. Always ask, always be ok with the answer being no.

Read everything, or if you’re not a reader listen to podcasts, audiobooks, always learn

Learn German or Spanish, trust me.

Get a subscription to ClipMyHorse.tv for 149 Euro/year. Not only can you watch an awesome amount of international shows BUT they have an Academy that is included in the subscription. Tons of mini lessons from the best in the world.

Work the hardest (body clip, braid, muck stalls, etc) - it’s seen and appreciated by those that count

Become obsessive with your horse and its care. Obsess about their feed, their feet, their condition, make the horse you have the very best it can be.

This is silly but valid… make a note on your phone of what coffee order folks want. Nothing better than someone walking up during a long show day with your favorite drink. Relationships matter.

Be thankful to everyone. Thank the ingate, the jump crew, the course designer, the steward - their job is under appreciated and without them no one can be successful.

Help load/unload your shavings and hay deliveries. Please. I hate when folks sip lattes watching others sweat.

Find a side hustle in the horse business. We started Millbrook Leathers - there is a ton of customers out there, start small but start, every dollar counts.

Tell your fellow competitors good job, clap for them, become a friend and a supporter. It’s ok to have friends outside your own barn.

If you’re waiting for a jump, help the trainer on the jump adjust it - go up 2, go wider - you’re anyway just standing there waiting, be helpful.

No hoof, no horse. Ask questions, chat with your farrier.

When I was 16yo I braided enough manes to afford a flight to Switzerland. I worked my butt off for free, and it changed my life. People always say going to Europe is a dream, it can be a reality. 

Show up as the person you needed when you were growing up.

This is the hardest one… say hi to people when you pass. Lots of times I think they have no idea who I am, so I just look at my phone, look the other way. If you’ve met them or had some sort of interaction chances are they remember you. Make eye contact, say good morning, develop all the relationships.

Get a dog. That’s just general life advice, get a dog.

If you’re a woman, ask for opportunities, be ok with the answer being no. So many men are at the top of the sport and I swear it’s because they actively ask for opportunity while women tend to work hard and passively hope to be noticed. Ask. All they can say is yes or no, it may start a conversation and who knows where that will lead.

Dont get so busy chasing dreams that you forget the fun.

If you’re moving up a level or just need to work out kinks, do the blue ribbon rounds or school on Tuesdays/mornings if allowed. Division classes are $$ and if you’re not ready to be competitive why not do the same height in a no pressure/less cost situation? I feel like these options are too often overlooked.

If you’re a working student, be first in last out. What you lack in experience and talent make up for in work ethic. Talent is everywhere, dedicated horsemen are a rarity.

Someone is ALWAYS watching. The good and the bad.

Get the VIP. Trust me, I was never this person. But now I budget that into my savings plan - scrimp elsewhere to splurge there. VIP is where folks are sitting and relaxing, some of the most influential conversations I’ve had have happened in VIP because people had the time to chat.

Be kind and grateful to the office staff. They get all sorts of rude behavior thrown at them. They want you to succeed and your paperwork to be easy. Appreciate them and if there are issues work through them with patience and kindness at the forefront. Also, bring them cookies or cake because they are locked at that desk – who doesn’t love snacks?

Always watch the warm up, listen and learn, the warm up is the best place to be.

Talk to the course designer, ask them what's hard in their course, what's easy in the course, why they did it, etc

Walk the small classes and the big classes, then see if they ride how you thought

If you see someone needing help, go help them - this should be obvious but…

Talk to the grooms in your aisle, bring them coffee, they have so much knowledge and are so undervalued.

Look outside the box when traveling to shows. Do you have to stable on grounds or is there a trailer in option? Our horses stay in a beautiful field in Wellington for $10/day, yes it means we drive back and forth a lot, but $10/day…

If you’re a USEF member you get 10% off at Dover

Even if you aren’t a hunter, watch the pro hunter ring. Just watch trips. Many of them. In the jumpers there are fairly obvious moves made to accomplish goals. In the hunters you start to see the tiny, minuscule adjustments that add to super consistent pace and get an incredible jump out of a horse. All of these adjustments are useful tools.

Your horse’s stomach health needs to be focused on more.

Unless you have uses for hauling other things, do not get a truck and trailer to save hauling money. If you are taking less than 3 horses to every show it will rarely even out.

Be grateful. Always.

If outside hay/shavings are allowed, bring them or go to local Murdoch’s/Tractor Supply avoid paying the mark up. Always go to the gas station for ice.

Clinics! There are so many clinics out there, if you can’t afford to ride in them then audit them.

USHJA offers Emerging Athletes Program, Gold Star Clinic, etc – try to join this pathway, it’s invaluable access to some of the industry’s top professionals.

And last but not least, always pet the pony.

What would you add?

Northern Winter Classic week 1 is off to a great start!Wednesday in the Welcome Prix we finished:               2nd - Kh...

Northern Winter Classic week 1 is off to a great start!

Wednesday in the Welcome Prix we finished: 2nd - Khaleesi Vom Weihergut owned by Christy Onoda *For Sale
5th - Casallo 10 owned by Parker Cliff
8th - Qhaleesi PR owned by Emma Pickard

Today our hunters also stepped up to the plate in the Welcome Classic!
1st - Comtess owned by Ella Heineking with a pair of 89’s! *For Sale
3rd - Ace of Spades owned by Madeline Brown
4th - Day Drive owned by Demetra Evrigenis

🐴🤩Available to be tried in Thermal weeks 2&3

🐴🤩Available to be tried in Thermal weeks 2&3

Happy New Year from everyone at Hanson Performance Horses and JH Sporthorses 🎊 Grateful for an amazing year and so looki...

Happy New Year from everyone at Hanson Performance Horses and JH Sporthorses 🎊 Grateful for an amazing year and so looking forward to 2024!

We would also like to take this time to wish David and Jan a very Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary ♥️🥂

Cheers to many more years of happiness!

Sending heartfelt wishes for a day filled with happiness, peace, and the company of those you hold dear. 🎅🏻🎉 Merry Chris...

Sending heartfelt wishes for a day filled with happiness, peace, and the company of those you hold dear. 🎅🏻🎉 Merry Christmas from all of us at JH Sporthorses & Hanson Performance Horses!

We will have open trailer spaces from CA to TX on 12/10 and TX to CA on 12/20

We will have open trailer spaces from CA to TX on 12/10 and TX to CA on 12/20

We are embracing the spirit of gratitude today and every day. Happy Thanksgiving from JH Sporthorses! 🍁🦃Voltaire Design ...

We are embracing the spirit of gratitude today and every day. Happy Thanksgiving from JH Sporthorses! 🍁🦃

Voltaire Design
Fabbri Boots
Tack Warehouse

⭐ 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗡𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗣 𝗦𝗣𝗢𝗧𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 ⭐           BEMER Group USA Better Circulation. Better Health. Better Horse. We are thrilled...


Better Circulation. Better Health. Better Horse.

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with BEMER. We ask a lot of our horses, and BEMER's effective and all-around therapy promotes healing & recovery while also being instrumental in prevention & maintaining the health of our horses.

Thank you BEMER!

Visit their website to learn more about the BEMER line of horse therapies:

𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢: Voltaire Design USA & Canada Combining true innovation with modern style, the Voltaire Stuttgart & Blue...

𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢: Voltaire Design USA & Canada

Combining true innovation with modern style, the Voltaire Stuttgart & Blue Infinite models have been the JH Sporthorses 𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲 since 2016.

Thank you Voltaire for being such an integral and valued sponsor of JH Sporthorses!

Visit their website below to learn more about their 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 saddles👇

ᴊʜ sᴘᴏʀᴛʜᴏʀsᴇs would like to congratulate some of our amazing clients on their successes at the HMI Horse Shows Seal Of ...

ᴊʜ sᴘᴏʀᴛʜᴏʀsᴇs would like to congratulate some of our amazing clients on their successes at the HMI Horse Shows Seal Of Approval show!

⭐ 𝗝𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘇 and Potential LS were 3rd in the JRW Jr/Am Medal Finals
⭐ 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗲 𝗘𝘃𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗶𝘀 and Day Drive were 2nd in the JRW Jr/Am Medal Finals

⭐️ 𝗝𝗮𝗻 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗽𝗵𝗿𝗲𝘆-𝗛𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻 & Cassallo 10 were double clear - placing 5th in the $5,000 Jumper Classic Welcome Prix for owner Parker Cliff

Way to go ladies!

Voltaire Design
Fabbri Boots
Tack Warehouse


Things your riding instructor wants you to know:
1. This sport is hard. You don't get to bypass the hard…..every good rider has gone through it. You make progress, then you don't, and then you make progress again. Your riding instructor can coach you through it, but they cannot make it easy.

2. You're going to ride horses you don't want to ride. If you're teachable, you will learn from every horse you ride. Each horse in the barn can teach you if you let them. IF YOU LET THEM. Which leads me to…

3. You MUST be teachable to succeed in this sport. You must be teachable to succeed at anything, but that is another conversation. Being teachable often means going back to basics time and time and time again. If you find basics boring, then your not looking at them as an opportunity to learn. Which brings me to…..

4. This sport is a COMMITMENT. Read that, then read it again. Every sport is a commitment, but in this sport your teammate weighs 1200 lbs and speaks a different language. Good riders don't get good by riding every once in awhile….they improve because they make riding a priority and give themsevles opportunity to practice.

5. EVERY RIDE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. Even the walk ones. Even the hard ones. Every. Single. Ride. Remember when you just wished someone would lead you around on a horse? Find the happiness in just being able to RIDE. If you make every ride about what your AREN'T doing, you take the fun out of the experience for yourself, your horse, and your instructor. Just enjoy the process. Which brings me to...

6. Riding should be fun. It is work. and work isn't always fun.....but if you (or your rider) are consistently choosing other activities or find yourself not looking forward to lessons, it's time to take a break. The horses already know you don't want to be here, and you set yourself up for failure if you are already dreading the lesson before you get here.

7. You'll learn more about horses from the ground than you ever will while riding. That's why ground lessons are important, too. If you're skipping ground lessons (or the part of your lesson that takes place on the ground), you're missing out on the most important parts of the lesson. You spend far more time on the ground with horses than you do in the saddle.

8. Ask questions and communicate. If you're wondering why your coach is having you ride a particular horse or do an exercise, ask them. Then listen to their answer and refer to #3 above.

9. We are human beings. We make decisions (some of them life and death ones) every day. We balance learning for students with workloads for horses and carry the bulk of this business on our shoulders. A little courtesy goes a long way.

Of all the sports your child will try through their school years, riding is one of 3 that they may continue regularly as adults (golf and skiing are the others). People who coach riding spend the better part of their free time and much of their disposable income trying to improve their own riding and caring for the horses who help teach your child. They love this sport and teaching others…..but they all have their limits. Not all good riders are good coaches, but all good coaches will tell you that the process to get good is not an easy one.

*thank you to whoever wrote this! Not my words, but certainly a shared sentiment!

Our barn is full with an incredible group of new sales horses ready to show through the fall and winter circuits!All are...

Our barn is full with an incredible group of new sales horses ready to show through the fall and winter circuits!
All are available to try at our home barn at Murieta Equestrian Center!

1. 2011 Gelding - Saintly starter jumper to take someone from their first jumper class through winning in the Ch/AA. He was Zone 1 Horse of the year in 2020 - Low Childrens and 2021 - High Childrens and is ready to teach a new partner the in and outs of the jumper ring! Priced in the mid-high 5 figures https://www.proequest.com/horse/reykjavik

2. 2014 Mare - Recently imported jumper ready to win from 1.00-1.20m. Miles in Europe through the 1.35. Numerous placing in America this summer in the 1.10-1.20. Quick and careful! - Priced in the mid-high 5 figures https://www.proequest.com/horse/khaleesi-vom-weihergut

3. 2017 Gelding - Stunning 6 year old equitation/hunter derby prospect. NO jump spook, auto changes, soft mouth. All the quality to do big eq and indoor finals! Lowest of 6 figures https://www.proequest.com/horse/g-eazy

4. 2018 Gelding - Beautiful young hunter prospect. He has 3 shows under his belt with 3 tricolors and 3 hack wins! He is scopey, beautiful, brave, AND measures a small junior!!! Priced to sell in the mid-high 5 figures https://www.proequest.com/horse/im-new-star

5. 2008 Gelding - Hack winner - Been there done that hunter teacher through 3’. KICK RIDE. Ready to teach his next child/adult! Motivated Seller - Mid 5 figures https://www.proequest.com/horse/charmant-0

6. 2016 Mare - Kind mare with no quirks. Has been successful from cross rails to 3’3 Greens and Derbies. Could also cross over into Eq/Jumpers if desired. Not Mareish at all! Motivated seller - Mid to high 5 figures https://www.proequest.com/horse/amanda-hale

💥 Results from HMI Horse Shows 💥With the only double clear round, Jan Humphrey Hanson & Carigo were your $20,000 Grand P...

💥 Results from HMI Horse Shows 💥

With the only double clear round, Jan Humphrey Hanson & Carigo were your $20,000 Grand Prix Champions at HMI Seal of Approval! Congratulations to owner Sydnie Young 👏

Voltaire Design
Fabbri Boots
Tack Warehouse

💥 Results from HMI Horse Shows 💥With a 94 in the first round and 96 in the second round - Jan Humphrey Hanson & Day Driv...

💥 Results from HMI Horse Shows 💥

With a 94 in the first round and 96 in the second round - Jan Humphrey Hanson & Day Drive won the $5,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby 3'. This talented gelding has also won the last two derbies he competed in, and is available for sale!

Congratulations to owner Danae Evrigenis 👏


Voltaire Design
Fabbri Boots
Tack Warehouse

Love this!

Love this!

Great read and Oh so very true!!!

One of my favorite things about horses and our sport is that it is like a mirror of life! It will show us responsibility, love, passion, caring, accountability, honesty, humbleness, discipline and respect!

Enjoy! ❤️💯🙌🏻🦄🔝🔥

From the Plaid Horse....

"If a horse says no, you either asked the wrong question or asked the question wrong.
An average hunter course has 100 strides. Only 8 of them are jumps. Don’t sacrifice the 92 for the 8.
On approaching a fence: good riders wait until it’s time to go. Great riders go until it’s time to wait.
Don’t squat with your spurs on.
It is NEVER the horse’s fault. Yes, sometimes a horse may take advantage of a situation, but there is ALWAYS something the rider could do differently to change the situation.
Pass left hand to left hand.
You can only lie to your horse so many times before they call your bluff.
Horses do no know what they are worth. They do not know, or care, what they are capable of. They only care about the way you treat them.
Injuries and colic happen almost exclusively at 10:00 pm on a Saturday.
Shoes get lost almost exclusively when preparing to leave for a show.
If you work hard, try your best, and never give up, your efforts will not go unnoticed. And you will be rewarded with opportunities when you least expect it.
If you work hard, try your best, and never give up, you will still fail sometimes.
Video doesn’t lie – after being told repeatedly that I was lifting my right hand before every fence, and swearing up and down that I was certainly NOT lifting my right hand before every fence… I was—in fact—lifting my right hand before every fence. Sometimes your brain lies to you. Video does not.
On being nervous going into the show ring: you’re just not that big of a deal. No one at the show is watching you close enough to know every mistake you might make, except for the judge and your trainer, and you are paying them to watch.
Be patient – there are no shortcuts. Any shortcut you may try, will actually be the long way.
Check your personal issues and emotions at the door. Your horse will know. It usually does not go well.
If your horse is in front of your leg, you have options.
We never lose. We either win or we learn.
Ride like a winner. You cannot act like flip flops and expect to be treated like Louboutins.
If you have to pick only two things to think about during a course, pace and track are the two you should choose. The rest cannot happen without pace and track.
Give yourself and your horse brain breaks. Go have fun, go hack out in the woods, go swimming ba****ck, read a book in the paddock, whatever. Just allow yourself time to have fun.
At home there’s no reason to jump as big as you show every time. The basics are the basics regardless of the jump height. Save your horses legs.
The horse world is very small. Remember this and don’t burn your bridges and be mindful of your words.
Clean your tack. Groom your horse. Properly. Every day. If you can control nothing else, you can control your turn out. There is no excuse to not do the minimum effort.
No matter what the problem is, the solution is almost always add more leg.
Ride the horse you have today. Not the one you had yesterday. Not the one you want to have. The horse under you at this moment is the only one that matters.
You go where you look. The human head weighs 10 pounds. Unless you would like to end up on the ground, do not look down.
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. " - advice excerpts from the Plaid Horse


I’m A New Star (USEF: 5859259)
2018 Gelding - Green Hunter sales prospect imported from Germany in March with zero show experience. Traveled to Thermal, Temecula, and Woodside horse shows for American show mileage, but just stepped into the show ring for the first time in June and finished Champion in the 2’6” hunters. This young gelding is a beautiful mover, has a huge stride, plenty of scope, good changes, is jump brave and has a puppy dog personality on the ground! He has enough quality to make a competitive Green Hunter and can easily develop into a lovely Small Junior Hunter! Sale only - asking $80,000

Charmant (USEF: 5261357) 2008 Gelding that is not only the hack winner, but also easy enough to teach beginners how to j...

Charmant (USEF: 5261357)
2008 Gelding that is not only the hack winner, but also easy enough to teach beginners how to jump. He has an extensive record through the 3’3” hunters and derbies and is still showing consistently in the Children’s Hunters. Rio is very easy on the ground, has auto lead changes, and is best suited for someone who likes to kick as he is very quiet. Priced to sell at $50,000

🇺🇸 Celebrating freedom, unity, and the land of the brave on this glorious Fourth of July 🇺🇸 JH Sporthorses wishes you an...

🇺🇸 Celebrating freedom, unity, and the land of the brave on this glorious Fourth of July 🇺🇸

JH Sporthorses wishes you and all of your loved ones a very Happy Independence Day!

Voltaire Design
Fabbri Boots
Tack Warehouse

🤩 It’s hard to believe these two pictures were taken minutes apart 🤩We are so excited to welcome EquiFUSE and Xterior on...

🤩 It’s hard to believe these two pictures were taken minutes apart 🤩

We are so excited to welcome EquiFUSE and Xterior on board as sponsors of JH Sporthorses and Hanson Performance Horses. Not only are their products effective, but their fragrance turns your barn into a day spa! 🐴🛁

Fresh from turnout, we bathed Joey with the CFS Concentrate Shampoo followed by the Rehydrinse 1-step coat protector + conditioner and finished his bath with the CitraCreme deep conditioner and Rehydrant in his mane and tail. Once dry, we applied Gleam Moisture and Shine serum to his mane and tail and sprayed a light coat of Perfect + Shine spray as well as Essential Bug + Fly Repellant over his entire body.

If you want to get this same look, enter coupon code: LuckyH10 at check out for a 10% discount on all EquiFUSE and Xterior products!

This Memorial Day, we want to thank all of the servicemen & women that courageously gave their lives and also thank thos...

This Memorial Day, we want to thank all of the servicemen & women that courageously gave their lives and also thank those that bravely fight today.


Voltaire Design
Fabbri Boots
Tack Warehouse



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