🫣 pretty cool thing to have caught on camera #DartFrogs #FruitFlies #Breeding #OrangeTerribilis #Terrarium #Vivarium #MisfitExoticsLLC
Come out and see us at the Scott Smith's All Animal Expo at the Kane County Fairgrounds in St Charles. #CorkBark #Springtails #Isopods #CrestedGeckos #GargoyleGeckos #TropicalPlants #Tanks #ExoTerra #ZooMed #FruitFlies #Pangea #JoshsFrogs #BeardedDragons #Substrate #Bedding
The start of a tank upgrade for our Dendrobates Leucomelas Dart Frog tank #Upgrade #TankUpgrade #Vivarium #VivariumBuild #Terrarium #TerrariumBuild #Frog #Frogs #DartFrog #DartFrogs #DendrobatesLeucomelas #DendrobatesLeucomelasDartFrog #DendrobatesLeucomelasDartFrogs
Just a little Tree Frog Cuteness #TreeFrog #TreeFrogs #Frogs #Frog #Terrarium #TerrariumBuild #VivariumBuild #TropicalPlants #Vivarium
Grow little tadpoles grow #Tadpoles #Frogs #TreeFrogs #AustralianBlueWhiteTreeFrogs #AussyTreeFrogs #CalmingASMRSounds #CalmingASMR #ASMR #CalmingSounds
Mossy Frogs ASMR #MossyFrog #MossyFrogs #ASMR #Frogs #Calling #MossyCalling #Calming #CalmingSound #CalmingSounds #CalmingASMR #CalmingASMRSounds
We will ONLY have this tank available for sale today at the AAE. If it does not sell we will be using it for our frogs. Stop by and see it. #CustomTank #DartFrogs #TreeFrogs #AAE #AllAnimalExpo
We will ONLY have this tank available for sale today at the AAE. If it does not sell we will be using it for our frogs. Stop by and see it. #CustomTank #DartFrogs #TreeFrogs #AAE #AllAnimalExpo
A little sneak peek of a project we have going on. Time lapse video to come. #MisfitDragons #MisfitExoticsLLC #Misfit.Dragons1 #DartFrogs #Geckos #ExoTerra #Terrarium #TerrariumDesign #TropicalPlants #TadPoles #Vivarium #TreeFrogs
A little sneak peek of a project we have going on. Time lapse video to come. #MisfitDragons #MisfitExoticsLLC #Misfit.Dragons1 #DartFrogs #Geckos #ExoTerra #Terrarium #TerrariumDesign #TropicalPlants #TadPoles #Vivarium #TreeFrogs
#PlantRackBuild #Plant #Plants #PitcherPlant #PitcherPlants #Build #MisfitDragons #Misfit.Dragons1 #MisfitExoticsLLC
Red-Eyed Tree Frogs in their breeding enclosure. #Red-EyedTreeFrogs #Breeding #TreeFrogs
Come out and see us at the Ultimate Reptile Show in SC! We have stock on all your reptile needs! #Superworms #Dubias #Hornworm #Springtails #Isopods #beardedDragons
We have wood for all your animal needs #Reptile #Gecko #Chameleon #Lizard #DoWhatYouLove #LoveWhatYouDo #MisfitExoticsLLC
Beautiful and unique pictures available by Emily Burke. We will have them at the Ultimate Reptile Show Saturday in Countryside. #Drawings #Reptiles #Pictures #UltimateReptileShow #MisfitDragons #MisfitExoticsLLC #DoWhatYouLove #LoveWhatYouDo
And a few days later, they are little tadpoles swimming around. *Just Keep Swimming* Just a little pacman update
One day old. Crazy how fast they grow.
So, we have been holding onto a little secret the past week. While I ran off to work, Mike sent me a video of what our Pac-Man did the night before. We have been taking videos and pictures of the past week and will be posting new videos every day to show everyone the progress of them growing.
Tell me you breed animals that eat Fruit Flies without telling me you breed animals that eat Fruit Flies. #FruitFlies #DartFrogs #MorningGeckos #SmallReptileFeeders #MisfitExoticsLLC #MisfitDragons #Misfit.Dragons1