Kathy's Dog Connections

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Kathy's Dog Connections Anam Cara = Soul Friend
Good Dog U might be a place where your dog goes to learn, or might be a text you'd send your dog, if dogs could read texts!

Reactive dogs are struggling and so are their humans. When you encounter a person with a reactive dog who asks for more ...

Reactive dogs are struggling and so are their humans. When you encounter a person with a reactive dog who asks for more distance from you and/or your children and/or your dog, you have a choice. You can be positive, kind and helpful or you can be negative, unkind and judgmental. It's a no-brainer if you actually like dogs.

It’s not easy having a reactive dog. As much as we may feel frustrated, restricted, angry or even ashamed or embarrassed, our reactive dogs are also experiencing a range of negative emotions when they react to something that triggers them.

This reaction is usually caused by anxiety, fear, feeling threatened or frustrated.

These emotions cause high levels of stress and stress prevents both us and our dogs from being able to process information, think clearly or learn a different, more acceptable way of reacting to whatever triggers us.

This is why creating enough distance is so important.

I’m really scared of snakes and even struggle to look at them. The only thing I want to do is run away and create as much distance as possible.

If someone was restraining me, forcing me to sit down and look at the snake while trying to feed me my favourite chocolate (or any type of chocolate!), telling me there was nothing to worry about or trying to educate me about the specific species, it would do nothing to alleviate my fear and would only increase my stress levels.

Doing this at a sufficient distance, where I felt safe would be far more effective and my stress levels would be much lower. I may even eat the entire slab of chocolate!

In time, with patience and practice, I may even be able to get much closer to the snake without having a negative reaction.

The same principle applies to reactive dogs. Creating sufficient distance where they can see the trigger but still feel safe, comfortable and don’t react is the best way of helping them to cope with their feelings.

Some dogs (and people) may never be able to decrease that distance and that’s also okay.

Accept your dog for the unique individual they are, work on the things you can change and accept the things you can’t.

Every time I learn something new and helpful, I want to teach others about it.Every time I start something, I want to wr...

Every time I learn something new and helpful, I want to teach others about it.

Every time I start something, I want to write about it, but what always happens is I end up having to choose between the writing and the doing, and the doing wins.

It happened with gardening, with my brief foray into running, with dog training and even with writing itself.

I did a little better last summer with writing about my foster dogs because I was motivated to help them find homes and to encourage others to foster.

Now that Cara's here (adopted 6/2/2023) and her youth, intelligence and energy level require lots of training, we're doing all sorts of new things and having tons of fun. I envisioned writing about it here so you could enjoy the stories and pictures and maybe learn something helpful for your pup, but obviously that hasn't happened!

Cara has an official AKC name now as a Canine Partner, which I've decided is worthy of her own page. I invite you to follow Tybee Cara Doodle! It will be more updates and photos than teaching and won't be linked to a blog like this page originally was, but we'll still tell you about the things we're trying, learning and doing!

See you there!

(This page isn't going away just yet; I still may share more general training and fostering posts here as the mood strikes me.)

Some tips provided by Peppertree Rescue for the celebration that may be starting TONIGHT in your neighborhood - if not o...

Some tips provided by Peppertree Rescue for the celebration that may be starting TONIGHT in your neighborhood - if not officially, then maybe courtesy of your neighbors.

There's Sadie, my first foster dog from last year!  Read the post for the nice note I got from her adopters. When you sa...

There's Sadie, my first foster dog from last year! Read the post for the nice note I got from her adopters. When you say to me that you couldn't foster because you couldn't let them go, it makes me wonder if you think I'm less emotional than you, or loved them less than you would. Not true! I just like helping. The whole system would fall apart and many fewer lives would be saved without fosters. If you're interested and local, I can tell you how it works with Peppertree Rescue, or you can go to their page and read the recent series of posts. No matter where you are, if you have time and space, I hope you'll consider it!

As National Foster a Pet Month winds down, we answer the most often-asked question. How do we let them go? Don't we get attached? Of course we get attached, and sending them home (as we prefer to call it) is often teary and bittersweet. But then we get notes like this, recently received from the pictured dog's happily-ever-after home:

"Today we’re celebrating the first anniversary of Sadie joining our family! She is such a sweet, happy girl and she has brought us immeasurable joy this past year. I wanted to pass along this note letting you know that she’s doing so great, and to express our gratitude for the role that you and Peppertree played in Sadie finding her way to us."

The tears this brings are joyful ones! When you foster, being able to send them home doesn't mean you're heartless and don't get attached. It means you have a big, generous heart which will only grow bigger with each experience.

Contact us today!

[email protected]

Some good summer-time reminders!

Some good summer-time reminders!

Hello, friends! Are you ready for the weekend? The forecast calls for sunshine and picnics! 😎

Here in the northeast, Memorial Day weekend typically marks the beginning of our outdoor summer festivities and we love to include our dogs! ❤🐶

You and your dog might have guests -- including young children, other dogs or people who are nervous around dogs -- or you may be guests at someone else's home in an unfamiliar neighborhood.

With all the fun and distractions come several potential hazards. A gate might be left open, you might not notice the dog is hot and thirsty, dogs who haven't met before might be a bit nervous with each other, shy dogs might be nervous about all the people and activity, some young children might be meeting dogs for the first time, yummy but not-good-for-the-dog snacks might be left unattended, wonderful smells might attract canine noses and paws to a hot grill. Stay aware!

You tend to keep an eye on the young kiddos; have you thought about assigning an adult or mature, dog-savvy older child or teen to be in charge of the dog? One person for each dog would be ideal.

We want your whole family - including the pooches - to have a great time! So, courtesy of Kaia, here are half a dozen easy ways to keep your dog (and loved ones) safe this weekend and all summer:
- keep those gates and doors closed
- mind the grill, kitchen, food table and garbage can
- make sure the dog has shade (or AC) and water
- actively supervise all interactions with young children and other dogs
- let shy or easily over-stimulated dogs have their space; give all dogs a safe, quiet place to nap
- make sure the dog is wearing current ID and any microchip is up-to-date . . . just in case!

Have a great weekend, and don't forget to share pics of your pooches enjoying the weekend. Bonus points if they're "dressed" for the occasion!



For my followers in the 518 - this Peppertree gal needs some shares!

Happy National Pet Day! Here are Peppertree's currently available pets. Even if you're not ready to adopt or foster, or ...

Happy National Pet Day!

Here are Peppertree's currently available pets. Even if you're not ready to adopt or foster, or if you're not within our adoption radius, you can help these and future Peppertree pets get more exposure by going to the page and engaging with our posts. Like them, share them and comment. You know you love to show your pet pics; well, we love to see them, too, and often ask you to post them in our comments! It's fun to see them all!

(Remember, go engage on Peppertree's page, not my Adventures in Dog Fostering one.)

Thanks in advance!

Here's your to-do list:

📷Add a pet pic to the comments, and

👀 Visit our available pets at peppertree.org/category/available-for-adoption/ to see if any of them are right for you!

Duffy has moved to his next stop. It was a pleasure having him here! He'll be a great buddy for someone.

Duffy has moved to his next stop. It was a pleasure having him here! He'll be a great buddy for someone.

Meet one-year old Duffy, another very short-term foster. He arrived from Louisiana a week early and needed a place to st...

Meet one-year old Duffy, another very short-term foster. He arrived from Louisiana a week early and needed a place to stay for two nights, so here he is! What a nice dog, making himself right at home.

ONE-NIGHT FOSTER!!!Lolly, all 12 lbs of her fluffy self, arrived from Texas today and will be going into her scheduled f...


Lolly, all 12 lbs of her fluffy self, arrived from Texas today and will be going into her scheduled foster home tomorrow. I've only known her for less than 2 hours and I already think she's awesome!

Have you considered fostering but are wary of the open-endedness of it and the whole letting-them-go thing? Find out if your favorite rescue needs short-term fosters, to help out for a day, a weekend or a few days at a time with a defined end point! You can think of it as dog-sitting!

I had nowhere else to be today, so when this came up I jumped at the chance for some canine company and to help out!

Peppertree's 5K Furry Fun Run/Walk was the first Peppertree event I ever attended!  Not last year, when I worked the sig...

Peppertree's 5K Furry Fun Run/Walk was the first Peppertree event I ever attended! Not last year, when I worked the sign-in table as a new volunteer, but WAY BACK when it was still at SUNY-Albany I walked two years in a row with Grania. The first time we even met one of her litter (i.e., a sibling of Tristan's)!

It's been in Saratoga for most of the last 15 years and is one of the coolest events of the Spring. I'll be out of town this year, but let me know if you sign up; if you fundraise I'll pitch in!

There is also a "donate" button on the registration page for anyone like me who can't attend this year but if you are in town you really should go do it. It's a blast to meet all the humans and canines for an early morning walk or run in Saratoga State Park!

The FURRY FUN RUN/WALK for PEOPLE and DOGS! is on Saturday April 22, 2023. It includes the following events: 5k Run and 5k Walk.

This reminds me of Liv!

This reminds me of Liv!

Artist: Tom Mosser

Fostering is key to the whole rescue system!

Fostering is key to the whole rescue system!

We told 16-year-old Lily and Nina how many people liked the post from their new forever home last week, and they asked us to make sure you know it was only possible because someone fostered them!

We can only rescue and find forever homes for as many as we can foster. We provide food and medical care. You provide a safe place and love. You get back all the love you give and then some, especially when you help them find the perfect new home!

Learn more and apply:


A fool-proof RECALL -- when you can reliably call your dog back to you from any situation -- is a matter of SAFETY!

Although this is not a training page, recall is important enough that we'd like to share a few things trainers have told us about teaching it.

1. Choose a cue (ex: "Come," "Here," etc. - not your dog's name) that you use in your HAPPY VOICE and ONLY for GOOD things. Avoid "poisoning" the cue by using it for things the dog doesn't like (baths and nail trims come to mind!)

2. INCREASE THE VALUE of your dog's FAVORITE REWARD by using it ONLY for learning and practicing recall. (For most dogs, REWARD = FOOD!!!)

3. Practice every day, and be sure to start on-leash in a fenced area!

See our training resources page at peppertree.org/recommended-links for tips on how to find a great trainer as well as good do-it-yourself resources.

Two of the three dogs I fostered over the summer wanted nothing to do with the crate.  Circumstances were such that I ha...

Two of the three dogs I fostered over the summer wanted nothing to do with the crate. Circumstances were such that I had no choice but to leave each of them on their own in the house before having time to work on it. Neither got into any trouble and both were fully potty-trained, so I didn't pursue it. But I still think it's a good thing to do for all the reasons listed!

CRATE TRAINING is something we work on with the dogs in our care and which we encourage our adopters to continue and reinforce. Here are some reasons:

1. Safety! Prevents access to things (like furniture, remotes, collectibles and electrical cords) that shouldn’t be chewed.

2. Can help with potty training.

3. Confidence and relaxation. Dogs like having a place where they don’t have to worry about being bothered by humans or other pets while sleeping or enjoying a favorite chew or Kong-type treat.

4. Increases your options for bringing your dog visiting with you or asking friends and family to dog-sit. Both humans and dogs appreciate the availability of a safe, contained place for a dog in an unfamiliar place where unknown humans (especially very young ones) and pets may seem intimidating to the dog.

5. Familiarity. It’s easier to crate a dog when necessary because of an emergency, injury, overnight veterinary stay or even something like home renovations if the dog recognizes the crate as a safe, comfortable place instead of a scary unknown.

It's not always easy, especially with an adult dog who has never been introduced to the crate in a positive way. Consult with an experienced trainer who uses positive- reinforcement methods, or seek out such methods yourself online. It's all about creating a good association!

Pictured pup: peppertree.org/maximus

Liv's family sent the best update ever to Peppertree! Cornell found the right combination of meds and: "She is dribble f...

Liv's family sent the best update ever to Peppertree! Cornell found the right combination of meds and:

"She is dribble free, diaper free and loving being out of diapers."

She got to Ditch the Diapers after all!

Woo hoo!

Look everybody! It's Carina!

Look everybody! It's Carina!

Remember Carina, the very timid dog from Texas who was on Pet Connection with Steve Cap back in September? Her forever family sent a lovely Christmas update. They said she is very well-loved and had a wonderful first Christmas in her forever home.

Adopted and adored - our New Year's wish for them all.

Currently available dogs - peppertree.org/category/available-for-adoption

Like your favorite(s) and share your app'd out pet pic with Peppertree!(and see available dogs at peppertree.org)

Like your favorite(s) and share your app'd out pet pic with Peppertree!
(and see available dogs at peppertree.org)

Monday FEEL-GOOD moment

Monday FEEL-GOOD moment

Here's a FEEL-GOOD moment for your busy Monday.

Can we get three cheers of the "Hip Hip Hooray" or "Huzzah" variety for the SEVEN MUGS of SEVEN MUTTS whose furever homes were recently finalized?

How 'bout some of those EARS?! They give a whole new meaning to the song, "Do you hear what I hear?"

Can you spot a member of the famous Candy Litter?

CONGRATULATIONS to these sweeties and their new families, and THANK YOU to their fosters for caring for them in the interim.

As always, there are more where these came from. Check them out at peppertree.org/category/available-for-adoption/, including updated pics and bios of the Candy Litter and your first peak at a new arrival named Dashwood.

❤️❤️❤️ L👀k who's on the front page of Peppertree's Holiday Appeal!!! 😍We've recently heard from Liv's owners that she is...

❤️❤️❤️ L👀k who's on the front page of Peppertree's Holiday Appeal!!! 😍

We've recently heard from Liv's owners that she is doing great in her new home.

I've also included the back page of the Appeal in case you happen to be pondering an end-of-the-year donation.


How well do you know the CANDY LITTER?

We were born on October 1 and are READY to go home, to households with experienced dog-owners in charge who will appreciate our intelligence, loyalty and energy. We'd love fenced-in yards where we can play and train.

Want to know more, or see which names go with which faces? Check us out at peppertree.org/candy-litter/, or give us your best guess in the comments and check back later for the answers.


Sometimes you meet a pet that is just so stinking happy-"Pebble" is definitely that type of dog. Yes-you will laugh.....He is learning so much in his foster...

Hear ye, hear ye! Pebble will be on TV tonight (Tuesday, 12/13)!

Hear ye, hear ye! Pebble will be on TV tonight (Tuesday, 12/13)!

Quick note from Pebble (peppertree.org/pebble):

I've got my favorite TV-watching chair reserved; how 'bout you?

Thinking of FOSTERING or ADOPTING me but want to know more?

I'm going to be on TV!!!

Watch Pet Connection tonight (Tuesday, 12/13) on Channel 10, near the end of the 5:30 broadcast! Please tune in around 5:45 to make sure you don't miss me.


Here's your chance to give it a try!

Here's your chance to give it a try!

Help Peppertree and Pebble get more exposure by clicking on the graphic below, liking the post and Peppertree's page, an...

Help Peppertree and Pebble get more exposure by clicking on the graphic below, liking the post and Peppertree's page, and dropping THERE (not here) a photo of your favorite mutt. Peppertree is in the Capital District of NY, but you can do this no matter where you live!

If you happen to be in the Capital District and are curious, click on this link (peppertree.org/foster/) or ask me questions to learn more about fostering.

Yikes! We were so busy with the auction last week we missed National Mutt Day! Drop a photo in the comments of the mutt whose picture you think should be in the dogtionary, and let us know if it's a Peppertree alum!

That's Pebble in our entry: peppertree.org/pebble/

Mutts need fosters, too! peppertree.org/foster/





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