Straightness!! It’s a word we hear a lot when training horses but what does it mean and why is it so important?
A horse will never be completely symmetrical, (their internal organs are not symmetrical so there will always be some degree difference on either side of their body) but we need to always be working towards straightness, A straight horse will use both the left and the right side of its body as evenly as possible with even muscle development. The head and neck need to remain centrally in front of the wither and even if on a circle the bend of the neck should not exceed the bend of the body (which is not very much!) The thoracic sling should be evenly developed and the hind limbs follow the path laid by the front limbs.
The horse who is straight will then not overload one side of his body more than the other which leads to injury, the added weight of the rider on the asymmetrical horse will just add to uneven loading. If we try to increase the power from behind before the horse can use his body evenly it just leads to more crookedness and an even further risk of injury.
Buster and I have gone right back to basics for the winter and been really focusing on some simple exercises to improve straightness in hand. It is really paying off and the improvements in his straightness and willingness to go forwards have been noticeable in our last few lessons.
As always, if you have any questions/need help with this please do get in touch.