Please excuse the dirty counter. This is right after I got up. I usually go through and wipe the counters clean of any hairballs, barfs, strange footprints, etc., but Fritz was talking. I never have my phone handy when he's talking.
There was a hairball and hairball juice, and someone apparently barfed on one of my colitis supplement bottles that i didnt clean in the rush to film him. I wish i could edit it out, but oh well. Rest assured, counter and dirty things were cleaned.
He has the oddest meow.
I raised Jerry from less than a week old.
I got Kevin today. I already have a Kevin, but someone needed to rehome this Kevin (that's how I got the first Kevin too).
He has a tail abscess I'm going to get checked out, otherwise seems healthy and friendly. He's at work with me at the moment.
I tried lightly putting the kitten's hernia back inside, it will go back into place easily, but of course will pop right back out of not held like most hernia
I used an elastic wrist band , held the hernia in place with my finger, wrapped rhr wrist brace with just slight pressure around the kitten, and it worked. I can just barely slide my pinky in between the wrist brace (hernia belt) to check and see, the hernia is staying in.
As you can see, the kitten seems content, can play. Etc.
Pardon the loose litter on the pad, they were playing in the box (ugh) while I was wrapping him.
I got the four kittens, 3 boys, 1 girl.
One orange tabby has a decent sized umbilical hernia. It's getting fixed Monday, that was the best I could do at 4pm on a Friday. He's eating, pooping, seems otherwise healthy.
I told the woman I'd pay for her mother cat to be spayed, that's being done Friday.
Heard mews Friday...someone blessed us with a pregnant mom that had kittens in some straw I had under the shed.
I let them be a while and went to check on the kittens, they seemed to be ok. They were crawling over one another it appeared. I decided to take a closer look...they were tangled on straw and each other's umbilical cords. One had it wrapped around his throat so tight it looked like it was cutting into the skin. It was wrapped around his upper front leg the same way.
I couldn't separate them more than half an inch, so I had to take small sewing scissors, sterilized best I could in a hurry, and carefully cut the cord from the first one's throat and leg, then one at a time as best as I could, snip away the tangle of placenta, cords from the kittens, and straw.
The mom is confused, she wants to love on me, then lunges to attack. This was Friday. The first kitten I mentioned passed Saturday. I had them all in a big kennel, the mom kept moving it away. Another kitten passed Saturday night. She kept moving it away. (Just to clarify , she was moving the kittens away while they were alive, not moving a deceased kitten. Just wanted to clarify before a rude "why are you leaving dead kittens with the mom" comment is posted ")
Sunday she began having severe watery diarrhea, and had moved both remaining kittens away, one into a litter box, another under a heat lamp.
I took those two inside, she seemed confused, like she didn't want her kittens, but at the same time didn't want them gone. I treated her for worms and coccidia. The kittens are about 4 days old now, eating 2-3 ml every 2-3 hours. They're loud and vocal if disturbed.
We're having inspection of some sort for accreditation at our tech College today...had to bring them with me to feed of course. Hoping I don't get in trouble or fired, if I mess up this accreditation I will be. All it would take is one cat hater on the committee.
Here are the remaining two on a heat pad not long after I took them. T
One of three male cat/kittens that appeared a bit ago. I can touch the orange one (Mr Orange) and his brother (Mr Brown, not pictured), but the Tuxedo (Mr Black) won't let me get closer than this video (10-15ft maybe).
These two are together a fair bit, doing the same thing.
Wolf showed up a few years ago, he had an abscess on his chest. It took a few days, but I caught him. He just fell over and started drooling when I eventually touched him back then.
He wasn't neutered, so we had that done.
I have no idea where he came from, and he disappears for weeks it seems. He appears to be living somewhere, he's not scarred up, he's nice sized, and it friendly. When I do see him in the yard he always kind of waits for me and and wants me to speak. He still drools immediately upon being touched.
*update: Vet got him unblocked, lots of blood clots came out. Bloodwork was ok . They're keeping him till Thursday at least he said*
Caught this guy in the yard yesterday. He came up to me actually. A big unneutered male someone donated I think. I kenneled him, checked on him a little while ago and the litterbox was full of blood, his male parts bloody, and his bladder big and hard.
Sitting at the vet's office now. He'll be spending the night.
Calling him Rusty.
Mom said there was a young female cat hanging around the delivery bay at the hospital for a while. Apparently no one there wanted her, everyone had an excuse why they couldn't take her.
Brought her home.
Not the best video, she was more interested in food, had already eaten a can a minute earlier. She's super loving, tried to kind of turn her so people can see her.