Shelter Diary

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Shelter Diary The shelter is located in Rehovot, Israel, and takes care of dogs and cats. Some of them are friendly, healthy and ready for adoption. We are a no-kill shelter.

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ברוכים הבאים לדף של בית המחסה שלנו!

בית המחסה ממוקם ברחובות. אנחנו מחזיקים כלבים וחתולים
חלקם חברותיים ביראים ומיועדים לאימוץ

אנחנו לא ממיתים בעלי חיים בריאים ולכן בית המחסה תמיד מלא
ואיננו קולטים בעלי חיים מהציבור בין אם נמצאו או היו בבית

בית המחסה פועל במסגרת עמותת ראשון אוהבת חיות
מתקיים מתרומות ומהשקעה אישית של מייסד בית המחסה


להיום בית המחסה נמצא בקשיים כלכליים ואנו זקוקים לתורמים ומתנדבים


Welcome to our page! For that reason the shelter is overcrowded and we do not accept animals from the public, whether they are found or come from a home. The shelter functions under the non-profit organization Rishon Loves Animals, and is funded through donations and personal income from it's founder. At the moment our shelter is undergoing a financial crisis. We are urgently looking for sponsors and volunteers.


Добро пожаловать на страничку нашего приюта.

Приют расположен в городе Реховот в Израиле. У нас содержатся собаки и кошки, часть из них дружелюбны, здоровы и готовы к усыновлению.

Мы не усыпляем здоровых животных, по этой причине приют переполнен и мы не принимаем животных, ни найденых ни тех у кого есть дом.

Приют действует в рамках некоммерческой организации Ришон Любит Животных, существует на пожертвования и личный вклад его организатора.

На данный момент приют переживает финансовый кризис, нам нужны спонсоры и волонтеры.

Good morning

Good morning

I stayed late at work a few days ago. A cat was walking in the underground parking lot, and a kitten with its intestines...

I stayed late at work a few days ago. A cat was walking in the underground parking lot, and a kitten with its intestines was running behind her...
So, I went to the shelter and came back with a trap. The kitten wasn’t there anymore. I did find the other cat and so i decided to wait. Our hero has appeared. I set him a table, or rather a trap with canned goods and sardines. It was followed with no interest on his behalf. The kitten decided to put to the test who has more patience. It turned out that I have.
The baby was operated on at noon of the next day. As the doctor said, just putting his intestines in place won't work, since it will fall out again. Thus, in these situations the intestines are sewn to the abdominal cavity. This is a standard procedure, and indeed the intestinal pop-out problem in street cats is not that rare too.
The operation cost 1500 Shekels, while we already have a huge debt for Bonnie’s treatments, which fortunately has been allowed to be broken into payments. Plus, old debts at the vet clinic are still not covered. If you can, take part in saving this baby, who was facing much suffering and the threat of death.
Oh, he also needs a name.
Ways to help:
Thank you!


A short virtual walk around the shelter.
We have more than a hundred friendly and affectionate cats waiting for their family.
Winnie, Reesey, Loki, Oz, Sky and Grin will also be pleased to be with you.
Saturday is a great day to come and meet that someone who can change your life, and you - his.

Bonnie says hi. The catheter was removed three days ago, and an ultrasound was done. Let's hope that the danger is behin...

Bonnie says hi. The catheter was removed three days ago, and an ultrasound was done. Let's hope that the danger is behind us.

This ginger was hiding next to a wall in the central canyon of Rehovot. More precisely, under a wall slab, where there w...

This ginger was hiding next to a wall in the central canyon of Rehovot. More precisely, under a wall slab, where there was a hole into which he could climb.
The surroundings are a noisy place. Cars whistle and honk from all sides, adults are walking about their affairs in large numbers, packs of teenagers chatter cheerfully and loudly while running around.
Fear of death, thirst and hunger - the emotions with which evolution armed the redhead before laying on him the choice: to survive or to die in the circumstances at hand.
If you are a kitten, the last thing you need is to draw the attention of others. But there comes a moment when a scream of despair erupts from your throat. You will call mom, because you don't have anyone except mom in this world.
Several passers-by noticed the weeping wall. Someone brought and placed a bowl of water. Someone provided food. Nobody knows how much time the redhead spent in this place. A woman who handed me a food can said that there was another kitten, a black one, across the road, but that he had disappeared.
I spent several hours trying to lure the ginger into a trap with no success. The kitten ran out of his safe haven, ate and then rushed back to hide again. He got scared a couple of times by passers-by. Then the redhead decided to get on my nerves. He became hysterical and started running along the wall, after which he jumped on the glass display case and tried with no luck to get into the hole. And so, he ran across the road and hid under a car.
By that point, I had to go back to the shelter I run. Many thanks to Lena Steingart who agreed to come late in the evening to handle the trap. At this point, I had no hope of catching the kitten that evening.
I really don't know how Lena did it. But when I returned, the kitten was already trapped.
The next day, this red head transformed from a scared kitten into a composed gentle creature who demands attention and who is inclined to switch on his little purring motor. This motor is not broadcasting any longer to the entire world, but to you personally, that this ginger is right to be well and calm with you.
The most difficult part is to come up with a name for his redness and to find him a loving home.

Bonnie was released from the clinic a couple of days ago. Though the treatment is not over, and the conditions and optio...

Bonnie was released from the clinic a couple of days ago. Though the treatment is not over, and the conditions and options of care in the shelter aren’t comparable to those of the hospital, but we would have to settle for that.
Bonnie was due to get discharged earlier, but after the first trial of removing the catheter, it was revealed that the bladder was not airtight and was leaking into the abdominal cavity, so we had to return the catheter to give the area a chance to recover, and to keep Bonnie in the hospital for two more days to make sure that the fluid in the abdominal cavity was not accumulating when the catheter is in place.
While the doctors have decided not to do another surgery, on Thursday we shall head back to the clinic for check-ups, without knowing whether in that week it will already become possible to remove the catheter.
If you can, please help us pay for Bonnie's treatment.
Thank you!

Dear fellow cat lovers, you can support the shelter by ordering from us pressed wood shavings litter. Delivery is given ...

Dear fellow cat lovers, you can support the shelter by ordering from us pressed wood shavings litter. Delivery is given within the Tel Aviv-Rehovot range, with a minimum of 4 packages per order, while the self-pick-up option is from Rehovot. The price is 80 NIS for 15 kg.
You can pay for the order at the link:

Bonnie has had surgery. The photo shows stones removed from the bladder.The surgeon said the bladder is in terrible cond...

Bonnie has had surgery. The photo shows stones removed from the bladder.
The surgeon said the bladder is in terrible condition and that he will have to leave the catheter for a couple more days, while keeping Bonnie hospitalized.
The surgery and the hospitalization will cost an extremely large amount, and any help will be very meaningful. A big thank you to everyone who’ll donate and to everyone who has already donated for Bonnie's treatment.
Ways to help:
Thank you!

Yesterday, I had to take Krispi and Boni to the vet. Krispi has chronic gingivitis and doesn’t like being handled, so we...

Yesterday, I had to take Krispi and Boni to the vet. Krispi has chronic gingivitis and doesn’t like being handled, so we had to catch her and take her to the clinic for an injection. While there, her ears were cleaned, anti-inflammatory gel was applied, and she was given a deworming shot. She had her teeth removed previously, but the vet who did it decided to leave her canines. They will also need to be removed eventually.

I noticed that something was wrong with Boni. She became less active and started hiding more. I thought she had a dental issue, but it turned out to be severe bladder inflammation. She had bloody and purulent discharge, and her urine was red. Her test results were also concerning, showing that the inflammation had affected her kidneys. I hope it’s temporary and not fatal. Boni had to be hospitalized.

A very good post by Julia Islamova about forming a mutual understanding with dogs***Getting along with a dog - what does...

A very good post by Julia Islamova about forming a mutual understanding with dogs
Getting along with a dog - what does it mean?
- When you can immediately tell by the tail and rear-end movements of the dog walking in front of you whether it is better to back-off or is it enough to adjust your pace of movement in a try to reach out to him. And who or what did she see or smell - a foe, a friend or something interesting.
- When your dog has dozens of ways to convey his wishes - and they are clear and understandable to you. And at the same time you have an agreement that not everything he/she wants can be granted. And that's the norm for either of you.
- When at the sight of another dog or a person you automatically assess rightly and determine whether it's worth getting acquainted in that moment. Or how far of a distance you should keep. Or you see that it might be the time to veer off the attention of your dog.
- When you notice a worrying change in your dog's posture before going to bed, but you calm down quickly because you can understand what's going on. Either the dog is tired today or that the day before was too busy. Or that he/she is too cold. Or that her muscles hurt after a straining run.
- When you can distinguish your dog's request for protection and support from wanting just to be near you. And you can convey to him/her that you understand her situation and are ready to help.
- When the lips of the dog stretches up to his ears while the tongue is sticking out, gives you a reason to worry and you check whether he/she is overheated, overexcited or very anxious.
- When you know what to do if the dog is scared or really mad at someone. And what to do if these situations elicit such a reaction that prevents both of you to live normally and to have normal walks.
- When you can calmly and reasonably explain why your furry dog has a need for the cover of a warm blanket right now, or why you buy floor mats for your puppy, why you play tricks with your big and formidable dog, why you offer your little dog the choice of climbing into your arms or not.
But usually you don't explain all this to anyone because you yourself know in your heart what is best for your dog.
- When people say “she’s probably really smart” about your dog and you smile because you know, first, how much effort went into it. And, second, that raising a dog is a long journey that lasts the entire span of your life together. And that along the way both of you change each other.
- And of course, when you know without a doubt that you are the solemn most awesome specialist in the world in respect to all things concerning your dog.
Julia Islamova

* The above was a translation of a post, referenced by the following link:[0]=AZW8t75mvKcpzT9loEK8MjZQ8wIF5vAgt9nYD6PjQCDRPflyouaxkKqxkzDimUfEExEkhqvGhsFR0dJQSkejvxHe66qo5jkL3gLdEBCEQPM87ngHOqsrm3hKsNOnwaAhlvUjraEzUZQIe143h7QMTKZNjpCPjEsNN0g13wVoQuLenFFVqb-SI5g4lgNeKug5dg6O_tpZtFwlf9w9129wMxxDT7b-kgF_ixEvJS-aYmzQSg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

What do you think I should call this little creature?

What do you think I should call this little creature?


This miracle of a kitten was rescued from the bushes on the dividing line of the road where he sat and meowed. Miracle (thusly named) was very hungry. Now he is playing, eating and sleeping. And is looking for a home.

We were given as a donation a lot of these disposable pads. At the moment we don’t need them, so we want to sell some of...

We were given as a donation a lot of these disposable pads. At the moment we don’t need them, so we want to sell some of them. Perhaps someone has a need for it?


Time goes by quickly . We just celebrated half a year since Ray found his home. I went to visit him with Winnie, with whom he spent five long years at the shelter.
It was not possible to capture in footage how Ray was jumping on me with all his kilograms. So much so that I had to hold Winnie, who at first did not what’s going on and thought she needed to counter an attack of a big unknown dog.
Then we took a long walk and looked for an empty dog playground to let them play. I listened to Ray being praised, while Winnie sniffed out unfamiliar smells and was rolling around the grass in excitement and tried her best to swim in the pond.
We came back late, satisfied and tired. I think Winnie dreamed of Ray last night and he must have been dreaming of both of us.

Water and ice help to a certain extent to deal with the extreme heat.Winnie takes the weather easier she loves water and...

Water and ice help to a certain extent to deal with the extreme heat.
Winnie takes the weather easier she loves water and is ready to play in it all day.

Nele’s eye has been scratched, and so, we need a 3-5 day foster that can drip some meds into her eye for once every 2 ho...

Nele’s eye has been scratched, and so, we need a 3-5 day foster that can drip some meds into her eye for once every 2 hours a day in the first couple of days, and less frequently afterwards.
I, unfortunately, fail to keep this schedule. Nele is completely trained and tolerant of these procedures.
If you can help 0546593643 (WhatsApp) thank you!
We are mobile song the center area

Let's be happy for Umka. He was incredibly lucky to have found a wonderful loving home.Sending thanks to everyone who he...

Let's be happy for Umka. He was incredibly lucky to have found a wonderful loving home.
Sending thanks to everyone who helped find his family, especially Rima Ratkin.
Good luck to you, gentle and affectionate boy. May you live a happy and long life.



Our situation is close to hopeless. The shelter is facing eviction. I've been looking for a new place for several months now and can't find it. All the options (and you can count those with the fingers of one hand), even the bad ones, are way more expensive than the rent we're paying today.

The municipality of Rishon LeZion is trying to help us find a place, but this effort did not yield results so far.

We don't have enough funds to cover the bare minimum: food and veterinary care, even without considering the move expenses. Our debts are not fully paid as well.

We must find new sponsors. Our current supporters are simply caring people that contribute a monthly amount they can afford. If we succeed, the shelter will be able to move to a new location and survive. If not, I can't imagine the consequences, it will be a disaster...

Vova Slutzky, a super talented filmmaker, helped us by making this video about the shelter, free of charge. Huge thanks to him and our adopting parents and volunteers, who agreed to take part in the movie!

Please help us broadcast this video, share it with your friends and social networks.

More ways to help the shelter:

1. Adopt an animal, or provide a temporary home for one (we can consider other counties for adoption).

2. Commit to looking after a cat that would be released in your yard if you have one and the place is safe for cats. This process will require an accommodation period.

3. Volunteer in the shelter. There is so much that needs to be done, both on the premises and remotely.

4. If you support the shelter, and don't mind going public, you can record a short video explaining why it is important to you to help us.

I sincerely hope that with the help of caring people we will be able to save the shelter and its inhabitants from the looming danger.

Sava Hmelnitski,
founder of Rishon Loves Animals shelter

Kira and Tom came to the shelter to meet the handsome Kesem. Kesem took them over in exactly one second.But the guys dec...

Kira and Tom came to the shelter to meet the handsome Kesem. Kesem took them over in exactly one second.
But the guys decided that it would be good for the cat to have company. And so, they decided to take two cats at the same time.
At first they were drawn to our teenagers, but Pie jumped into Tom's arms and from there straight into his soul.
For six years the wonderful Pie waited to be noticed and loved, and finally he got lucky. It is hard to express in words how happy I am for him.
Let's wish Pie and Kesem to become friends; They have never seen each other before the adoption. Wishing also a long, healthy and happy life to both of them )

After 5 long years and winters in the shelter, our beautiful, adorable, incredibly affectionate Francis has finally foun...

After 5 long years and winters in the shelter, our beautiful, adorable, incredibly affectionate Francis has finally found a home.
We wish her many years of love and care.

Some days ago, in the morning, driving from the vet clinic past the Safari, a dog ran along the road, clinging to the sh...

Some days ago, in the morning, driving from the vet clinic past the Safari, a dog ran along the road, clinging to the shoulder of the road.
I pulled the car on the curb and tried to communicate with her. The dog measured me with her evaluating look, and a bit clumsily, resembling how well-fed dogs tend to move, she pushed herself farther away.
I had a few cans with me. Already at 20 meters, our heroine suddenly stopped. Ears are up. She began to sniff. She then approached carefully. She took a few more steps, before stopping to ponder the situation. A bit more steps will do the trick.
I threw the can at her and walked away. She ate with an appetite. After the second and third can, the dog laid down on the grass, slightly to her side and waited for the banquet to continue.
I let her come close. But her face was stone-cold. With such a face you win poker games. Will she bite or not, that was part of what occupied my mind.
She didn't give me a bite. Let me pet her. Then to put on a leash. But I was not going to move from the place. It was scary. Cars flew by with a bang. So we stood as a monument to a man with a dog. I've decided that there is no choice, it's time to try and take her to the car.
The dog jumped abruptly and gave me an indignant look. Like “dude, you’re crazy, let’s go on hands-free.” The situation became a dead end. I have run out of ideas. "Ok, i’m not all that suspicious of you" seemed to be what she was thinking, so she just followed me with the leash on to the car, I opened the door and she hopped up in the backseat by herself!
Fortunately, as a dog without a collar she ended up having a chip. And even more fortunately, she was marked as neutered in the database. I was already dreading finding more than one dog.
The owner turned out to be living in Tel Aviv, not far from the Shalom mall. She has had the dog for about a month, but she walked with her without a leash. I found out through experience that this dog is afraid of thunderstorms. “Could you bring it to me?” she asked.
By the way, if the dog were to get hit by a car, the owner could have never known what had happened to her. Because for some inexplicable reason, the service that removes dead animals from highways does not check their chips...
I really hope this sweet dog is ok. At least, the owner promised to walk her only with a leash in the future.

The closet does not open for long. Need to use the time-window to lay in it

The closet does not open for long. Need to use the time-window to lay in it

Great weather days are worth embracing.You can come to us on weekends to walk with the dogs

Great weather days are worth embracing.
You can come to us on weekends to walk with the dogs

Charlie and I are back at the clinic to get blood tests done after an antibiotic course.His overall condition is tolerab...

Charlie and I are back at the clinic to get blood tests done after an antibiotic course.
His overall condition is tolerable, but his lymph nodes are still very enlarged.
Might have to do a biopsy next week.

My name is kasia . This is my fifth winter in life and in the shelter. And I was also born wearing a shirt.Actually, mom...

My name is kasia . This is my fifth winter in life and in the shelter. And I was also born wearing a shirt.
Actually, mom hid me in the car. Then the car started, mom didn’t have time to pick me up. I don't remember how long I was riding around. When the car braked at a traffic light, I fell onto the road. I was very little, still blind.
The stars who were watching me had made sure that behind the car from which I fell out of there turned out to be another car, where the man who noticed me was sitting, ran out and took me into his arms. He was shocked and terrified of what could happen if he hadn't noticed me or been in the right place at the right time.
This is how my life was saved. Then the man fed me out of the bottle and since then I learned that you can trust people. I have never seen any sign of evil from them.
I know what you're thinking. How could such a beautiful cat not be taken? Maybe something is wrong with her? Believe me, I'm fine. I wasn't picked up because I grew up, I'm not a kitten anymore. And while I was a kitten, there were many other kittens that needed a home, too. And there aren’t enough homes for everyone. there wasn't enough for me.
The person who feeds me rarely stops for long next to me. Sometimes I don’t see him for the entire day. He is constantly running around in such a frenzy. Sometimes he stops and pet me. Or take a picture. And then he runs on. Of course, he has a lot to do and he can't keep up with it all.
Wish he had more time to spend with each of us at the shelter. I wish there were more of him. Ok, I’ve already licked myself, got things in order, so I'm gonna take a nap, see what I dream up. And should I remember I'll write to you later.

Thank you, Olga Mintz, for the food and warm clothes for the shelter!

Thank you, Olga Mintz, for the food and warm clothes for the shelter!

Sunny bunny

Sunny bunny

A big thank you to “Life at Pipl” for donating 4 thousand shekels towards covering our vet clinic debt. And thanks to Ma...

A big thank you to “Life at Pipl” for donating 4 thousand shekels towards covering our vet clinic debt. And thanks to Masha Kamenetskaya, thanks to whom it was made possible.
The shelter is facing a very difficult financial situation right now, and your support would mean a lot to us.
Thank you very much!



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