Our shelter, run by the Rishon Loves Animals nonprofit organization, located in Rehovot, Israel for the last 20 years, received an immediate eviction and demolition order.
The organization has been caught in a legal dispute between the landowners and the local authority, that we were unable to resolve by our own means. We’ve been searching for an alternative location, but we have yet to find a solution for all the animals.
The shelter currently houses 12 dogs and approximately 140 cats. We have wonderful, very friendly, and healthy animals ready for adoption. Additionally, we care for animals suffering from blindness, deafness, chronic illnesses, or those needing lifelong supportive care.
We are asking for your help:
* Adopt an animal temporarily (for one to three months) or permanently.
* Visit our shelter and share your experience in your own words and pictures.
* Help with donations to fund temporary boarding and relocation expenses:
Bank Account for Rishon Loves Animals: 459683, Branch 555, Bank Hapoalim
For international transfers:
IBAN: IL320125550000000459683
Credit card or Bit App: https://app.icount.co.il/m/0e915
PayPal: [email protected]
Bit or Paybox App: 054-6593643
* Help us find a new location: Perhaps you know someone who can rent out a suitable space.
* Help us spread the word: Bloggers, influencers, and caring journalists can significantly increase our chances of finding a solution.
* Follow and share our pages: “Shelter Diary” and “Rishon Loves Animals.”
For more information, please send a WhatsApp message to +972-54-6593643 or +972-50-2101786.
Thank you!
Jenya, Oz and Rizzy have missed each other since yesterday )
Please explain what Kasya and cats as tender as her are doing in the shelter. Better yet, come visit and adopt one of tens of our wonderful friendly cats.
The shelter is located in Rehovot, open on Fridays and Saturdays. You can schedule a visit by leaving your contact information at the following link: https://shelterdiary.org/en/p/4611
A repost is always welcome. We will gladly consider overseas adoption as well
A moment for educational work )
A short virtual walk around the shelter.
We have more than a hundred friendly and affectionate cats waiting for their family.
Winnie, Reesey, Loki, Oz, Sky and Grin will also be pleased to be with you.
Saturday is a great day to come and meet that someone who can change your life, and you - his.
This miracle of a kitten was rescued from the bushes on the dividing line of the road where he sat and meowed. Miracle (thusly named) was very hungry. Now he is playing, eating and sleeping. And is looking for a home.
Time goes by quickly . We just celebrated half a year since Ray found his home. I went to visit him with Winnie, with whom he spent five long years at the shelter.
It was not possible to capture in footage how Ray was jumping on me with all his kilograms. So much so that I had to hold Winnie, who at first did not what’s going on and thought she needed to counter an attack of a big unknown dog.
Then we took a long walk and looked for an empty dog playground to let them play. I listened to Ray being praised, while Winnie sniffed out unfamiliar smells and was rolling around the grass in excitement and tried her best to swim in the pond.
We came back late, satisfied and tired. I think Winnie dreamed of Ray last night and he must have been dreaming of both of us.
Our situation is close to hopeless. The shelter is facing eviction. I've been looking for a new place for several months now and can't find it. All the options (and you can count those with the fingers of one hand), even the bad ones, are way more expensive than the rent we're paying today.
The municipality of Rishon LeZion is trying to help us find a place, but this effort did not yield results so far.
We don't have enough funds to cover the bare minimum: food and veterinary care, even without considering the move expenses. Our debts are not fully paid as well.
We must find new sponsors. Our current supporters are simply caring people that contribute a monthly amount they can afford. If we succeed, the shelter will be able to move to a new location and survive. If not, I can't imagine the consequences, it will be a disaster...
Vova Slutzky, a super talented filmmaker, helped us by making this video about the shelter, free of charge. Huge thanks to him and our adopting parents and volunteers, who agreed to take part in the movie!
Please help us broadcast this video, share it with your friends and social networks.
More ways to help the shelter:
1. Adopt an animal, or provide a temporary home for one (we can consider other counties for adoption).
2. Commit to looking after a cat that would be released in your yard if you have one and the place is safe for cats. This process will require an accommodation period.
3. Volunteer in the shelter. There is so much that needs to be done, both on the premises and remotely.
4. If you support the shelter, and don't mind going public, you can record a short video explaining why it is important to you to help us.
I sincerely hope that with the help of caring people we will be able to save the shelter and its inhabitants from the looming danger.
Sava Hmelnitski,
founder of Rishon Loves Animals shelter
Many thanks to everyone who helped us pay for the treatment for Starlight.
It makes me so happy to see her jumping and frolicking around. Without the surgery, it is unknown to what extent she would be able to use her leg and she would have probably remained limp for life.
Unfortunately, we have not found a home for her yet, and the challenge at this point is to get her to gain weight and to ensure that not too much strain is exerted on her leg.
There were a lot of unexpected expenses this month and on the last month. The operation done on Starlight is not fully paid yet, and we were allowed to split the total cost into payments (it's 3.5 thousand shekels + tests), Casper's hospitalization in Beit Dagan (4 shekels) has not got paid yet, whole his expensive treatment, FIP medicine, cost 50 shekels a day, the checkups of Max the cat cost 2 thousand shekels and this is not the complete list of our debts.
If you are able to help, we would appreciate your support. Any amount will make a difference.
Thank you!