Hey everyone! As you may have noticed, we havent really been posting. While we have a minute to spare, we wanted to update you all on what's been happening with us recently. We just welcomed a new little one into our family on July 18th, after an emergency C-section, and unfortunately bothe of us and baby had covid.🍼
Due to the exhaustion that came along with this, and the fact we only had a month left in our lease, we made the decision to move closer to family and are now settling into our new home in the DFW, Texas area.
As we try to adjust to our new life and surroundings, and catch up on some much needed sleep, we’re taking a temporary break from breeding. We hope to be back soon but its hard to give an estimated date on when. Ideally when baby is sleeping through the night and we are able to start the day refreshed again.
When we return, we'll be diving back into mice as well as our main passion: rats! 🐀
Thank you all for your understanding and support during this time. Be sure to follow us for news on when we’re back in action!
See you soon! 💕