Now that we have reached a plateau in training at home it is time to step into the next level.
She has mastered neighborhood walks and is no longer hyper vigilant of the unknown. The routine I set on daily walk over the years has helped her greatly. We are able to walk any time of the day or evening. She is no longer fearful of garbage trucks and the scary sounds they make. We can walk passed people and dogs as long as they are 4 to 5 feet away from us.
Mellow now approaches people ( cautiously) and will easily take food rewards when offered.
Training is a breeze with her now that she knows without any doubt that I am a safe human who will advocate on her behalf.
She is ready to learn more, do more and face mild fears.
Now we need to build her confidence and foster the progress!
In September we started with a confidence building class for shy and fearful dogs. She wanted more!
Now we have enrolled in introduction to agility and she likes it. There are 2 to 3 dogs in class with her and visual barriers are in place so the dogs waiting for their turn can relax and practice mini training sessions without worrying about other things happening in the environment.
Now that we have 8 weeks of classes under the collar Mellow is giving me indications that she loves all of the fun and is willing to work through the scary stuff.
Today she accomplished going through the tunnel ( shortened) and the tire is no longer scary to pass through even if it moves.
Her favorite obstacles are the dog walk and the A frame. She is learning the weave poles and is doing well! The hurdle is set very low and is a piece of cake!
Today Mellow showed me that she is willing to face her fears!