🧐Laminitis NEVER starts in the feet!
And you don’t fix it by nailing on shoes backwards, heart bars, clogs, wedges, resections, cutting off the toe, raising the heels etc.
You fix laminitis by understanding the ROOT cause and fixing that.
And the only person who can do that is YOU... not the vet or the farrier. 😳
Then, and only then, will the feet AND body begin to truly heal.
You can’t ‘fix’ laminitis by trying to ‘fix’ the foot.
It doesn’t matter how much you do to the feet, you will NEVER fix laminitis.
Because laminitis might ‘look’ like it’s a hoof issue because your horse is struggling to walk and the feet are becoming distorted...
… but it’s a whole body issue and it DOESN’T START in the feet.
Laminitis can be acute, or chronic, and one of the most frightening aspects of modern hoof care, is that most chronic signs of laminitis are TOTALLY ignored until it’s too late, and the horse then becomes acute.
When it comes to treating laminitis it really shouldn’t be about fixating on the feet.
It should be about doubling down on the diet and management that you are providing your horse.
But how many people tell you that?☹️
1000’s upon 1000’s of horses all over the world are still suffering with laminitis, being put to sleep, spending months on box rest, being starved, being drugged for long periods... and this hasn’t changed for YEARS!
Years and YEARS!😱
They are still using the same protocols now to attempt to ‘cure’ laminitis as they have done UNSUCCESSFULLY for decades.
We wonder why horses are still being treated like this?🤔
Because the evidence is everywhere that DIET is the main cause.
And by making some simple changes to the way you feed and keep your horse can be the real difference between life and death? 😥
Owners are now turning their backs on traditional treatments THAT DON’T WORK…
… and saving their horses all over the world, by changing the diet and the management to a more species specific one.
Owners are fixing their horses... not the traditional professionals.
Because owners are seeing the success stories of others and following them... leaving behind tradition and convention, and the old ways that people have been conditioned to believe work.
Owners are stepping up and helping their horses recover, without ANYTHING fixed to their already deeply compromised hooves!
✅ By taking the shoes OFF
✅ By changing the DIET.
✅ By throwing out of the window those old methods that simply don’t work.
If you want to stop laminitis, then it doesn’t start with a SHOE… or a RESECTION… or months of spirit crushing box rest…
… it starts with YOU! 💪
In every issue of The Barefoot Horse Magazine we publish success stories of owners going barefoot, curing their horses of serious health problems that manifest themselves in the feet.
But never START in the feet.
Join 1000’s of horse owners all over the world, throwing out the old traditional ways, and embracing the better way... the natural way... the right way!
And keep your horse BAREFOOT and HEALTHY for the rest of their life!
Issue 31 OUT NOW!
👉ISSUE 31 IN PRINT or DIGITAL👉https://bit.ly/BHMIssue31
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Then WATCH two of our upcoming live shows:
🎬 Predicting the Future: Identifying When a Horse is at Risk of Laminitis, with Master Hoof Care Professional and award winning Engineer, Professor Steve Hebrock
Date/Time: Sunday 5th September - 8PM UK/3PM ET
🎬 Rehabbing Laminitic Ponies, with Jenny Hepari, owner of Mini Ha Ha Haven
Date/Time: Friday 17th September - 8PM UK/3PM ET
👉 TO BUY A TICKET TO THESE SHOWS GO HERE: https://bit.ly/LiveShowTickets
Don't let laminitis be the end for you horse!!
The BHM Team ❤️