I'm bored...
* Age backward: 86
* Favorite pie: Peach and Pecan
* Steak or seafood: Seafood
* Pepsi or Coke: Coke
* Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
* How many tattoos: 0
* Ever hit a deer: no
* Netflix or Hulu: Hulu
* Last text from: Brenda Gantt /The Cottle Housr
* Favorite season: Winter
* Surgeries: Tons
* Favorite color: Green
* Mountains or Beach: Both, leaning towards dogs.
* Dogs or cats: both
* Early morning person: NO!
* Have you ever flown on a plane: YEP
* Favorite holiday: Christmas
* Mild or hot salsa: NOPE
* Smooth or crunchy peanut butter: Crunchy
* Waffles or Pancakes: Neither
* Who will play: haven’t a clue
Just hold down and copy text to your page, add your own answers. Thanks for playing.