Ravinel Pembroke Welsh Corgis

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Ravinel Pembroke Welsh Corgis RAVINEL Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Loving the Breed since 1992. My own male(s) are already checked for hips, eyes, vWD, DM and fluff. Do not be duped!

We are located in Ontario, Canada and have had over 31 years' experience with purebred, registered and high quality Pembroke Welsh Corgis. All of my purebred and CKC registered breeding bi***es are tested for hips (OFA), eyes (CERF), vWD (von Willebrand's) and Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) and Fluff. Purebred and registered stud dogs are usually cleared for hips and eyes and blood and perhaps DM, a

s they are usually owned by others. I prefer to weigh all the variables under consideration and make a balanced decision toward breeding pairs. All of our pets are sold on mandatory spay/neuter contracts, with spay/neuter to be done AFTER 24 months of age. I do not sell to anyone who wishes to dock the tail at any time in their life span. Our puppies (show and pet) stay with us until at least 12 weeks (no exceptions). My bi***es are of mature mental and physical age (over age of 2 years) before any attempts at a breeding. Show puppies are typically sold on co-ownership or only to people that are known really well to me. Future priorities will include making sure that the new homes are able to provide a high standard of care, maintenance and nutrition. It is highly recommended that prospective pet purchasers and new owners/co-owners of this breed be willing to follow my advice. I have learned a lot over 31 years of Corgi ownership/exhibiting (and having had dogs since childhood) and I am still learning. I do a lot of research, study, discussion and watching many bloodlines and shows around the world on a continual basis. My priorities in breeding are: quality, temperament, type, health, soundness and elegance. Good moving all three ways, lots of scope, moderate, functional, intelligent, easy to train and pleasing to look at. Longevity is important to me and I wish to maintain a decent level of colour (red markings) in my dogs as well. I breed for the correct oval eye and 3-5 head proportions, not the prominent round eye in the often 2-5 head ratio. I do not breed for the incorrect sloping toplines or overangulated rears or the incorrect sloping croup (for lower tail carriage). All of my puppies are very carefully reared for intelligence, affection, resilience and for adapting to stressful situations well. My puppies are crate trained, leash trained, table trained and have experienced complete grooming before going to their new homes. They have had their nails done weekly since week 1, they have had their ears cleaned, their mouths handled and they have been wormed in moderation. They get their first set of vaccines after 9 weeks. They have their eyes checked by a certified Canine Eye Doctor. I prefer to feed a holistic, whole foods, high quality diet and I prefer to follow a very minimal vaccination protocol, using 3 year vaccines (no annuals). My dogs are cherished, loved and given a lot of attention/exercise and kept in pristine condition. They share the house with us and are not crated during the day if someone is home. They sleep in very large wire crates at night time on soft beds and have a water bowl attached inside their crate. I keep my dogs at a healthy weight and ensure they have plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Their teeth are completely cleaned by me monthly. I have done conformation, herding, flyball, agility, obedience and rally with my dogs over the years as circumstances permit. I do various levels of competition mixed in with classes, fun matches and tests. I expect my dogs to be cherished in their new homes and that they must come back to me if they cannot be kept. I am happy to offer on a periodic basis, lovely Pembroke Welsh Corgis for pet/companion, performance or show to FOREVER homes, but they all must be kept as house pets regardless. To date, dogs from my *very limited* breeding program have earned Championships in Canada, USA, Estonia and Lithuania and have earned CC's/RCC's/BOB/Group placing(s) in England/UK and BOB/group placements (adult/puppy) in Mexico and Ukraine. There have been nice placings in Latvia and Germany as well. Progeny from dogs that I have bred have bred on through many European/Eastern European countries as well. I belong to the Canadian, American and British Pembroke Welsh Corgi Clubs and the CKC and SDKC.

**I am happy to answer genuine inquiries where the full names, physical addresses and phone numbers are provided in the original email or Facebook correspondence that I receive.**

In order for consideration to be placed on my waiting list, I require completion of my questionnaire followed up by an in-person visit that helps me suitably match up the prospective purchaser with the most appropriate puppy for their homes, lifestyles and individual circumstances/preferences (where applicable). Sometimes people find out during these important visits that this breed may not be completely suited to them or were caught up in "cute pictures" or seeing them elsewhere but are not prepared for the time, commitment, and firm, loving hand that is required. Please note: I decide mainly where each puppy is placed as I have spent extensive hands on time with them and constantly evaluate them as they grow and we do not entertain impulsive "want to pick my own puppy by looks or from a brief interaction." There is no first come-first serve or "first deposit-first pick of litter" arrangement with my dogs. Educated, responsible and informed matchings are done by the experienced breeder. I do not cosmetically dock my puppies and I will not provide cosmetically docked puppies even if requested. The benefits of keeping the tail (fitness, aerodynamics, rear end stability, performance speed/turning/banking/"spinning on a dime", stabilization of the spine and its muscles, communication enhancement, ease of swimming and many other reasons) far outweigh cosmetic docking. All prospective purchasers of my puppies and/or older dogs (companion/performance/show) must provide a non-refundable deposit and signed contract before any registration papers are furnished, before any dog shows are entered, before any foreign registrations are done and before any health tests are done for export and/or shipping. This reasonable arrangement indicates to me that the new owner(s) are sincere about following through on their interest in one of my well-bred, well-reared and cherished Corgis. Only those who are willing to physically visit to meet with me and my dogs in person prior to any litter arrivals will be considered for a puppy placement. Those who have price as their primary concern/objective in a puppy will not be considered. We **do NOT** sell our dogs or export frozen semen to any countries involved in any form of the disgusting dog meat trade and/or have no mandate of upholding a high standard of animal welfare/husbandry. We do not allow any progeny of our dogs to be exported to these countries as well. In this particular regard, at our sole discretion, we are open to considering valid inquiries from experienced Corgi owners that provide excellent care and uphold high welfare standards while unequivocally guaranteeing the safety of the dog for its entire lifetime. That being said, the background our dog owners come from is immaterial and has never been a factor for pre-screened and pre-approved homes. We do not consider any "anti-crate-usage" homes for puppy placements because using a large crate responsibly and as instructed for the safety and well-being of the puppy/dog through many transitional stages is of the utmost importance. We do not provide referrals to any breeders intentionally breeding poor quality dogs (even if they have tails) and we do not undertake, nor support any form of cross breeding in the Corgi. There is no such thing as the merle gene in the purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Ethical breeders do not intentionally breed together two fluffy Corgis. There is no such breed, variant or officially recognized type of dog called the Western, Cowboy or American Corgi. These are all a scam and are shoddily bred by those that wish to dupe others. This breed is not a fashion accessory and is not intended for people to buy on impulse (or any breed for that matter) because they are "cute" or "because my friend has one." PRA (progressive retinal atrophy) is not a known genetic condition found in this breed, as it is associated typically with the Cardigan Welsh Corgi gene pool and is tested and screened for in that breed accordingly. People buying PRA tests for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi are just wasting their money and this convenient DNA test does not replace a proper physical eye exam. Beware of any breeder who actively discourages you to meet them and their dogs/their premises before a puppy is available by providing varied excuses. The only exceptions would be if a bitch is in whelp or has young puppies, as it is not safe for visitors at that time. NO GOOD, RESPONSIBLE AND REPUTABLE BREEDER WILL LET YOU GO HOME WITH A PUPPY ON THEIR FIRST TIME MEETING YOU or at your first visit to their premises. Consider very carefully the inevitable negative consequences of impulse purchases from disreputable and irresponsible breeders who constantly have puppies available, who cross breed with other breeds to get unusual colours (often linked with health problems), who often have large numbers of litters on a regular basis and those who are not interested in meeting you more than once or are not interested in having you fill out a detailed questionnaire or are simply not interested in getting to know you well and over an extended period of time. This means they will not care about your or the puppy after it changes hands, and it means you are unfortunately on your own with no help, support or advice after you get your puppy. A good breeder will be there for YOU and YOUR quality puppy for the entire lifetime of that dog. General Information regarding registration papers:

No GOOD breeder will ever breed from unregistered parents (sire/dam) or claim they cannot find the papers or "cannot" register the litter. It is ILLEGAL to pay extra for registration papers from the Canadian Kennel Club or American Kennel Club. The only valid and legitimate registry in North America bearing the affix "CKC" is the Canadian Kennel Club (since 1888). Any other registry with those same letters is a scam and the registrations are fraudulent. Not all breeders are created equal! Check out these websites:

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Association (Canada)

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America

The Canadian Kennel Club




Whole Dog Journal‘s mission is to provide dog guardians with in-depth information on dog food, training, behavior, health, and more.


Beware of giving Benadryl with xylitol to dogs!!


Beautiful weekend ahead. Enjoy some time outdoors. Ensure to keep your pup safe from poisonous plants and other toxins they may pick up on walks. Bring along tasty snacks so you can reward them for being called away from things and coming back promptly.


Photographer Daniel Biber from Hilzingen, Germany was trying to capture the murmuration of starlings for 4 days when he finally succeeded: he didn't realize the starlings had created a giant bird in the sky until he got home and reviewed the pictures.

More details/photos: http://bit.ly/3U268IB


Abstract OBJECTIVE To compare health and behavior outcomes for dogs that underwent vasectomy or ovary-sparing spay (hysterectomy) with sexually intact dogs or dogs that had undergone traditional castration or spay. SAMPLE 6,018 dog owners responded to a web-based survey between November 3, 2021, and...


The Amish and Mennonite community are known as "The Gentle People". Amish Country is known for its wonderful restaurants, craft shops and well-kept Amish farms. Beautiful fields where bearded men in wide-brimmed hats lead teams of shaggy plow horses tilling the soil. Hay fields dot the rolling hills of Amish country, and the fields that sustain the simple lifestyle are mostly bare. But one crop the most important crop to some remains: Puppies.

An overwhelming number of puppy mill operators are Amish. Inside the picturesque barns and wooden fences of Amish country in New York State and in all Amish communities throughout the US, "purebred" puppies are bred by the tens of thousands, many living in a hellish world of filthy, crowded cages. They are puppy mill puppies, and they bring in $4 million a year for the over 100 Amish and Mennonite farmers who supply pet stores, boutique dog-shop markets, and at least two New York dog dealers, according to the ASPCA. "It's not just some cottage industry by people who sell bread-and-butter pickles by the roadside," says Roger Caras, ASPCA's former executive director.

These "dog farmers" sell 20,000 puppies a year to wholesalers for an average $223 a pup, government records show. And it's making some of these quaint farmers quite rich. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) documents show that one Amish dog farmer sold 1,293 puppies last year for an estimated $290,000 though federal inspectors have cited his farm for numerous violations since 1992 including overcrowded cages and inadequate sanitation, pest control, feeding and watering of animals. Then these sickly, genetic nightmares are delivered to the upscale pet shops. They given them a bath and blow dry them and fluff them up and pray they don't die before they're sold, often for $1,000 or more each.

The Amish don't say much about their involvement. They never do. No one at the local seed store would talk about puppy breeding last week. Or at the buggy maker's. Or at the lumber yard or the pet store. Not even at the corner restaurant. It's their dirty little secret.

Be warned though- the Amish life that is depicted for tourist is nothing like the reality. A simple Google search for Amish puppy mills will return thousands of hits. For farmers, a big crop of dogs can gross up to $500,000 annually, with successful operations netting six figures. For critics, the men in the suspenders and bushy beards are masking a cruel form of factory farming behind the quaint and pure image of the Amish culture.

According to Baker, even shipping a pup a week later, at eight weeks of age, is not a good idea. "Immune systems aren't developed by then and all kinds of health issues could arise."

In areas of the U.S. where Amish dwell, there is a high number of puppy mills. The Pennsylvania Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement lists 243 kennels in Lancaster County. Pennsylvania, 98% of them owned by Amish. Holmes County, Ohio, has 470 kennels -- more than any other county in the nation. While the Amish landcape is among the most beautiful in the world, the puppies bred at the mills NEVER see the outside of wire cages that are usually stacked on top of each other in dark barns.

One cannot throw all the Amish into the same category. Actions of some might sound rash. The puppy-mill breeders might be just a small fraction or a very small percent of the Amish population, but the majority of the population have chosen to ignore what is going on in their own backyards.

The Amish have been allowed to continue their inhumane treatment of animals without pressure from the rest of the population because of the money that tourism brings to Amish businesses. Most people who visit Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and Holmes County, Ohio go there to experience the Amish Culture. Yes, the Amish in general are a hard working, modest people. But they use the modern world to advertise and post the mill puppies on the Internet. These Godly people who shun the outside world have no qualms about using an outide third party to sell their stock.

The Amish continually breed poor quality puppies and keep their breeding dogs in a state that defies decency. They should be barred from dog breeding as they breed poor quality dogs. They get away with it because people think that religious people wold never do anything inhumane.

The following pictures were taken with permission of the Amish owner. All these dogs have been in wire cages all their lives, live totally confined to these spaces, receive no vet care and have deformed paws.


📸credits to Metzger


Something to consider when you’re holiday shopping for your canine family member. 🐾


A labor of love that NEVER truly ends ❤️

All responsible owners use a sturdy crate for their dog when travelling by vehicle. Just plain common sense.

All responsible owners use a sturdy crate for their dog when travelling by vehicle. Just plain common sense.

We will take this crash rating over a simulated crash in a laboratory setting ANY day!! 🥲🐶💚💜

"Hello, I wanted to reach out to you guys with this picture. My car was involved in a rollover accident, I was not in the vehicle and neither were my dogs, but the saving grace to the drivers life was my xl ruffland holding up the roof to my car. There is not a single scratch or dent on my kennel . . . I am blown away that the kennel does not even have a crack, and beyond grateful that it saved his life. The only reason my roof did not collapse onto the driver was because of the kennel."
M. Little
Inglis, FL


SO MUCH goes into each puppy that comes out of a breeder's program 🙌🏼


With holidays around the corner, make sure you are super careful with your holiday decorations please!


Tonight’s the night to Fall Back 😊🍁🍂⏰🐾


Wendy Hayes, 61, was left with no choice but to euthanise her pets


Blue-Green Algae is prevelent in the lakes in Wisconsin, and can be very dangerous to dogs.
If you don't know about Blue-Green Algae is then read our blog article: https://bit.ly/3QuQ27k


Team Work!🖤


Corn season is upon us…


A puppy is NOT a product ‼️ You CANNOT just get one on demand.


Paws to consider, please.




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