Daddy is so silly talking baby talk to our Gwenny Girl just chilling at Grandmas. She looks so comfortable we just Love our Number One Baby Girl. Have a Great Cavalier Day...☆G☆P☆O☆ #gwenny #gwenney #tricolor #chillingcavalier #serendipitypurebreedcavaliers #pawpleasers #akcregistered #akc #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavaliersofsandiego #happycavalier
Enjoying an evening stroll, with full night gear...
☆Gwenney☆ Update: She's able to walk a little distance before she gets tired. We are keeping close eye on her to make sure she doesn't over do it or injure herself. We are so greatful to all our family and friends who helped with their Love and Suppor. #gwenny #tricolor #recoveringcavalier #akcregistered #tornmeniscus #TornLigaments #weloveourcavalier #cavaliersofsandiego
☆No day shall erase you from the memory of time ❤️ ☆
Daddy took the three of us for an evening stroll. Gwenny started off in the lead, but by the end of the walk she was in the caboose position. It was a bit warm and we all like to get out. Daddy likes putting the markers and lights on us. Beep' Beep' here comes the Cavalier train...have a Great Cavalier Evening...☆Gwenney☆Penny☆Oliver. #gwenny #tricolor #penny #blenum #Oliver #ruby #strollingvcavalier #chillingcavalier #pawpleaser #esacertified #serendipitypurebreedcavaliers #cavaliersofsandiego #akcregistered #emotionalsupportanimal #walkyourcavalier #doggywalkinglights
Daddy was sitting outside with us while ☆Gwenney☆ and ☆Oliver☆ were playing, as ☆Penny☆ looks on. If you watch closely ☆Gwenney☆ takes a cute tiger pounce unto ☆Oliver☆ he just loves when the they wrestle with him. Their winter coats are full and beautiful. Have a Great Cavalier Day...☆G☆P☆O☆.
Daddy taking us out for an evening walk. He always makes sure we have our marker as well as walking lights on. We look like we are off roading. Hope everyone is having a Great Cavalier Evening.....☆G☆P☆O☆. #gwenny #tricolor #Penny #blenum #Oliver #ruby #happycavaliers #ilovemycavaliers #cavalierlove #cavaliersofsandiego #serendipitypurebreedcavaliers #pawpleasers #eveningwalk #eveningstroll #walkingthefurbabies