Out Of The Shell Dog Training

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Out Of The Shell Dog Training I help you and your dog communicate better, in ways you both will understand. I address both behavioral and obedience problems right in your home.


When training, sometimes making a plan with what you want to cover and build up to can help with training things in an orderly way. For example: Sit, Down (lay down), Heel (loose-leash walking) Come (recall) and stay.
A lot of times people forget to teach “Attention and after all, if you don’t have the dog's attention, you’re not going to get much of a response to anything else.
Another good one to teach is “Leave it” that is “that thing you were about to put in your mouth-don’t even think about it!” and “Settle” (lie down and relax).
You can always add games and other things to your vocabulary words, this is just a good start.

About GUNNERAt GUNNER® we build the best dog products in the world to give our dogs the lives they deserve. Overbuilt in...


At GUNNER® we build the best dog products in the world to give our dogs the lives they deserve. Overbuilt in the USA™, we engineer them for your dog and build them for your peace of mind. GUNNER is building the leading brand in the adventure lifestyle dog owner space. With a growing pack of loyalists and an evolving product offering, we aim to build the best dog products in the world. With overbuilt products and unmatched brand perception, we are creating demand and fandom for GUNNER as the premier offering in our space.

Some dogs are always trying to put things in their mouth that you don't want and can harm them. It is also costly to hav...

Some dogs are always trying to put things in their mouth that you don't want and can harm them. It is also costly to have emergency surgery because the dog ate something that was not designed to be in its stomach. When your dog eats rocks, leaves, socks, and other things, always have them leashed around their temptations. Use the leash to redirect and correct behaviors. It is also essential to teach them to drop it/give it/yuck. An easy way to teach this is to have a treat you put up in front of their face to get them to drop it and give them the treat. Do this until they drop things without the treat being in front of them. Using a cage muzzle can be very helpful if they keep at it. Train them on the muzzle and continue to train them to avoid them trying and picking things up with supervision. After you trust that they can not get something in their mouth and they are safe with the muzzle on, you can give them more freedom. If the problem persists over a year and you have tried all the above, get a professional, and/or I recommend e-collar training.

Comprehensive accident & illness coverage, preventative care, no restrictions and different levels of insurance coverage...

Comprehensive accident & illness coverage, preventative care, no restrictions and different levels of insurance coverages.

High quality protein completely plant-based dog food formulas (and dog treats). Comes in three different flavors of food...

High quality protein completely plant-based dog food formulas (and dog treats). Comes in three different flavors of food and treats. They also have Skin & coat supplements, Hip & Joint supplement, and an Immune & digestion supplement.

Meet Bart: A Energetic and Affectionate All-Black Short CoatBart is an all-black short-coated male who’s full of drive a...

Meet Bart: A Energetic and Affectionate All-Black Short Coat

Bart is an all-black short-coated male who’s full of drive and energy. He’s looking for a new home where he can thrive and be appreciated for his many qualities.

Training and Behavior: Bart is fully house trained, crate trained, and not destructive. He’s great with female dogs and has a strong work ethic. He’s excellent at playing ball and is very well mannered.
Temperament: Bart is good with people and comes when called, even without a leash. He can run with you or chill out and watch TV. While he’s friendly, he’s protective and won’t let anyone enter your home without you being there.

Bart would be a fantastic addition whether you’re looking to add a new member to your pack or need a companion who’s equally content being on his own. 602.618.1854


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Aggression with males and females in reference to fixingEvidence suggesting that male dogs are more aggressive is consis...

Aggression with males and females in reference to fixing
Evidence suggesting that male dogs are more aggressive is consistent with the fact that aggressive behavior can be triggered by testosterone, the principal male s*x hormone. In dog-versus-dog aggression, male dogs do posture, threaten, and challenge each other more then females, though this is largely ritualized display aimed at establishing social ranking.
Female dogs threaten less frequently, but overall are more independent, stubborn, and territorial then their male counterparts. The females are actually much more intent upon exercising their dominance and while males can forgive an occasional transgression of canine protocol or a failure to recognize their status, females cannot. This explains why fights are more likely to break out between two females, and often without much advance warning these fights between females are more of a “no-holds-barred” affair then the males’ ritualistic fighting, which includes snapping at the air in front of an opponent or using inhibited bites to threaten rather then maim.
In dog aggression toward humans, which is of far greater concern, non-neutered males are more likely to be involved in biting incidents. Most human bite incidents by pet male dogs involve leadership and control issues between the dog and human. Both male and female dogs are equally likely to threaten or bite if the issue is possession of a food or a cherished object. A female is less likely to wage a dominance battle that escalates into aggression with a human, but females can be cunning and resourceful in in getting their way, and in the human mind they are often perceived as more “sneaky” then male dogs.
Whether pregnant or not, after ovulating all unaltered female dogs go through a two-month period in which their body is flooded with the same hormones that are present during pregnancy. Females may start acting in a strange manner about certain items such as tennis balls, socks, soft toys, or shoes. She might become possessive and protective of these items and snap, growl, or bite anyone who comes too near or disturbs them. Well-socialized dogs are less prone to this behavior, but just as in the case of male aggression, the only real preventive measure is early spaying/neutering.
The male hormone testosterone influences territorial urine-marking, dog-to-dog aggression, the tendency of male dogs to roam more then females (in order to stake out territory and look for a mate). Female s*x hormones, on the other hand, only affect a dog’s personality during her heat cycles, which usually occurs twice a year.
Neutering is not a cure-all. It rarely affects fear-biting, territorial aggression (the dog’s natural defensive reaction when something comes near his home), or predatory aggression (the tendency to chase things that run, and to nip or bite them).
Neutered dogs seem to pay attention more to people because they are paying less attention to s*x-related activities of other dogs. In addition, neutering a dog that is not yet an adult seems to freeze personality development at that stage, at least in terms of keeping certain puppy-like traits in place. We have to remember that the breed of dog is much more important than its s*x in determining emotional stability.
Male and female dogs tend to age differently, which affects their personalities. Most males tend to keep more of their silly, soft, puppy-like behaviors longer than females. Thus males tend to want to play games more, and remain fun-loving till the day they die. Females, however, tend to become quieter and more reserved, to dignify as they age. The truth is that both male and female dogs are good pets. Overall, preference for one s*x or the other in dogs is mostly a matter of human preference.


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Picking a puppyChoosing a puppy who will be a member of your family deserves a lot of thought. A puppy will bring lots o...

Picking a puppy
Choosing a puppy who will be a member of your family deserves a lot of thought. A puppy will bring lots of love and joy into your home, but unfortunately, this new arrival will present new problems as well.
You can minimize the problems associated with a new puppy by choosing the right puppy for your family. Consider all of your needs as well as the needs of the puppy.
Choose your puppy from a litter that has received appropriate care. Try to find a puppy from a litter that was born in a clean, well-kept kennel, shelter, or home.
Before you get a dog, ask yourself these questions: Can I afford to feed, house, and exercise it? Do I have the time to spend brushing a long coat, or is choosing a dog with a short coat that is easier to care for better for me? Will I put up with an overly protective or noisy dog? Will it dig holes in the lawn, and will I mind if it does? Caring for a dog is a big commitment, and you need to make sure you are ready to make this kind of commitment.
You will also have to decide between a male and a female dog. Male dogs of some breeds get larger, colder, and more independent, and they are generally more difficult to housebreak. Females are more dependent, but they will go through difficult periods when they are in heat. Females are less likely to roam and are more protective of your belongings.
Look for a puppy at least eight weeks old. Younger puppies can be successfully reared, but they will need extra care and attention. Ensure the puppy is in good health (discharge around the eyes or nose is a bad sign) and has a good temperament.
You may be able to pick up some clues about your puppy’s personality from its mother. A nervous mother could mean timid puppies. Puppies who are bold and get into trouble are often more intelligent and may respond to training better than average puppies.
If you need more help contact me.

Why Dog Sniff Each Other’s TailsThe source of pheromones is a special kind of sweat glad called “apocrine glands”. High ...

Why Dog Sniff Each Other’s Tails
The source of pheromones is a special kind of sweat glad called “apocrine glands”. High concentrations of these glands can be found around the ge***al and a**l regions in all mammals (including humans). Pheromone smells contain more information about an individual than you find in the self-descriptions that people post on many social networks. They not only identify the s*x, age, health, and mood of the individual, but also carry a lot of s*xual information as well, such as where the female is in her menstrual cycle, if she is pregnant, or if she has recently given birth.
For dogs reading pheromone scents is the equivalent of reading a written message about the statues and feelings of another animal. Because of the location of the apocrine glands, many pheromone chemicals are found dissolved in the dog’s urine (and some are also carried in the f***l matter), which means that a dog’s urine can be read by other dogs. In effect, sniffing a fire hydrant or a tree along a route popular with other dogs becomes a means of keeping abreast of current events. That tree serves as a large canine tabloid containing the latest news items in the dog world. It may not contain installments of classic canine literature, but it certainly has a gossip column and the personals section of the classified ads. Dogs obtain an even clearer message by sniffing another dog around its tail.
Many humans are embarrassed when a dog sniffs their crotch, but dogs do this for the same reason that they sniff each other – because that area is particularly rich in scents due to the concentration of apocrine sweat cells. Just as when they meet other dogs, strangers receive the most attention of this sort, especially if there is a trigger of s*xual scent. People who have had s*xual in*******se recently seem to attract this kind of attention from dogs, as do women in their me**es, those who have recently, ovulated, and those who have recently given birth (especially if they are still nursing their child). However, an inquisitive dog may poke his nose in the human groin just to learn more about the person.


Helpful dog services in Phx.

I have a great enthusiasm and love for all animals. I will gladly take your dog for a stroll, hike o

9-12 MonthsPHYSICAL DEVELOPMENTMost males will begin to lift their leg to urinate by 12 months.BEHAVIOR CHANGES AND CHAL...

9-12 Months

Most males will begin to lift their leg to urinate by 12 months.

Keep up the praise and positive attitude.
For some dogs, signs of separation anxiety can develop or intensify during this time. To help nip this problem in the bud, avoid making a big deal of your coming and going. If your dog seems stressed when you’re about to leave him, try helping him adjust with numerous “practice departures,” where you pretend to go away but calmly return within a few minutes.

Keep using praise and periodic treats to reinforce commands and good manners.
Consider preparing your dog for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. It’s a great goal to aim for as you continue to train and socialize your puppy. I hold testing a few times a year and it simply requires that your dog demonstrate a few specific aspects of basic good manners in public and around other people. It’s a fun accomplishment you’ll both be proud of. If you want help with this, or any training, I am available for in-home training or group classes, just message me for information.

Keep feeding quality puppy formula until he’s at least 1 year old. Smaller breeds will make the switch earlier then bigger breeds, who may be on puppy food until they’re 14 months old or more. Err on the side of caution: It’s better to be on puppy food a little too long then not long enough. You can always do an all life stage food. I recommend Alpha Dog Food and you can use the code agsdogs20 to get 20% off. Its good for all size dogs and has both puppy food and all life stage food. https://alphadogfood.com/product-category/dog-food-2/
Vitamins are also a good idea: code 17398 https://www.nuvet.com/products.html

Look at the AKC.org Canine Good Citizen programs and think about participating with your pup.

Be calm and firm, insist on good manners.

6-9 MonthsPHYSICAL DEVELOPMENTThis is another period of major growth, and your pup is probably also starting to feel the...

6-9 Months

This is another period of major growth, and your pup is probably also starting to feel the effects of increasing hormones in his body. Your energetic adolescent is feeling vigorous and active so getting enough exercise during this stage is especially important.

With all these surging hormones, your pup may suddenly seem to ignore you more or challenge your leadership. Especially in males there may be early expressions of aggressive or dominant behavior. Be firm about rules you’ve established. This intensity of activity may include a new burst of interest in chewing, so keep providing a variety of safe chew toys at all times.

During your pup’s adolescence it’s important to continue training basic commands. Going to obedience classes will help, but remember that helping him maintain his good manners at home is up to you. One key point to remember: Your pup will be much easier to live with during this period if he gets enough exercise.
To help reinforce good manners and prevent your teenager from getting into destructive mischief, keep your pup with you as much as possible when you’re home. You might try having him on a leash with you while you’re in the house, and teach him to lie beside you. It may take him a while to settle down, but with patience he will. You can also keep him near you for short periods in a cozy crate or pen.

First, discuss with your veterinarian the appropriate age to spay or neuter your dog.
Keep feeding a quality puppy or all stage of life food during this phase of rapid growth.
Recommended dog food, use code agsodgs20 to get 20% off your purchase. https://alphadogfood.com/product-category/dog-food-2/ I also recommend an excellent vitamin by NuVet code 17398 https://www.nuvet.com/products.html.

Raising your dog through this energetic “teenage” stage can be a challenge – but keep giving him loving attention and the guidance he needs, and you’ll both come through it gracefully!

1. Provide your pup with plenty of opportunity to exercise
2. Keep reinforcing commands and good manners
3. Provide good nutrition


No more group class for the summer. See everyone in the fall. If you need help between now and then let me know and we can do a one on one training.


House Braking
If you wish to try a door bell, you will probably find it easy to train your puppy to use it. Hang a bell on a string from the doorknob on the inside, ring the bell with his paw, then open the door for him. Do the same thing when he whines to come into the house. The door bell isn't really a necessary accessory, but it may save paint on the door, and it adds a bit of flair to his training. Don't forget the reward when he performs correctly. Don’t expect miracles. After he is housebroken, he may occasionally still have an accident. Don’t lose your temper. His attention span is short but his memory is great. Once he fully understands what is expected of him he will try to please you.

Rock eating, tips to stop itFor young dogs, its a new habit but not OCD like you might see in an adult dog. First thing ...

Rock eating, tips to stop it

For young dogs, its a new habit but not OCD like you might see in an adult dog. First thing is to redirect from the negative behavior and reward her with doing something acceptable.
Plan: accompany her outside and as soon as she is finished going potty, give her something else to do such as toss a toy with food in it or play fetch. Ideally, something that involves having something in her mouth is preferable (competes with looking for mouthing rocks).
When you see her going for a rock, distract her with a funny tone, squeaker toy or anything else you can. You can teach the "leave it" command to help with training and when they do, make sure and praise for that.
Teaching "drop it" will help if they already have a rock in their mouth. To teach "drop it", start with toys and when you give the command, exchange the toy for a treat. The treat has to be of greater value to the dog than the toy is for this to work. As they progress, switch up what you are using and what they are dropping. You want your dog to feel like what he is gaining is better than what he is losing.
You can also teach her to find a toy by name as a training game to keep her busy.
Adding things in the yard that she can do can help: a sandpit, a kitty pool to play in, ice to play with and outside toys.
It's a good idea to find ways to increase physical and psychological activity to fulfill your dog's needs.
If rock picking up doesn’t stop or is not improving using a muzzle or taking your dog out on a leash is needed.
Socializing with people and animals or group classes will help to use their energy positively.
As always, if you have specific questions or need personal training to work through this and other issues call/text 602618-1854 me to set that up.
Out of the Shell Dog Training

Potty trainingAlways take your puppy to a special toilet area of the yard for his eliminations. When the odors of previo...

Potty training
Always take your puppy to a special toilet area of the yard for his eliminations. When the odors of previous eliminations are established in the special area, he will seek out the spot regardless of where he is or what he is doing. After he has emptied his bladder or bowels in the toilet area, praise him, play with him and allow him back inside.

Thursday group classes at 5:30pm across the street from 44189 W Windrose Dr, Maricopa, AZ 85138. All levels are welcome,...

Thursday group classes at 5:30pm across the street from 44189 W Windrose Dr, Maricopa, AZ 85138. All levels are welcome, sizes and breeds. Cost is $20 per class.

House training: Step-By-StepWith patience, diligence, and a calm authoritative manner, you can teach your dog exactly wh...

House training: Step-By-Step

With patience, diligence, and a calm authoritative manner, you can teach your dog exactly where he should eliminate and where he should not. Be patient: Some dogs “get it” faster then others.

1 The key to success is simple: Timing is everything.

2 Take your puppy outside immediately after eating, playing or napping (approximately every two hours). Keeping this rigid schedule will prevent him from making mistakes in the house.

3 Some trainers recommend giving your dog a command like “potty time!” or “go to the bathroom!” at the moment your pup is correctly doing his business outside. Eventually, whenever you say that phrase, the dog will eliminate on cue.

4 A puppy’s behavior will let you know that he needs to go outside. If he whines, paces, or runs in a circle, grab the leash and get out the door.

5 Mistakes happen. If you catch your puppy eliminating in the house – and he will – correct him with a firm, gentle “No.” Take him for a walk and praise him lavishly when he does his business outside.

TIP – Clean up your puppy’s mistakes with special cleaning products to get rid of the smell. That way the puppy won’t return to the same spot to eliminate. I recommend Nuvet cleaner, use code 17398

NuVet Labs Organic Stain and Odor Remover is the only stain and odor removing product you’ll ever need. Order NuVet stain & odor remover now.

No group class this Thursday. We will have group class next Thursday at 5:30.

No group class this Thursday. We will have group class next Thursday at 5:30.



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