Today is Day 10 of #MarchMatness2020 and #Corkscrew. This is hard one for me. So much going on but so good nonetheless. Roll down one side of your body, roll across your pelvis and then roll up the other side of your body all while supporting the weight of your legs. Repeat. Sounds easy right?
It is important to note that Pilates is a practice and perfection is rarely found. My corkscrew is a work in progress. Some days are better than others. If you've never done Pilates, this is a good exercise to do with instruction so as not to injure yourself.
Having said that, Pilates is for every BODY and if you swipe you'll see one of my classes performing corkscrew. Like anything, practice makes perfect. #marchmatness #dopilates #getactive #jasperswagbag #dogwalkingbag #getoutsideandplaywithyourdog
Today is Day 9 of #MarchMatness2020 and #OpenLegRocker. A bit like Rolling Like a Ball but with straight legs. Terrific hamstring stretch all while rolling your spine. It's just a win win type of movement.
Just like in Rolling Like a Ball, keep your body calm and quiet. Engage your quads by drawing your knee caps towards you to help straighten your legs, hold at the ankles (preferable) or behind the knees and roll back and forward keeping the arms straight. Challenges your balance, coordination and strength all at once.
There is nothing like rolling your spine to relieve overall tension in your body. Best stress reliever around. Test it out yourself and see how you feel. Tag us if you do. #marchmatness #dopilates #getactive #jasperswagbag #dogwalkingbag #getoutsideandplaywithyourdog
Today is Day 7 of #MarchMatness2020 and #DoubleLegStretch. This is the second exercise in the Series of 5 or Ab Series. It is challenging as both the core has to support the arms and the legs moving away from the centre of the body. There are 5 exercises in this series but only two are highlighted as part of March Matness. Swipe to see the full series.
It is important to use your breath (inhale limbs away, exhale in) and to really keep the scoop of the belly. Ensure you only reach the arms and legs away at a height that you can control with your centre and not by clenching or working from your back.
When you gather your limbs back to your centre, really think of drawing them in with your breath and your core. Avoid collapsing in. The expansion and contraction of this exercise feel fabulous. Give it a try and see. Tag us if you do give it a go. #marchmatness #dopilates #getactive #jasperswagbag #dogwalkingbag #getoutsideandplaywithyourdog
Today is Day 6 of #MarchMatness2020 and #SingleLegStretch or #onelegstretch. This is the beginning of the Series of 5 or Ab Series and probably the most challenging series in the mat repertoire. There are 5 exercises in this series but only two are highlighted as part of March Matness. Swipe to see the full series.
Lots of movement to coordinate with this exercise. Curling your upper body, drawing one knee to the chest and getting a juicy stretch while extending the other leg and working the glutes. So much happening and all within your own body. So great.
Bet you've done a version of this in a fitness class sometime. Try it out, it feels so good to push and pull your limbs. Get your blood moving and your joints lubricated. Tag us if you do try it. #marchmatness #dopilates #getactive #jasperswagbag #dogwalkingbag #getoutsideandplaywithyourdog
Today is Day 4 of #MarchMatness2020 and it is the #onelegcircle. A great exercise to mobilize the hip joint while stabilizing the rest of the body. Not a lot of moving parts but super challenging to execute.
Pilates is for every BODY. It was designed by a man for men initially but then women and dancers loved the movement so the practice has evolved. Truly, mat based Pilates is probably the most challenging of all the Pilates work because you only have your body for support, no equipment to help. You have to find the internal control for the external movement.
We hope you give this a go. Tag us if you do. #marchmatness #dopilates #getactive #jasperswagbag #dogwalkingbag #getoutsideandplaywithyourdog
It is Day 2 of #marchmatness2020 and today it is the #rollup. I love the Roll Up because it is all about #spinalarticulation and #corecontrol and feels fabulous. It is so good to do every day, it just makes your body feel good.
When you give this a try, make sure you roll your pelvis and peel your spine down one vertebra at a time. Tag us and #marchmatness for some Pilates fun. We'll show you another beginner version of this exercise in our story tomorrow. #jasperswagbag #dogwalkingbag #getactive #dopilates
Today marks the start of March Madness whereby you do one Pilates mat exercise for each day in March. We've decided to join in and offer one exercise a day for the month. By the end of the month, you'll have the full mat repertoire at your fingertips. You can join in by tagging us. Check out #marchmatness2020 or #marchmatness for previous years. It's all fun and a way to get stronger.
Today's exercise is the quintessential Pilates exercise, called Hundred. You hold a low, hollow body position, pump your arms and breathe in and out for 5 counts each until you reach 100. Get warm, get your blood pumping and get a strong core. It's all win win win.
Now where is in the fun in exercise if you're dog is not involved? We'll show you how you can add in some moves with your dog along the way. Hope you'll join in on the fun.
In case you didn't know, I'm a certified Pilates Trainer in addition to running Jasper Swag. I'm all about helping people live healthier lives! #jasperswagbag #dogwalkingbag #getactive #getoutsideandplaywithyourdog #dopilates
First Body Work session with Polly...
When is it an appropriate time to train your pup for body work sessions or any new skill? Right away...
After 2 days of reinforcing Polly to orient to a mat, she is choosing it on her own. May work is one of my favourite skills to build for later strength work.
Mornings are busy with a new pup in the house. I take full advantage of using Polly’s morning meal as training food.
He barks at me to ask for more of this game...
Meg remembers the walking movement...
Look at what Cheryl got to witness today for the first time! My little friend Meg, has been paralyzed for 35+ days and through sheer determination...her exhuasted guardian, Cheryl, got to witness her making an effort towards walking. I can't stop smiling!!!
There is an incredible gift in sharing massage with your beloved dog at the end of their life. There are beautiful light strokes and techniques we can use to soothe and offer comfort to their bodies.
A technique that I have been using often with Pip is rocking, it is subtle and gentle, so you might have to zoom in to see it. She asks for body work before her long snoozes and it really helps her to relax and let go of all of her bodily stresses.
This video is taken on the edge of Pippi’s forest...