⭐️ Round Bale Feeders and Hay Waste ⭐️
Time for a research recap! This one is an oldie but a goodie and was actually published shortly before I started grad school at the University of Minnesota by one of my advisors, Dr. Krishona Martinson. She has been a long time mentor and inspired me to focus on applied research and finding ways to communicate the results to horse owners! Now onto the research!
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate different round bale hay feeders to identify which ones were most effective at reducing hay waste for horses. We all know horses are expensive so it is a great way to determine cost savings opportunities associated with feeding hay.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-five mature, idle horses (Quarter horses and thoroughbreds) were used in the study and divided into 5 groups with 5 horses each. Each horse group was housed in a different paddock with a different hay feeder for four days. Hay was weighed prior to being placed in the feeder. Hay waste was collected daily and hay remaining was measured on day 4 to determine consumption. Horses then rotated paddocks with a new feeder and new hay bale. This process was repeated over 40 days until every horse group consumed hay from all 9 hay feeders as well as the no hay feeder control. To determine payback, 2010 prices were used for feeders and hay was valued at $110 per ton.
Results: All hay feeders significantly reduced hay waste when compared to the no feeder control (P