Princess: Santa Paws putted da gifties under dat twee and den Daddy gibbed dem to us. I's knows dat Casper will eats ALL ub dem if I's don't grab mines first, so I did and ran ober to da corner and eats it all up! Hehehe
Casper: I's don't knows what happened. Daddy gibs me a tweat and den Princess grabs it and runs away. Den Daddy gibs me anover tweat, so it's all good now. :D
Mommy and Daddy tooks our little sisfur to see dees fings called Alpacas. Der were a few llamas der, ,too. Da llamas pertect da alpacas! She had lotsa fun.
Feb 5 Marcie Snow
Marcie: Dis bees a video dat mines hoomin sisfur taked when I's first hopped into da snow. It bees shakey, but it bees better later on. ;)
Marcie: I's LUBS da snow!!!!
Marcie: So, yesterday was mines very first Gotcha day. Soooooo bunciting! Lots of nomming and binkying! I's eben gots extra special Moo Goo Gai Bun fwom Dr Doogs's. Here are some pics...
Marcie Activity Center
Marcie: OMB!!! Looks what Mommy brought back from Northeast Bunfest yestfurday!!! Dis is bunna be so much fun!!!
Marcie Snow 2017
Marcie: I's LUVS da snow!!! It bees so much fun. I's likes to flop on it. It's nice and cool on mines tummy. :D
Princess Snow 2017
Princess: Mommy brought some snow inside fur me's to dig dig. I's sort of liked it. It was cold. Den after dat she takes me to da nasty vets fur a pawdicure. **THUMP** Now she just gets da butt.
Marcie runs the tunnel
Marcie: I finks dat I's figured dis out. You RUN through da tunnel, not hop on top of it! It bees lots of fun!
Marcie jumps on tunnel
Marcie: What is dis fing? It's big and green. Maybe I's should jump on it?
Marcie treat box...digging
Princess: Dis bees Marcie wif hers tweat box. I's don't like dis kinda box, so I's let hers have it.
Princess treat toy
Dis bees me getting mines tweats out of da tweat toy. Den I hears Daddy goes out da front door and I's has to stand up to see what bees happenings.
Marcie Binky
Here's Marcie!!! Watch until the end to see her binky. :)
Treat Toy
I's figurin' dis toy out now. I's can gets all da cups out and der are TWEATS in der where dos cups were!!! I's gots distracted when I saw mines Mommy wif da camera, but I did go back and eat dat nommy strawbitty. ;)
Mommy wanted to gets me nomming on da new toy, but I wanted to play under da blanket instead. ;)
Mines Mommy bees playing wif hers phone camera. In one of des, I bees a WHITE bunny! Can you believe it??? I look MUCH better as a black bun, Mommy!!!
Snow Princess
Pardon da poop. Here's my snow bideo.
Buns in da snow.
Da sisfurs lubs da snow, too. Dey like to dig dig. :)