It's promising to be a toasty week. Remember to drink plenty of water, or at least play with it 💦
#austin #splishsplash #blacklab #rplusdogs #blacklabsofinstagram #calgarydogs #calgarypets #calgarydogsofinstagram #calgarydogwalking #proffesionaldogwalker #lovedogs #privatedogwalking #yycdogs #yycpets #curiousnoses
Nothing to see here, just a baby dog enjoying her apple ❤️
#emma #nomnom #anappleaday #snack #ilovemyjob #curiousnoses
#puppy #aussieheeler #aussiemix #heelermix #aussiesofinstagram #heelersofinstagram #calgarydogs #calgarypets #yycdogs #yycpuppies #lovedogs #privatedogwalking #puppyvisits #calgarydogsofinstagram #calgarydogwalking #proffesionaldogwalker
Did you know that dogs aren't completely color blind? In fact, they can see yellow and blue. Kobe is in the beginning stages of learning to tell the difference between the two.
#kobe #yellow #learningcolors #dogtraining #smartypants #curiousnoses
Cookie catching, on point! *watch with sound* 🔊
#kobe always makes me laugh
#privatetraining #walkandtrain #trainthedog #havefun #blackdogsrule #blackdogs #blacklab #blacklabsofinstagram #calgarydogs #calgarypets #curiousnoses
Loose leash walking is a hard skill, especially for puppies!
Marking with a "yes" or a click and offering a treat while our puppy is next to us will encourage them to remain there, as well as look to us for their next treat. Once this happens, you can start to mark and reward the eye contact, which will continue to encourage your puppy to stay with you.
#mylo #sosmart #looseleashwalking #positivereinforcement #puppytraining #curiousnoses
Snow diggins
#griffin #snow #foundasmell #curiousnoses
Sometimes you just need a drive by snow snack
#jax #snacking #snow #curiousnoses
I think its safe to say, Jax enjoyed getting out today
#jax #snowplow #hesfunny #curiousnoses
Fun with a Kong Wobler
#jax #interactivetoy #kong #curiousnoses
Park day for Jax
#jax #parktime #riverpark #fetch #ballislife #curiousnoses
Jax is working on his snow plow impersonation
#jax #snowdog #snowplow #hemakesmelaugh #curiousnoses
#spanishwaterdog #spanishwaterdogsofinstagram #spanishwaterdogsofinsta #spanishwaterdogsofig #yycdogs #yycpets #yycdogwalking #calgarypets #calgarydogs #lovedogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsofig #dogsofinsta #privatedogwalking