Run Forrest Run

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Run Forrest Run Follow Forrest's adventures here! Forrest is an 11 week old blue heeler mix who was born without back feet.

He was surrendered to Herding Haven by a kind and compassionate person who wanted to make sure that he received the best medical care and every opportunity to find the perfect home. Forrest will be spending some time at Herding Haven getting physical therapy and, hopefully, fitted for his first pair of prosthetic feet.


I'm 2 years old today! Kathie says I am in my terrible twos...I don't know about that! I am just coming into my own now and I have a strong need to be in charge-- to herd and to be heard! ;-) It has been an exciting year. I finally got a pair of prosthetic feet that work and I have gone SO many amazing places! I have run and hiked and played. I love the freedom that they give me and all the adventures I get to have. There have been lots of new rescue dogs that have come and gone. I've been very busy these past 3 months raising puppies! Boy that is a lot of work! But, I think I did a good job showing them the ropes. All of them were adopted to great homes, except one...Little Pepe, who Kathie calls my "mini me". I don't know that we look THAT much alike. I have to admit that I get a little jealous when Kathie brings in new dogs, especially young pups that take her attention away from me. But, Kathie always makes sure that we get some special one-on-one time every day--like going with her to the University to play pinecone and visit with students or running errands with her or going to Sugarhouse park for a walk along the creek, etc. All in all, it has been a good year and I'm looking forward to another one filled with fun and adventure!

Salt Lake City: Herding Haven - Best Friends Animal Society

Forrest is ready to strut: Are you??
We are just about 1 month away from Strut your Mutt. Have you registered for the Herding Haven team yet? Follow the link below to register. Be sure to identify Herding Haven as you team (so your donations can help Herding Haven continue it's mission of rescuing and rehabilitating special needs dogs!).

Fundraising dog walk and festival


This girl is rescue only at the HSU. Herding Haven would love to pull her but we need a foster. She is afraid of loud noises and is somewhat of an escape artists; so someone with lots of patience and fully-fenced and secure backyard is a must! Please respond to this post or contact [email protected] if you can foster this beautiful girl!

Tess has been rescued!!! Thanks to Arizona Border Collie Rescue! :)


Today was a very exciting day for me! Today I got casted for my bionic feet. I was a little nervous before the procedure (as you can tell by the look on my face), but before I knew it I was sound asleep and dreaming of all the squirrels I will chase and adventures I will have with my new feet! I want to thank Dr Doub and all of the wonderful Techs at Union Park Vet Hospital for taking such good care of me. I also want to thank everyone who donated to my foot fund! None of this would have been possible without you! I love you all and can't wait to show off my new feet! Stay tuned!


Hi Everyone! I went with Kathie to visit my BFF Dory at the hospital today. They wouldn't let me go in and see her :-( But, they let Kathie in and she told me what is going on, so I thought I would share it with you. Dory is hanging in there. Her temperature is back up to 104.5 (after dropping to 102) overnight. Kathie said this is concerning because indicates that the infection is not responding well to the IV antibiotics they are giving her. They are still waiting for the results of her bacterial sample to come back in order to determine the specific bacteria she is infected with. Kathie told me that UVC is taking great care of my friend Dory and all the staff love her and are giving her lots of attention. Please keep sending thoughts and prayers. Kathie says that tonight will really be a crucial turning point. If the fever does not subside then she says that Dory will have to have more surgery. :-(


Please send love and healing thoughts to my best buddy Dory. She had heart surgery 12 days ago and was doing really well in her recovery...until today. She has developed an infection and an abscess under her armpit along the suture line. She has a very high temperature and is very sick. Right now she is in the hospital on IV antibiotics. I am really worried about my friend. I hope she comes home to play with me soon.


Hi Everyone! I wanted to give you all an "pupdate" on my foot fundraiser. Well...we are almost to our goal and Herding Haven is in the process of getting my prosthetic feet ordered. First I will have casts made at the vet and then those casts will be sent to the company who will then design my prosthetics. Hopefully I will be sporting my new feet in about 6 weeks or so! Thank you all so much for all the donations! I will be sure to post pupdates along the way! Love, Forrest.

All I want for Christmas is my two back feet

Please donate to Forrest's Foot Fundraiser and help make his Christmas wish come true!!! Click on the picture below to read more about Forrest's Foot Fundraiser.

Hi! My name is Forrest and I was born without back feet. I was surrendered to Herding Haven rescue by a caring individual who wanted to make sure that I got the best possible medical care and the best chance of finding a forever home. Although I am able to get around pretty well with my two front...

swim Forrest swim!

Hello Friends! Today was a big day for me! I got to try out my sea legs at Barleys Recreation Center. I was a little nervous at first; but, once I got in the water and realized that I was safe, I kinda had fun. I got to chase balls and enjoy lots of belly rubs. My favorite part was afterwards when I got to roll around on the ground and chew on the towel that Kathie was trying to dry me off with. I also got lots of treats when we were finished (we had to limit the treats during the know... the 30 minute rule!) Kathie says that swimming is very good for me; it helps strengthen my legs, stretch out my back muscles and give my little stumps a much needed break. I don't know about all that...but I sure enjoyed all the attention!


Happy Sunday Everyone! It has been a little while since I have posted a pupdate! Yesterday was a big day for me! My first day of school! I love my teacher, Kali Grimm and my class at Rescue Me Dog Training. I had so much fun showing my stuff (and getting lots of yummy treats). I already know "sit", "down", "come" and "go to your mat". Kali said I was her star student and with a face like this how can I not be the teacher's pet? Hope you all have a great day!


Hi Everyone!
It has been way too long since I've posted a pupdate. I am going to blame it on Kathie. The semester started in late August up at the UofU and she takes her computer every day with her, so I have no opportunity to write! Luckily she also takes me with her several days per week. I love going to the University with Kathie! I get to run all around the grassy areas and meet lots of fun and interesting people. My favorites are the people that work in Kathie's building many of whom have treats waiting for me when I wander down to their offices to say "hi".

The other big news is that I have a pair of custom shoes so I can now go even more places! My favorite Uncles--Kelly and Randy-- made these shoes especially for me. It took several fittings, but we finally got it right and now nothing can stop me! Kathie tried to take some pictures of me in my shoes; but, it is hard b/c once she puts them on me, I just want to go, go, go!

Speaking of which, Kathie is heading out to do some yard work and I really need to help her. She says I am a "big help" when I dig holes in the yard and steal the pine cones out of the piles she has raked up. :-) What can I say??? I'm always willing to help!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

My Bionic Pet ~ Full Episode | Nature | PBS

Good morning friends! I know it has been quite awhile since I last gave you a pupdate. I have been having a wonderful summer filled with all sorts of puppy shenanigans. With an endless supply of puppy buddies to play with (Kathie has been fostering a couple of the feral puppies found in Magna that were taken in by CAWS), I have been busy, busy, busy! Unfortunately, my increasingly active life has made it even more important that I find some appropriate protective booties for my stumps while I am growing. Luckily some nice guys saw the post on facebook about needing some shoes and are working on making me some! I have already had my first "fitting". They were really nice and kept telling me how adorable I am! The shoes will help me get used to having things on my stumps. Speaking of which, there was this great Nature program that aired last year highlighting a border collie who got prosthetic feet, called my bionic pet. Kathie and I watched it last night and she kept telling me that I will get my bionic feet once I am full grown. I can't wait!!

Amazing animal prosthetics and equally amazing animals.


Good morning everyone!! I'm really, really sorry for not posting a "pupdate" in so long. I have been soooooo busy being a crazy, happy puppy that I just have not stopped long enough to sit at the computer and type. My life has been filled with fun and adventure! Kathie continues to take me to all sorts of new an exciting places. I love riding in the car! In fact, if Kathie doesn't take me with her when she goes somewhere I bark and cry and carry on (Kathie calls it my little tantrum!). My favorite place to go is Sugarhouse park! I love to run and play in the grass and meet all the people and dogs. Last week I even went in the little creek. Kathie was so proud of me! :-) The only downside to my increasingly active life is that I have developed a little corn on my right stump. (Kathie says people often develop these on their feet as a result of standing and/or walking a lot). The nice ladies at Dr Doub's office did a little filing on the corn and then rubbed my stump with some vitamin E oil and bandaged me up. I have been working on getting the bandage off for the past 24 hours and have made some pretty good progress if I do say so myself. (Kathie is not proud of me for that!). I hope you all have a wonderful
weekend. It is going to be hot, hot, hot and I plan to do some more swimming in the creek! Will post more soon!


Happy SUNday! Boy the last few days have been really "ruff" on me and the other dogs at Herding Haven. We have all been stuck inside and suffering a bit of cabin fever. Some of my foster brothers and sisters don't mind the rain so much; but me? Well, let's just say that Kathie has to pick me up and carry me outside to do my "business" when it's raining. She's hoping this aversion to the water doesn't last because she says she wants me to learn how to swim so that I can do "swim therapy". I don't know what that is exactly, but if there is food involved then count me in! Anyways, today the sun is shining and I have been able to romp and play in the big, back yard. I really had fun when Kathie laid down straw to cover up the muddy patches. I like to grab little pieces of straw and run around with them. Kathie ordered some rubber soled boots for me last week and they should be here soon. With my boots, I might be able to explore places besides the soft, grassy backyard. :-) Well, Kathie is telling me she needs the computer back. Something about getting final grades in, blah, blah, blah! I will post another "pupdate" soon! ~


Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and all the mothers (of both two-legged and four-legged babies) had a wonderful day. I spent a fun-filled afternoon with my foster mom. First I accompanied Kathie to Starbucks. I LOVE riding in the car and the girls at Starbucks LOVE me! :-) Once home, we took advantage of the break in the rain and cleaned up the back yard. I like to follow Kathie around the yard and bite at the shovel thing she carries around. Then it was time to watch the big dogs play. I'm still a little small to get into that mix; but I'm fascinated by how they take turns chasing each other around the yard, jumping, wrestling and barking. Then it was time for nice nap in the sunshine on the porch. This week Kathie is going to look into getting me some shoes. She says I am getting so adventurous and active that I need to have something more substantial than little baby socks to protect my "stumps". Kathie took this video of me this weekend. She says I am amazing. I don't know about that...I am just a happy puppy. Is that amazing? (You bet it is, little Forrest!)


Good morning everyone! What a fantastic day I had yesterday! One of Kathie's former foster puppies, Asta (formerly "the Nugget") came to visit and play with me. She is a little older than me (5 months) and a little bigger; but size doesn't matter when you are a herding dog! We wrestled and dug in the yard (and even chased the cat a little, don't tell Kathie!). It was SO much fun.

I also accompanied one of my foster brothers--Cole-- back to the place with the really nice ladies, Kathie calls it "the Vet". Poor Cole, had to have 12 teeth pulled because they were all rotten and infected. I guess his previous family didn't take good care of him. But now, he gets to eat special soft food for a couple of weeks. He's so lucky! While I was at the vet they decided to weigh me...I have gained almost 2 pounds, now weighing in at just over 9 lb! Kathie calls me her little butterball! I do love to eat! Well...Kip is on the dog bed playing with my stuffed ducky and I need to go steal it from him. I hope you all have a great weekend. Don't forget that mother's day is Sunday. Be sure to tell your mother how much you love and cherish her!


Wow! I took some time out from tormenting my foster brother Kip (I love to climb on his head and bite his ears!) to look at my FB page and I can't believe how many people have visited and commented! Some of you have asked about the future of my legs and I wanted to answer your questions the best I can, given that I'm just an 11 week old puppy!

So, Kathie took me to some nice ladies last week at Union Park Vet Hospital and they took some really cool pictures of my legs. They said a bunch of scientific stuff about the pictures that I didn't really understand; but, everyone was smiling and telling me what a good boy I am, so I think what they saw was good. Because I'm still growing it is too early to really know what the best course of action will be. I heard them talking about either magic shoes (protective boots) or bionic feet (prosthetics). I think both of those sound really cool! Right now, Kathie is just trying to protect my little stumps (given that I want to run and play and get into everything!). There are rubber mats (yoga mats) lining the hardwood floors to give me cushion and help me get traction, a carpeted ramp that I can use to get in and out of the backyard and a huge, grassy backyard to explore. Life is pretty good. Hope you all have a good night! As for me, I'm gonna bounce around like a crazy man for another 30 minutes and then completely crash. What we puppies do best!


Hi everyone! My name is Forrest and I am a very special pup (or so Kathie, my foster mom, keeps telling me!). I was born without back feet; but, that doesn't really slow me down (ok, well, maybe it slows me down a little; but I still manage to get into all sorts of puppy trouble!). Kathie started this page for me so that I could tell you all about my rehabilitation and adventures at Herding Haven. Right now, though, I can barely keep my eyes open. It has been a busy morning of playing with toys, wrestling with my foster brother Kip and watching Kathie clean the house. I am ready for my afternoon nap. I will write more tomorrow! zzzzzz


Run Forrest Run


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Happy birthday Forrest! 😘😘😘