Purrrrl's Point of View

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Purrrrl's Point of View Purrrrl observes the goings-on at the ranch and tells the world how it really is. I am a black cat. I live on my very own ranch. I also have a dog.

I own two humans and lots of cows. I love my life and I want to tell the whole wide world!


Purrrrrl’s Point of view…. This time of year I love to wake up early like the rooster and enjoy the peace and quiet on the ranch. The sky candles are still out and the air is cool and fresh. Sometimes the mice are still up partying from the night before and I can catch one really easy. I take it to the window and yell at my lazy humans to come look. I have to keep yelling so they wake up and can see I did my job. Then, I find a comfy place to lick my furrr and purrrrr. Sometimes I fall back to sleep and dream about riding on a sky pillow.
Millie’s point of view…. This time of year I love to sleep until the last possible minute. It appears that minute comes at around 4:00 a.m. when Purrrrrl starts her caterwauling. Of course she has to wake up with the rooster. Together they fill the morning with a sound that makes me want to cover my ears with my pillow. At least the air is cool and fresh. Sometimes I go back to sleep but usually my day just gets an early start.


Purrrrrl’s Point of View…
It’s been a long hot summer. My humans are busy with the dumb things they do, like the girl human drives to town every day to go to a job. I still don’t know what that means, but she leaves all of us here all alone to fend for ourselves for the entire day and then, she comes home and ignores us. The man human does stuff around the ranch such as fixing the tractor and getting water for the dumb, ugly cows.
I’ve gotten a couple of new cat friends and some of my old friends aren’t here anymore. The girl human told me that we’ll all go to heaven some day and some of the others have already gone ahead of us. We will get to see them all again when it’s our time to go.
The new housecat is named “Earl”. He comes outside for the daytime and sleeps inside at night. He is a spoiled little brat. He is best friends with a different cat that the girl human calls “Miss Kitty”. I don’t like either one of them because they make fun of me for not having stripes. I think that’s rude.
I have had a lot of time to watch the beautiful sky pillows. They float by all day long. I am probably too old to really try to jump up and land on one now, but I used to dream about that all the time! I also still enjoy watching the sky candles that peek out at night. They are so interesting. My double vision makes that activity more difficult at times, but I still like to sit on the roof of the house and look up into the sky.
I still sit on the windowsill and sing for my humans. They tell me I am the best singer on the ranch. Well, except for the rooster. He sings really loud! I bring them a mouse almost every day and they say things like “Well, at least she’s good for something”. I think that’s rude too.
Millie’s Point of View…
It’s been a long hot summer. The ranch has been busy with all the critters. The cow herd is in the pasture for the summer and they’re doing what cows do… We have a pretty good group (herd?) of chickens now and one rooster who is a baritone. Bingo the sheep went to live with another family to continue his life as a mutton buster. Our current dog is a hairy mama’s girl who rules the garage with an iron paw. Our crazy cat lady collection has dwindled down quite a bit as we have bid farewell to quite a few of our meowers. We have a new house cat named Earl and a couple of yard cats who were dropped off. Purrrrrl is the last of the old collection and she is quite elderly now but she still brings us a mouse almost every day and sits on the window sill to meow her head off. At least she’s still good for something.

My name is Purrrrrl. I own a ranch and I have a couple of humans, a few cows, some chickens and a dog. I also have a cou...

My name is Purrrrrl. I own a ranch and I have a couple of humans, a few cows, some chickens and a dog. I also have a couple of cat friends.

I tell everyone in the whole wide world all about my life on the ranch.

My hobbies are watching sky pillows and catching mice.

I hope you’ll read my stories.


Purrrrl’s Point of View
Life on the ranch has its twists and turns, that’s for sure. One day you’re up on the roof watching for sky pillows and the next day you’re licking your furrrrrr thinking about food. It’s hard to keep it all straight sometimes. This morning the girl human told me that Oddy went to heaven. So, I tried to find heaven all day. I looked under the tractor, but that wasn’t Heaven. I asked a cow if she knows where Heaven is. She said it’s over in the pasture where the grass is greener. I looked in the pasture but Heaven wasn’t there. I sat on the roof and watched the sun go down beneath the horizon and I think I saw Heaven. The sky pillows glowed a deep orange color and the breeze whispered to me. I don’t think the girl human knows much about heaven because I heard her tell Oddy goodbye and she put some flowers on the dirt under the tree. I guess when you go to heaven, you like it so much you don’t come back .
Millie’s point of view. Life on the ranch has its twists and turns, that’s for sure. One minute you’re drinking your coffee watching the sunrise and the next you’re trying to explain “Heaven” to the cat. Poor little Autie was killed while performing her duties on the ranch. We will miss her so much. Rest In Peace my little pup.


Purrrrl’s point of view. It is sure a good thing it rains at the ranch. The dumb ugly cows get a shower! Can you imagine if they were dumb, ugly and SMELLY? I walk to the pasture everyday. They are all out there eating the grass. This should tell you something. They eat GRASS! Cats at least have the decency to eat kibbles. If times are lean we can eat a mouse. I have even eaten a bug or two in my day. But I do not eat grass. There is a baby cow in the back yard. The girl human brings out a jug with warm milk in it and the ugly little thing sucks the milk out of the jug. Then she puts kibbles in its mouth. At least the girl human tries to make the ugly little thing smarter. It doesn’t have much hope though. It stands there crying in a very loud voice. Then pretty soon out of the house comes the human carrying the jug. I’ll never figure out what sense it makes to keep the cow herd....
Millie’s point of view! Yay for rain!! The grass is turning greener every day! The ranch looks so fresh! Purrrrl likes to sit on top of a fence post and meow at the cows. I imagine she is telling them how much she loves them! And who wouldn’t love a cow? I’m bottle feeding a little one. Twice a day I go out and she’s waiting for me! I sure love the ranch life! Purrrl does too!


Purrrrl’s point of view. I have to sit in the flower bed now to listen to my humans talk. This is because I am weaponized with great claws! I guess hanging on to the screen with my daggers was ruining it and I kept getting yelled at. They even threw water on me! Shees! I am able to hear some of their conversations even if I can’t see them. I guess there is some kind of bug now called the Kovid. If I see one I will kill it with my claws. No Kovid bug is getting past me!! I hope I see a Kovid bug while it’s sitting on one of the dumb ugly cows! Or maybe I will be sitting on the roof singing a song and a Kovid bug will fly past and I will jump so high we will both land on a sky pillow! Then I will use my very sharp claws and there will be one less Kovid bug. Or maybe I will kill a Kovid bug when it tries to eat my food! I will sneak up on it and wham! It’s gone. Yes... I will be a weapon against the Kovid bug! What does socially distance mean?


Purrrrl’s point of view. The girl human is on a path to destruction like I have never seen before! She brought home a scraggly tiny little teeny orphaned sheep!!! I have never seen such ridiculousness in my life!! This little thing clings to life with it’s tiny little hooves. The sound it makes is like nothing I’ve ever heard before. And then she takes it to work with her. Like it’s some kind of golden child or something. I’m sure it’s suffering. I know I am.
Millie’s point of view. Cuteness beyond description. Sweetness way more than brown sugar. Smiles for miles all day long.
The sweet little one-week-old orphaned lamb... what a cute addition to the farm! I took him to work with me. That’s a smile just waiting to happen! The residents love him!! He sounds like a kazoo when he bleats!! What a precious baby!

Purrrrl had a special visit from the small humans this past weekend. This was written for Purrrrl by October Musgrave.

Purrrrl had a special visit from the small humans this past weekend. This was written for Purrrrl by October Musgrave.

Purrrrl’s Point of View. The baby people are called kids. I think they are unpredictable and a little scary! I had the o...

Purrrrl’s Point of View. The baby people are called kids. I think they are unpredictable and a little scary! I had the opportunity to show one of these small humans my ranch today. They call him William. I guess it’s ok to name the children. I never named any of my kittens because it just so silly if you ask me. The humans named me Purrrrl because I am precious like a pearl and I purrrr like a lion. William and I took a walk. I taught him how to swing in the tire that hangs from the tree. I showed him the little piglets and I reminded him that they are called pigs for a reason. Mostly because they don’t smell very good. But they do like to eat a lot! On our walk I showed him the cows. I explained that even though they are big and dumb they keep the man human busy. I let the small human pick me up. I remembered to keep my claws tucked in so I didn’t scratch him. At least if he dropped me I’d be close to the ground. He kissed my forehead. Now, I’ll be cleaning kid germs off for the rest of the day. I kind of liked the small human.


Millie’s point of view. My daughter and her family are getting ready to go on vacation. Tre was feeling a little nervous about flying, so purrrl shared this story with them...
Purrrrl’s Point of View.... Its been a good day so far. The sunshine is making my furrrr shiny and warm. My singing is particularly in tune this morning! I love to sing! I climbed the old tree next to the house so I could jump onto the roof. Then I opened my mouth so the glorious notes could spew forth!! Meeeowwwwwooooo!!! Meow meow meow!!! While I was up there I looked for sky pillows. I could see some nice fluffy ones far away in the east, but none were close enough to ride on. It’s always been my dream... to catch a ride on a sky pillow. There are special winged machines that the humans can ride called air planes. I see them flying over sky pillows when I’m on the roof singing. Someday.... someday... somed...som.... (dreaming) Tre and I packed our suit cases. We made sure to take plenty of games, snacks and Cat food with us for our trip to Virginia. I have to un-sharpen my claws before we get to the airport because they don’t allow sharp objects on board the air plane. When Austin, Whitney and Aslynn packed their suit cases I didn’t see any cat kibbles in any of them. I’m eating a lot of extra cat food right now to make sure I don’t get hungry. I am so happy that I will be able to ride on a sky pillow! I know we will be safe in the airplane. We will look out the window at all of the cats who can only sit on their roofs and dream about flying! I will sit next to Tre on the plane. He can pet me if he wants to, and I will tell him a story... a story... wait! (Opens eyes) Oh no! I was only dreaming! I better get down off the roof and eat some food! Some day I will catch a ride on a sky pillow. But for now I hope Tre and Aslynn can have a fun time going on vacation. Oh, and Whitney and Austin too!


Purrrrl's Point of View...I don't really like Autie the puppy. Maybe you already know that. She is a pest. She is a pest because she chases all of us cats. I have climbed more trees than I ever thought possible just because she thinks it is funny to chase after me! But, even though I think she is a pesty little brat, I have to say whatever the humans did do her must have been awful. First of all they put a rope around her neck. Now, even I know that can't be good. Then, they tricked her into sleeping on the porch. This morning the girl human put her in the car with the cage and she was wearing the rope. I have to say the rope looked pretty nice... Anyway, they drove off to someplace mysterious. This afternoon the man human left the ranch for a while and when he came back, he had Autie with him... She is very weak and looks like she might die. I don't know what to think. I climbed the tree three times just because. I have been watching through the window of the porch where her body is just laying there. I meowed really loud. She didn't move. I'm thinking of running away.
Millie's point of view.... we finally did the responsible thing and had Autie spayed. She was pretty sure I was torturing her with the new "necklace" I bought for her. It was the prettiest collar they had at good old Wally World. I also bought a big travel kennel for her. Last night we tried to make her feel at home in the "dog cave".... She would have nothing to do with it. I took her with me to town this morning and she acted like she had always walked on a leash.... she got on the scale and seemed pleased with herself that she weighs 50 lbs! Tonight she is still very sleepy and hasn't gotten off the blanket. We'll keep an eye on her for a few days. I should probably keep an eye on Purrrrl too, she keeps climbing the tree and meowing loudly!! What a strange cat!

If I ever get down from here: I will kiss a dogI will be more quietI will be more friendlyI will be more grateful If I e...

If I ever get down from here:
I will kiss a dog
I will be more quiet
I will be more friendly
I will be more grateful
If I ever get down from here....


Purrrrl's Point of View. I'm glad I am cat. For one thing, I can climb that old tree next to the house and view my kingdom from there. While I'm up there I can lick my paws and sing my favorite songs. I can also jump really high to try and land on a sky pillow. Yes, being a cat has its advantages. Yesterday I was on the roof watching the sunrise. I could see a strange cat walking along the sidewalk in front of the house. The stupid puppy saw it too. Now this cat was black like me and small. He had a white stripe down the middle of his head, down his back and all the way to the tip of his fluffy tail (I have always dreamed of what it would be like to have a fluffy tail!). So the dumb dog walks right up to him and says "hey you!" Of course, our little guest was taken aback and Oddy tried to chase him. Well I guess that cat ate beans for supper last night because he let off a huge (and I mean HUGE) stink that scared the heck out of Oddy! She screamed and the little cat ran away.
Millie's point of view. So, I was attempting to sleep in, when the dog let out a strange howl. I decided to try to ignore it but within seconds, there was no doubt what made her howl! The skunk sprayed and hit my flower bed and Autie! Peewwwwww!!!!! Gross.


Purrrrl's point of view. The humans are so weird! One of the cats that lives in the outside like me is a long haired hippie kind of cat. The humans named him Smelly because he likes to smell things, I guess. Anyway, they plopped him into a cage yesterday and put him in the back of the car they call the Mary-nerrrrr. I thought they were taking him to the Island like they do the dumb ugly cows. You know we'll never see those cows again! I could hear Smelly a howling and hollering from up on top of the garage where I was licking my furrr. I thought he was a goner for sure! I asked the other cats if they knew what was going on, but no one had any info for me. So, I licked my paws and cleaned my face and tried to think of all the nice things I could remember about our old pal, Smelly. I thought about all the times he ate all of the food in the food dish and when he climbed a tree and was too scared to climb down for three whole days... poor Smelly....
Millie's point of view. It was spring-like weather for a few days there! We planted the garden and mowed the lawn. I noticed our cat, Smelly was looking matted, so I made an appointment to have him shaved. Smelly got his name because when he was little, he climbed a tree and stayed up there so long that he was super stinky!! He has never been "in" to grooming. So, off to the vet's office it was! He howled all the way to town!They had to sedate the poor feller to get the job done, but he sure looks cute! I don't think the other cats even recognize him!

Isn't she the most interesting cat in the world?

Isn't she the most interesting cat in the world?




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