Since 2002…The founder, Marie Moody, inspired by her own dog’s speedy recovery on a raw diet, launched Stella & Chewy’s. The diets and offerings have expanded but have always been focused on delivering best-in-class nutrition! About KKdoggiehaven (reseller)
Since 2012, Me, Alfred had been on a quest to seek longevity for my kids/dogs had read up on raw diet which mimics a dog's ancestral/natural d
iet. Tried various brands of FreezeDried and decided this to be their main diet! honestly in my personal opinion, since its the top selling freeze dried in the US, and the animal rights are much much better than here ...... on a different level (i feel) i guess its not too far-fetched to believe that it is better than the others in my opinion! My babies are life, my inspiration to work, my motivation, my best buddies, my match-maker even! So i will only choose what is the BEST in my opinion for them! of course basically im staking my all. but i believe, i made the right choice! (above statement is based on my personal opinion and statistics available at the time of posting)