Great infographic!
I originally had a mixture but they have all become okay with me over the last four years. Gramps, Skittles and Bebe are still ‘no-touchy!’ (But they have no trouble letting me sit a plate in front of them! 😹)
Leave it to Scooter The Neutered Cat to come up with an awesome graphic explaining the differences between the kitties seen outside.
How to Tell Who’s Who:
🐈⬛ (Feral)/Unsocialized Community Cats: These cats are skittish, may watch you from a distance, and will most likely run away when approached.
🐈⬛ (Semi-Feral)/Socialized Community Cats: These cats are friendly with their feeders but not all humans, and they’re happy outside. You’ll see them around often.
🐈 Lost Pet/Abandoned Cats: These cats are typically friendly (but may hide/be skittish if scared), will be hungry, and may hang around your back door hoping to get inside.
🐈 Outdoor Pet Cats: You may see these cats less frequently, depending on when their owner lets them outside. They’re friendly and well-fed.
Not sure what to do about a cat in your neighborhood? Learn more: https://www.givethemten.org/how-to-help-a-found-cat/