The Disciplined Ride

The Disciplined Ride Horsemanship through the eyes of a cowboy and Bridle Horse man...

Pat & Deb Puckett They've been his partners. Pat has a no-nonsense style of teaching.

Pat Puckett Horsemanship

Horsemanship from the eyes of a cowboy and Bridle Horse Man...

Pat Puckett has spent the last 40 years refining his relationship with horses. As a cowboy and rancher, horses have been more than just a means of transportation. Over the course of his lifetime, Pat has had the privilege and opportunity to ride with some of the best reinsmen and cowboys in the West. Early o

n, he developed a passion for the Californio Bridle Horse, the highest compliment you can pay to a horse. The classical origins of this heritage have given Pat a unique viewpoint and the ability to communicate effectively with horses and riders of all disciplines. When you become one of Pat's students, you can be assured that he will try his best to teach you everything he knows. No holding back. His lessons and clinics have been described as "getting a drink from a fire hose!" So, come prepared to get more done than you thought possible. It is his hope that everybody goes home with a sense that their time and money have been well spent.

Oregon bound…

Oregon bound…

In this video, we get caught up on some viewer questions and Pat introduces Rey, our newest mule, whose one flaw is bein...

In this video, we get caught up on some viewer questions and Pat introduces Rey, our newest mule, whose one flaw is being difficult to bridle. So, not wanting to offend Rey and knowing that it's best for everyone when a mule thinks something is his idea, Pat went to work to make the bridling experience a positive one for dear Rey. I'm out some pretty fancy date syrup but it's hard to argue with good results. Pat also introduces his new pup, KC, a New Zealand Huntaway.

In this video, we get caught up on some viewer questions and Pat introduces Rey, our newest mule, whose one flaw is being difficult to bridle. So, not wantin...

One of Pat's favorite places to school his horse is in a good set of working corrals. In this video, Pat explains how th...

One of Pat's favorite places to school his horse is in a good set of working corrals. In this video, Pat explains how they are used and he gives you a little peak into some of the things he works on.

One of Pat's favorite places to school his horse is in a good set of working corrals. In this video, Pat explains how they are used and he gives you a little...

In this video, Pat walks through what he is doing with his skeleton while riding Chinaco in the spade bit. A big thank y...

In this video, Pat walks through what he is doing with his skeleton while riding Chinaco in the spade bit. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our channel by becoming members! The response has been humbling.

In this video, Pat walks through what he is doing with his skeleton while riding Chinaco in the spade bit. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our...

Our Roughout Breast Collars are back in stock!

Our Roughout Breast Collars are back in stock!

The classic 3-piece design of this breast collar makes it suitable for a wide variety of horses because it can be adjusted to lay along the shoulder so it won’t restrict your horse’s movement. The back side of the breast collar is lined in smooth leather to keep it from rubbing. A word on postag...

After much deliberation, Pat and I decided to take the plunge and offer Youtube Memberships. What this means is that we ...

After much deliberation, Pat and I decided to take the plunge and offer Youtube Memberships. What this means is that we are now offering a way for people to support our channel through a small monthly donation. We are offering three levels with different "perks" at each level. I'll list them below. As I said in the video, this doesn't affect the content of our Youtube channel. It is still free. It is very important to us that people have access to what Pat teaches so that this tradition and his particular set of skills and experiences not be lost to time. Offering memberships is just a way for people to offer their support. We appreciate all of you and hope the you enjoy our videos!

After much deliberation, Pat and I decided to take the plunge and offer Youtube Memberships. What this means is that we are now offering a way for people to ...

In this video, Pat rides a little bay gelding who is high headed. Pat is using some working corrals with their big heavy...

In this video, Pat rides a little bay gelding who is high headed. Pat is using some working corrals with their big heavy gates to help the horse realize that he doesn't need his old habits anymore by doing small easy tasks that build confidence. Pat started working with this horse in our Missing Link Snaffle and has recently transitioned to Pat's Western Bit.

In this video, Pat rides a little bay gelding who is high headed. Pat is using some working corrals with their big heavy gates to help the horse realize that...

Thank you to everybody for Pat's birthday wishes! We got home yesterday and we were greeted by a bunch of 5 1/4 Western ...

Thank you to everybody for Pat's birthday wishes! We got home yesterday and we were greeted by a bunch of 5 1/4 Western Bits! We are now officially caught up on all orders for Pat's Western Bit! We will be getting more 5 1/2's in the next two weeks. We appreciate everybody's patience while we worked to get everything running smoothly in the production of this awesome bit. You can check out our online store to place an order. Thank you!

In this video, Pat peels away more layers with Homer and sacks him out with a tarp. With Homer, we're constantly asking ...

In this video, Pat peels away more layers with Homer and sacks him out with a tarp. With Homer, we're constantly asking the question "When does fear become a habit?" Living with this horse for the past several months has been an interesting testament to just how deep the habit of reacting to every little thing is ingrained in this horse. There is very little audio in this video and what audio there is is a bit rough. I apologize for that! But there is still much to be learned from just watching Pat work with this horse.

In this video, Pat peels away more layers with Homer and sacks him out with a tarp. With Homer, we're constantly asking the question "When does fear become a...

In this video, Pat gives his thoughts on tongue relief, form and function of bit mouthpieces and cheekpieces, and how th...

In this video, Pat gives his thoughts on tongue relief, form and function of bit mouthpieces and cheekpieces, and how this affected the design of Pat's Western Bit and the Missing Link Snaffle. This video will either clear up some questions people have asked or it will completely muddy the waters! Let us know what you think.

In this video, Pat gives his thoughts on tongue relief, form and function of bit mouthpieces and cheekpieces, and how this affected the design of Pat's Weste...

As the title implies, this is Homer's first ride outside possibly in his life. He gets to free up and start looking for ...

As the title implies, this is Homer's first ride outside possibly in his life. He gets to free up and start looking for country. Enjoy!

As the title implies, this is Homer's first ride outside possibly in his life. He gets to free up and start looking for country. Enjoy! For more information,...

Fire update: we’re in the clear at our house at this time. My mother Cathy Cook is still in an Evacuation Warning zone b...

Fire update: we’re in the clear at our house at this time. My mother Cathy Cook is still in an Evacuation Warning zone but it’s looking good right now. Everyone here is cautiously optimistic regarding the historic Rankin Ranch over in Walker Basin. Sadly the little town of Havilah was nearly completely destroyed. Our hearts go out to the people who lost everything there. Thank you to everyone who checked in with us and offered us a place to go if we needed it ❤️ (The photo shows the location of our place on the right and my mother’s place on the left along with the three major fires burning around us 😬)


The mythology of deities and villians.

Horse people are a special breed. They come in a remarkable variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and personality types, but still can share an almost cult-like obsession and dedication.

In May, I gave birth to my first baby, a little boy. It has been remarkable how even the most obvious of facts have created powerful, emotional epiphanies for me. For example, that every single person on Earth, was once a baby. A baby who was helpless, who was scared, who giggled, who just wanted and needed love and care. We share that experience as human beings.

I've long believed something similar about horse people. At some point, they were just innocently in love with the magnanimous beauty, freedom, and power that horses possess. Before the riding, the discipline, the art, or the sport, there was just the love of the animal. We share that experience as equestrians.

Charlotte Dujardin's very public fall from grace brings all of this to the forefront for me. I was not at all shocked or surprised when I saw the video. I wasn't even that disturbed because it is nowhere near the worst I have seen. This type of approach is par for the course in top sport Dressage. We know it's reflective of a culture problem and not a one-off because 4 things are very evident:

1) Despite being clearly stressed, the horse was quite tolerant. This isn't the first time he's experienced this kind of treatment and been expected to figure something out... and he isn't Charlotte's horse.
2) Charlotte's attitude is determined and matter-of-fact. She isn't whipped up in an emotional frenzy and she was okay to do this in front of an audience.
3) The rider claims to have been uncomfortable and unhappy in the moment, but was too intimidated to question such a celebrity trainer.
4) Charlotte's own mentor, Carl Hester, signed a document condeming the actions in the video, as though what is in that video were the foreign acts of some rogue stranger. What completely un-mentor-like and disingenuous behavior. He was very happy to align himself with her in fair weather, and now he's cut her loose in the face of a storm.

What the video shows is without question, not okay. But, the absolute vilification of this women as though she is some monster who lied to everyone that thought of her as their queen... is total bu****it. She's being thrown to the wolves and is being made an example of by her own people for the purpose of politics. Yes, the timing of the release of a 2 year old video also makes that evident. This entire scene is indicative of a toxic, manipulative and exploitative culture within the industry of top sport.

Why wasn't Cesar Parra burned at the stake like this? Or Helgestrand? Their crimes are without any doubt worse. Is it because Helgestrand's family holds significatly greater financial influence and power in the industry? Or maybe it is just because they were never deified and held up as darling heros in the first place. The industry knows there is a culture problem with top sport, and the threat of outside regulation is becoming real. Isabell Werth, a notoriously egregious offender in horse welfare, also ironically signed this document condemning Charlotte. Next signature we will hear about is Sjef Janssen's!

Anyone who ever saw Charlotte and her horses as flawless, didnt know enough about what they were looking at, and that's okay. But don't accuse her of betrayal and blame her for your ignorance. In that video, she was doing what she's been taught, what had been rewarded by judges via the way her horses go, and what has been normalized in the industry. She's far from the worst offender and I absolutely know she's not a heartless monster.
Because she's just another human.
A wife.
A mother.
And yes, a horse lover, even if she has in some ways prioritized the horse's performance over his wellbeing.

But she was never a Goddess, a Unicorn, a Savior, or your Guru. Please spare those of us who knew better the shock and heartbreak. She didn't deceive you: the FEI, the national organizations like USEF, and the judges have been pulling the wool over your eyes, and hers, for decades.

Remember, Charlotte has been being told for years that what she is doing is not just correct, it's exemplary. The horses and Charlotte herself are the ones who are actually being betrayed by this ex*****on theater.

She didn't start her journey as a horse loving little girl doing what she did in that video, she was groomed by an industry that has lost it's way.
Hold THEM responsible!!

Things are starting to come together with Homer as you'll see in this video. Pat has started hobbling him, saddling him,...

Things are starting to come together with Homer as you'll see in this video. Pat has started hobbling him, saddling him, and leading him by the front feet from the ground.

Things are starting to come together with Homer as you'll see in this video. Pat has started hobbling him, saddling him, and leading him by the front feet fr...

In this video, Pat shows how he uses a sideline to teach Homer to allow his feet to be handled without kicking. This met...

In this video, Pat shows how he uses a sideline to teach Homer to allow his feet to be handled without kicking. This method takes a lot of the danger out of working with horses that kick. The goal is to use the rope as a tool and to know when you don't need it anymore.

In this video, Pat shows how he uses a sideline to teach Homer to allow his feet to be handled without kicking. This method takes a lot of the danger out of ...

We wanted to give you a short update on the roan filly that Pat and Gus started a couple of days ago. And a little Ian T...

We wanted to give you a short update on the roan filly that Pat and Gus started a couple of days ago. And a little Ian Tyson for your Monday morning…

We wanted to give you a short update on the roan filly that Pat and Gus started a couple of days ago. And a little Ian Tyson for your Monday morning…For more...

This video is a first for us. Pat is teaching a young man to start c**ts using the methods that he has perfected over se...

This video is a first for us. Pat is teaching a young man to start c**ts using the methods that he has perfected over several decades and many hundreds of c**ts. In this video, we take you along on the day that the young man gets on his two c**ts for the first time. Prior to this video, Pat and Gus worked the c**ts in the round pen for several weeks. They roped the c**ts, did all the groundwork, and ponied them. This video shows Pat snubbing up the c**ts when Gus gets on. If you're not familiar with this practice, it means that a person on a broke horse dallies the c**t's lead rope around the saddle horn while someone gets on a c**t for the first time. The distance between the c**t and the saddle horn is very short. And nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, will cause the person on the saddle horse to undally until the c**t is walking calmly alongside the saddle horse. As Pat told Gus, "I will go to the ground with you if that's what it takes." So please children, don't try this at home if you aren't willing, able, and mounted well enough to make the same promise. I hope you enjoy this video and learn a lot from it.

This video is a first for us. Pat is teaching a young man to start c**ts using the methods that he has perfected over several decades and many hundreds of co...

In this video, Pat continues the work with Homer and his owner Gabby. Homer is a fearful and reactive young horse that P...

In this video, Pat continues the work with Homer and his owner Gabby. Homer is a fearful and reactive young horse that Pat has taken in for the long term. Working a reactive horse with a rope at a distance is a way to safely address the issue without being in the line of fire if the horse kicks or strikes. Stay tuned for more of Homer's progress.

In this video, Pat continues the work with Homer and his owner Gabby. Homer is a fearful and reactive young horse that Pat has taken in for the long term. Wo...

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about transitioning from the Missing Link Snaffle to a western bit recently. It see...

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about transitioning from the Missing Link Snaffle to a western bit recently. It seems like the biggest piece of the puzzle that people are missing is the concept of collection. One of the best playlists on our YouTube channel that covers this subject is called The Bay Mare. Over the course of several months, Pat takes this mare all the way to riding off of his body in collection and being a gentle ranch horse that anyone could ride. In virtually every video he talks about collect, saying “Excuse me” when he picks up the reins. So I thought I would repost this Playlist here in case anyone else is having problems with this concept. Enjoy!

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Introducing Homer. This little spotted horse belongs to our good friend, Gabby. He's a 6 year old  that Pat has nickname...

Introducing Homer. This little spotted horse belongs to our good friend, Gabby. He's a 6 year old that Pat has nicknamed "Spotted Fever." He had a pretty rough start from what we've been able to observe from his intense fearfulness, reactivity, and anxiety. In this video, Pat is making some headway with the flag. Prior to this, Pat has spent time roping his feet and hanging him and just getting to know him. Homer will be an ongoing student of ours so you can follow his and Gabby's progress.


Introducing Homer. This little spotted horse belongs to our good friend, Gabby. He's a 6 year old that Pat has nicknamed "Spotted Fever." He had a pretty ro...



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