Spring Creek Labradoodles

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Spring Creek Labradoodles www.springcreeklabradoodles.com Spring Creek Labradoodles -The ultimate family companion and therapy or service dogs!

We offer training options and educational information and videos. www.springcreeklabradoodles.com Spring Creek Labradoodles has been breeding Labradoodles & Goldendoodles since 2001, providing families the ultimate family companion and therapy or service dogs. ALAA breeder member and previous governing board member.

Hey, Spring Creek families! It's been a while since I've posted here, but I've really enjoyed the emails and photos many...

Hey, Spring Creek families! It's been a while since I've posted here, but I've really enjoyed the emails and photos many of you still continue to send to me. Thank you! It has been a very strange transition for me not breeding anymore, a hard transition. I miss having pups and dogs in my life all the time, and I miss seeing wonderful families like you! My life is never without dogs in some way though. We have our two resident property protector GSD's, and I am starting to get involved with rescue again as a way of still pouring nurturing into lives that need it. And that brings me to the story about Rocky.

Rocky is a 1-year-old German Shepherd male that was hit by a car a little over a week ago. His family let him sit at home for over a week before visiting a vet, and then found out his dislocated hip had sat for too long to be easily put back into position and now required surgical intervention. Instead, they were going to have him euthanized. Thanks to the efforts of a few vet techs at the clinic and a rescue organization, we heard about his story and committed to taking him literally as the clock struck 5 p.m., which was when they were moving forward with euthanizing at the clinic.

As of last night, Rocky is here with us at Spring Creek. He is amazingly gentle and sweet, but he is in pain. We have found a clinic that can get him in today, and it looks like surgery can be done on Friday or Monday. His leg can be saved, but the surgery needs to be done very soon. We don't have the full cost yet, but it will be between $2,500 - $5,000 for his surgery and medical expenses. We are fostering this boy and making sure this happens, and a Go Fund Me has been set up to help with his expenses. Anything above and beyond the expenses will be donated to the rescue that circulated his info to help save him. Any donations are appreciated to help cover his expenses for the surgery!

Here is Rocky. A big, beautiful, incredibly sweet GSD. I am sharing his story here as my Spring Creek families are lovers of dogs and care deeply about them being cared for properly. Rocky may not be a labradoodle, but you all know I've always tried to look out for the pups and dogs with extra health challenges and he is one of those brought into my life right now. If you feel led to donate, any amount would be so helpful and appreciated.

Keep the emails and photos coming! I do check the email account about twice a month right now and they mean the world to me. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!


Every little bit helps, so if you could donate or even just share the link, it would mean the world to him. Thanks!

This adorable boy has somehow become available from our friends at Little Creek Labradoodles! He’s a Keeper baby and 10 ...

This adorable boy has somehow become available from our friends at Little Creek Labradoodles! He’s a Keeper baby and 10 weeks old! Someone better sn**ch him up as Keeper babies are the most amazing pups ever!!! 💕 www.littlecreeklabradoodles.com

If you still want a puppy from Spring Creek lines, our friends at Little Creek Labradoodles have two female puppies avai...

If you still want a puppy from Spring Creek lines, our friends at Little Creek Labradoodles have two female puppies available from a litter that Keeper sired before he was neutered! Gorgeous girls!!! Don’t pass up this opportunity. They are going to be stunning as they mature!!! 💕 https://www.littlecreeklabradoodles.com/available-puppies


Spring Creek Families! For those who already know the value of giving your puppy or dog a high quality supplement to support a healthy immune system, did you know the same is available for your cats as well! Like us, our pets need a lot of different vitamins and minerals to thrive and be the healthiest they can be, which usually means saving you money down the road by preventing many health issues. If you aren’t already giving your pet a good supplement, I’d highly encourage you to consider it. We personally use NuVet with our own animals and have recommended them for years. They will give our families a discount when they use the link with the code. As always, a healthy pet is something we are very invested in and love to see others focusing on as well. If you have any questions about products, let me know! Www.nuvet.com/63943

Interesting timing to receive this article from Whole Dog Journal this morning. I've had a few conversations this last w...

Interesting timing to receive this article from Whole Dog Journal this morning. I've had a few conversations this last week with dog owners that have what they feel are overly active dogs, but when talking to them what comes out is that they expected a dog that wouldn't just be content with hanging out and laying around all the time. Their dogs weren't getting any activity outlet other than potty breaks, so no wonder they had excessive energy! Hopefully this article is helpful in understanding about providing exercise. If you have a dog that does better with regular exercise outlets, what are your favorite ways to provide that for your four-legged friend? Would love to see photos of sweet pups enjoying being in the great outdoors walking, hiking, boating, camping, or any activity that is giving them exercise! Here are a few photos to share! https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/behavior/training-a-hyperactive-dog-to-calm-down/?sc=TC20240214-CalmDownRover&st=email&MailingID=2858&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Training+a+High-Energy+Dog+to+Calm+Down&utm_campaign=TC20240214-CalmDownRover


Belly rubs


Early morning zoomies and then snuggles in the next video posted. 💕


Last minute and unexpected puppy opportunity due to a change with one of the families getting a puppy from our Penelope litter. Female pup maturing between 17-18” and 25-28 lbs or so. Beautiful cream color. Ready anytime. Will begin formal training this week and her fee will increase based on the length of time she is in training.

Please email for more details and photos. Serious inquiries only and experienced dog owners only. [email protected]

I will return all inquiries on Tuesday due to traveling between now and then.

Right after this girls appointment, she was stolen from my arms and disappeared into the back of the clinic. I was lucky...

Right after this girls appointment, she was stolen from my arms and disappeared into the back of the clinic. I was lucky to get her back! Such a sweetheart and she soaked up all the love without any complaints 😊

Look at that smoosh face!!! Heading to Phoenix with this adorable black beauty.  💕

Look at that smoosh face!!! Heading to Phoenix with this adorable black beauty. 💕

Spring Creek’s last litter was  born to Penelope and Keeper two months ago. It was bred solely for families who already ...

Spring Creek’s last litter was born to Penelope and Keeper two months ago. It was bred solely for families who already had dogs from us and wanted another and Jordan raised the pups since I had retired from
breeding. I am flying several of the pups to their families this next week. Today I get to deliver this sweet girl to Dallas! Kind of fun to be on the other side of things and to be the one delivering pups to their new families. 💕

Bath and blow dry for Keeper today. Country living in the rainy PNW means a lot of baths this time of year. 😊

Bath and blow dry for Keeper today. Country living in the rainy PNW means a lot of baths this time of year. 😊

Happy New Year to all our Spring Creek families!!! We started our year enjoying a mild Oregon day and the dogs couldn’t ...

Happy New Year to all our Spring Creek families!!! We started our year enjoying a mild Oregon day and the dogs couldn’t have been happier. Keeper loved leading us through the woods! How did you celebrate the start of 2024?

Hey, Spring Creek families and fans! Please be very cautious if someone replies to a comment you've placed here with a l...

Hey, Spring Creek families and fans! Please be very cautious if someone replies to a comment you've placed here with a link to another Facebook group for puppies. There are so many scammers and horrible puppy mill breeders that lurk on our page and try to entice people to go look at their puppies. Please, please, PLEASE do you your due diligence if you decide to go click on their links. Ask tons of questions. Absolutely require that they prove they are part of a legit organization and/or have TONS of history with really good reviews and feedback from other owners. Make sure they do at minimum basic health testing for common genetic issues. Don't fall in love with a photo!!!!

I am going to be creating some information to add to my Breeder Wise website for pet owners to use when vetting any potential new breeder. I hate to see anyone end up in a less than ideal situation and hope I can do a small thing to assist you and others when looking for puppies. I may not be breeding any longer, but I still have a huge concern for you and others to end up with the most positive situation possible.

Sweet Keeper had a bath and blow dry after a dirty play day today. This boy is a perfect gentleman on the table and love...

Sweet Keeper had a bath and blow dry after a dirty play day today. This boy is a perfect gentleman on the table and loves to get a kiss or two in if I get my face a little too close while brushing. 💕 His neuter appointment is in January and then he heads to his new family. I’m soaking up every bit of snuggles and love with him between now and then!

I received this notice today and I am not sure if this is legit or some scam thing. I haven’t posted anything to our pag...

I received this notice today and I am not sure if this is legit or some scam thing. I haven’t posted anything to our page that isn’t our content. I will admit I am not tech savvy or social media savvy at all! Does anyone know if I really do need to click on the link they provide and do something so my page isn’t restricted? The spelling is awful in the title, so I’m assuming it is a scam.

Flashback to 2014!!! Jordan and one of our litters of puppies. 💕

Flashback to 2014!!! Jordan and one of our litters of puppies. 💕

Who’s this handsome guy?! Keeper got a major haircut and is looking so cute! Our sweet boy will be getting scheduled to ...

Who’s this handsome guy?! Keeper got a major haircut and is looking so cute! Our sweet boy will be getting scheduled to be neutered soon and then we will be looking for the perfect forever home for him. After months of deliberating about what was best for him (our huge and strong shepherd accidentally hurts him all the time when trying to play with him), we have made the very hard decision to help him find a safer home. He is THE picture of the perfect dog in every way! Truly 100% loves everyone from young to old! Friendly and sweet and as easy going and loving as a dog could be. Fabulous recall and no bad habits. Mr. Perfect. We will be looking for a home where he has another dog companion and/or is not left alone by himself all day long. He has always had companionship of dogs and people. If you think you have a good home for him and are interested, email us about your family and life and we can provide more information and answer questions. He will be rehomed for a fee. We anticipate a lot of emails from interested people and will choose the home we feel has the best to offer him for the rest of his life. I will start replying to emails tomorrow. [email protected]

I mentioned in my previous post that I'd been working on a big project. Many of you know that my oldest daughter is an a...

I mentioned in my previous post that I'd been working on a big project. Many of you know that my oldest daughter is an author, and one of our primary puppy trainers with some great training resources for families! What most may not know is that one of her short stories won some awards, and through a series of crazy circumstances she ended up being encouraged to write a full length screenplay and have it turned into a movie! My daughter, son-in-law, and a couple of his siblings, have poured their lives, money, and talents into this project for over a year. They filmed many of the outdoor scenes in the Badlands in New Mexico earlier this year, and this last month they began filming in the movie studio they've been designing and building out for over a year. I had the honor and pleasure of being the caterer for the cast and crew's daily meals, as well as the craft services table, from October 12th - 29th. They had phenomenal talent acting in this movie, including Adrian Paul (Highlander) and Robert Catrini (Jack Reacher, Birds of Prey)! Meeting these men, and Robert's incredible wife, Peg, was such a treat and they were so incredibly kind and amazing. I was stretched beyond anything I've experienced in a very long time as cooking full meals for that many people every day was challenging to do from a travel trailer, but my time on set was amazing and successful. I also had a tiny role in the movie playing one of the command handing out medals at a ceremony, and the real treat was they surprised me with my suit name badge being my late grandmother's name, Enola Hull!

Life Cycle 63 is continuing to be filmed over the next few months, and then post production will take at least a year. They have a London based company handling the marketing and release of the movie, but they would love for people to follow their journey on Facebook and Instagram! https://www.facebook.com/JustBJordan and https://www.facebook.com/AmbitionPicturesOfficial They also have a really cool IndieGoGo you can support and have your name or company name in the credits of the movie! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/life-cycle-63-a-scifi-movie?fbclid=IwAR0TlmXJwbiJi8H8CkzRkrGzIM3ciPRSPvYph-51n2HuJIbiNUAOz4sOPdw #/

Here are just a few of the photos I can share from my time on the movie site. So, this was the crazy project I was living and breathing for the last month, and the reason why our Spring Creek page was silent for so long. I barely had time to sleep while gone, let alone spend any time on social media. :)

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything due to a huge project I was focusing on since September, but that has wrappe...

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything due to a huge project I was focusing on since September, but that has wrapped up and I’m catching up. Received this amazing photo of Dapper Dan on Sunday and just have to share! This boy will always have my heart and I know he has the hearts of so many others with his babies!!

Hey, Spring Creek families!!! Wish there were more family friendly movies out there? Us, too! This retro sci-fi family f...

Hey, Spring Creek families!!! Wish there were more family friendly movies out there? Us, too! This retro sci-fi family friendly movie about one of Jordan’s stories is in process and needs the support of families like you to help it through the final stages! Please consider supporting in a small (or big) way and support family friendly entertainment! There are some cool actors involved as well. Peter Greene from The Mask, Robert Catrini from Jack Reacher, and Ted Rooney from Star Trek Voyager!

Watch this little video and even the two concept videos you can click on at the bottom for more details on how you can support this family friendly project and my daughter’s story coming to the big screen! Their bio and project description are in the link as well. Check out the incredible things happening with Life Cycle 63!

A retro, alternate history scifi film - and it's family-friendly! | Check out 'Life Cycle 63 - A SciFi Movie' on Indiegogo.

Throw back to one of the first two Labradoodles that started Spring Creek! And who is that blonde cutie on the right?! N...

Throw back to one of the first two Labradoodles that started Spring Creek! And who is that blonde cutie on the right?! None other than Jordan of Practical Puppy Bootcamp!


The reel that posted cut off the majority of the video. If you want to listen to the whole thing, watch the video posted to the Spring Creek page.


I haven’t disappeared. I just needed to process before sharing my heart.

This perfect little caramel nugget is ready to head out tonight to meet her new family. Last snuggles are happening the ...

This perfect little caramel nugget is ready to head out tonight to meet her new family. Last snuggles are happening the next few hours! 💕

The beginning of the end. First puppy to leave from the last litter I’ve bred. So many emotions today and this week. Goi...

The beginning of the end. First puppy to leave from the last litter I’ve bred. So many emotions today and this week. Going to be a tough one!

A reservation backed out last minute and this adorable and outgoing girl is available! She is full of fun energy and ado...

A reservation backed out last minute and this adorable and outgoing girl is available! She is full of fun energy and adores following (chasing) us around. She would do well in an active home with kids or other male dogs. Not suitable for a family that doesn’t enjoy daily activity and just wants a lap dog. Gorgeous markings and silky fleece coat. Will mature around 18” and 28-32 lbs or so. Ready for her new home the week of August 14th. We do not ship cargo! Pick up in person or have one of our puppy nannies deliver to you. If interested in more info, email directly to [email protected]. Please do not post questions here but send in an email. It is easiest for us to keep up with things that way!

Just a few pics of our Promise pups at the vet today!!

Just a few pics of our Promise pups at the vet today!!

The first sweet little girl to be heading off to her new home today. So thankful for the wonderful families waiting to l...

The first sweet little girl to be heading off to her new home today. So thankful for the wonderful families waiting to love these little ones. 💕

Wowza!!! Our Promise and Wrangler babies are turning into stunners!!! Four weeks old. Hard to believe this is our last l...

Wowza!!! Our Promise and Wrangler babies are turning into stunners!!! Four weeks old. Hard to believe this is our last litter and we only have four weeks left with puppies in our lives. Bittersweet! We have two spots open still to reserve from this litter. Don’t miss your chance!!!!



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