Takayuki Shirakura is one of the best known and most successful breeders of bee shrimps from Japan. His animals belong to the most beautiful and most popular shrimps which for years have been raising extremely high prices in auctions. Especially the outstanding quality of his bee shrimps' colour, but also their good health and easy breeding have made Sh
irakura's name a household name even outside Japan. In order to achieve and improve the shrimps' brilliant colours and reproduction results, Takayuki Shirakura has developed his own range of products. The different products are all part of a comprehensive concept and achieve their best results when being combined. Shirakura's year-long experience had a great influence on the development of his products and thus he can guarantee for the high quality of all materials and ingredients used with his name. Now every shrimp fan can profit/benefit from this experience...
ミニマブリーダーシラクラは、真のシュリンプブリーダーとし“日本初の専業レッドビーシュリンプ専門店”としての開業をしました。今なおマニアより信頼され続けるシュリンプ飼育用品の開発等、 シュリンプ界の“パイオニア的存在”として活動しております。(今では一般的ですがレッドビーシュリンプの専用フード、ソイル、各種添加材を初めて開発販売のも当店です!)。