Please understand that the postings to our page do not necessarily represent the opinions of Nestlé Purina PetCare Company or its affiliates. Profiles and posts that we feel are offensive, inappropriate or otherwise not in keeping with the spirit of the page, such as: advertising, spam, reflecting irresponsible pet ownership, are off-topic, contain vulgar language, may violate the rights of others
, are disrespectful to any community member, show excessive poor behavior, go against the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and Community Standards, or any other Facebook term or policy, may be removed or blocked. While there may be differences of opinion about various breeds and standards, any commentary should remain positive and productive. Activities by those claiming to be another person, creating a false presence for an organization, or creating multiple accounts undermine our community and may be removed or blocked. Repeat offenders may be removed from the community and blocked from future Purina advertisement commentary. If you have a material connection to Purina (as an employee, agency, sponsored blogger/brand ambassador, etc.), please be sure to let everyone know that when you post.