Zero Egg Count is an equine healthcare company offering diagnostic f***l test kits and laboratory services which provide valuable information about your horse’s health.
Our f***l egg count testing eliminates the guesswork involved with equine parasitic management. Armed with vital information, you can make informed decisions on deworming protocols for your horse. Our f***l egg count testing results allow you to treat to your horse's specific needs and requirements. A customized deworming protocol is healthier for your horse and is more economical as well.
The Zero Egg Count System lets you test, assess, and manage your horse’s internal parasites in a proactive, targeted manner. The Zero Egg Count System is designed to provide you with a complete, simple-to-use test kit and provides easy to understand lab results that can be shared with your veterinarian.
Clear, Concise, Accurate Reports
Zero Egg Count clients receive timely lab results in a clear, concise report, enabling them to select a deworming protocol specific to their individual horse’s requirements and sensitivities.
Horses come in all ages, weights, and conditions of health. A targeted, customized deworming program addresses your horse’s specific needs. Armed with the Zero Egg Count test results, you the Owner, have the data to make intelligent choices to keep your horse healthy and happy.
Reducing Internal Parasites Harmful Effects
Parasites will always be present in our ecosystem. Reducing their harmful effects on your horse is the goal.
Deworming a horse monthly on either a deworming feed-through system or indiscriminate rotational paste deworming subjects your horse to excessive chemical treatment and results in unnecessary expense.
Accurate, Cost Effective, & Easy to Use
Zero Egg Count's f***l egg count testing program is environmentally sensitive and designed for you to strategically test at specific times throughout the year when developing parasites are most likely to be present in your horse. Treatment based on accurate testing results is essential in the reduction of f***l egg counts.