THIEF! THIEF! THIEF! Dat's MY settle mat you just stole, you horrible Monkey. 🤬🤬 I dont care if de grass is too wet, get your own mat!! 🤨
Jumped in de baff after Monkey had finished wif it. Bubbles is so weird. You digs dem and dey moves back in! Stupid fings. 🤔
Look, Monkey, just cos me interested in your bafftime it does not mean me want soap bubbles piled on me head so you can have fun blowin" dem off! Dis what I finks of your behaviour!! 🤬
Me is v v useful helpin' wif dat cardyboard recyclin' 😇😊😊
Sidekick and her sighthound friend.
Gots me a boyfriend. We done ALL DE RUNNINGS. 😊😊😊 Mefinks he is lubly. 🥰
Staffie torpedo
Me is no longer water soluble. Me can do a swimmings. STAFFIE TORPEDO INCOMING, BRACE YOURSELF. 👅👅👅😆
Furry Sidekick walking in the rain
I does NOT LIKE rain.
I does NOT LIKE coats.
But Helper Monkey says I are a "pesky little oik of a bratdog" when I hasn't been out for a walk 🤫 so me consented to walk in dat nasty drizzle dis morning. Ugh. I'ze SURE bits of me ears has melted. 😑😑
Furry Sidekick hitching a lift
Scuse I Helper Monkey, I just sits here for a minute to rest me legses. 😊😊
Pirate puppy telling her toy who is boss
Grr! Me tough! 💪 Me pirate! ☠ Grr! Aharrgh!!! 🏴☠️ me a bit stuck of help, please?
Furry Sidekick and the dinner hint
Helper Monkey did you know it are nearly dinner time? Yes? No? Just in case you wasn't aware I fort I'd come and loudly chew this broken bit of toy RIGHT BY YOUR HEAD so you gets me hint. 🙄 #sendsnacksquick
Furry Sidekick minimal effort playtime
Low energy playtime cos TBH I can't really be bothered to get up. 😏