NEVER administer any medication to your dog without speaking to your vet first - The dose of all mediation is calculated based upon your dog's body weight - Don't compared your dog to the size of a small child! 💊
Why piriton may not be the answer....
Piriton is an antihistamines which are used when a natural histamine reaction occurs like with an anaphylactic case. For example bee and wasp stings.
Venom is a toxin (poison) which needs symptomatic treatment and sometimes anti-venom. There have been no studies to prove the use of histamines with adder bites.
There can be a slight histamine release along with other hormones as a reaction to the bite so it has been used in many cases but getting the correct dose is paramount
You can actually overdose on antihistamine so seeking veterinary advice is very important. NEVER use antihistamine without veterinary advice for bee and wasp stings - ensure that the product is chlorphenamine and don’t be tempted to use other antihistamines… (don’t forget that these drugs will take 30- 60 mins to take effect!) 💊