PSA from the Stray Cat Project….. TIA!
📚 Our BACK TO BASICS SERIES: "the vacuum effect"
👉 Why "catch and kill" doesn't work.
A vacuum occurs when a population is removed from an area, opening the territory for outsiders to take advantage of it's resources. Some people believe that if you remove cats from an area (catch and kill), you will solve the problem. What they don't realize is that the resources in that area (food and shelter, for example) remain and will attract other cats from neighboring areas to take advantage of those resources.
Why don't we just catch and euthanize the cats in an area rather than TNR them? Because "catch and kill" doesn't work to solve the community cat population problem. Plus, killing otherwise healthy cats is inhumane.
Cats are territorial, so when you remove cats from a territory (when you "catch and kill"), new cats will move in to take advantage of the resources available in that territory. Those cats will also need to be captured, and the cycle will continue to no end. The better solution is to TNR the cats already in the area and let them defend their space against newcomers.
Exterminating community cats does not work to control the cat population. The only proven method is TNR -- and it happens to be the only HUMANE way as well. The attached link leads to a short article from Alley Cat Allies with more details about "the vacuum effect." Support TNR in your community!
Original content provided by Stray Cat Project. Graphic by Alley Cat Allies.